it cheating if your a lesbian and your gf cheats on you with a guy? would you take them back what would you do, and if you were a guy and your bf cheated on you with a girl what would you do
Do you consider it cheating?
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Yes. I would consider it cheating. I am a straight guy with a girlfriend. If she has sex with a girl, I would consider it cheating right now.
Originally posted by
it cheating if your a lesbian and your gf cheats on you with a guy? would you take them back what would you do, and if you were a guy and your bf cheated on you with a girl what would you do
Originally posted by
it cheating if your a lesbian and your gf cheats on you with a guy? would you take them back what would you do, and if you were a guy and your bf cheated on you with a girl what would you do
Cheating is cheating no matter what in my book. I would not take them back.
No matter with who or what, cheating is cheating! ~frowns
sorry but i do
Originally posted by
it cheating if your a lesbian and your gf cheats on you with a guy? would you take them back what would you do, and if you were a guy and your bf cheated on you with a girl what would you do
If it goes against the terms of your relationship, it's cheating. If you agree that neither of you will view pornography and one of you does, that was cheating. But on the flip side, some people don't consider sex with others cheating under certain circumstances, so it all depends on your relationship.
In ours? Having sex with someone else is CERTAINLY cheating!
In ours? Having sex with someone else is CERTAINLY cheating!
I think it doesn't matter the sex or sexuality of the other person, I think it's all cheating.
I do agree with ryuson also. It depends on the terms of your relationship. What is considered cheating is very subjective.
I do agree with ryuson also. It depends on the terms of your relationship. What is considered cheating is very subjective.
It is cheating and it would be an instant break up for me
i've said it before and i'll say it again .... its cheating if its something your not willing to openly tell me about
I agree completely.
Originally posted by
i've said it before and i'll say it again .... its cheating if its something your not willing to openly tell me about
Yes, whether it is with the opposite sex or the same, cheating is cheating.
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Yes, whether it is with the opposite sex or the same, cheating is cheating.
Have sex with someone else is still cheating no matter the gender
It would most definitely still be cheating... I personally don't know how I would handle it. I have never been in that sort of situation and I never will be. I hope this isn't happening to you =( If so I wish you luck on making a descision on what to do next!
Originally posted by
it cheating if your a lesbian and your gf cheats on you with a guy? would you take them back what would you do, and if you were a guy and your bf cheated on you with a girl what would you do
Very well put! Cheating can be a multitude of things. It just all depends on what you and your S/O have decided is OK and isn't.
Originally posted by
If it goes against the terms of your relationship, it's cheating. If you agree that neither of you will view pornography and one of you does, that was cheating. But on the flip side, some people don't consider sex with others cheating under
If it goes against the terms of your relationship, it's cheating. If you agree that neither of you will view pornography and one of you does, that was cheating. But on the flip side, some people don't consider sex with others cheating under certain circumstances, so it all depends on your relationship.
In ours? Having sex with someone else is CERTAINLY cheating! less
In ours? Having sex with someone else is CERTAINLY cheating! less
If your relationship dynamics allow for exploration with the opposite sex then no it wouldn't be cheating because it would be understood that this is acceptable. HOWEVER, if you break your word to your partner and you step out then it's cheating regardless of the other person's sex or sexual identification.
Originally posted by
it cheating if your a lesbian and your gf cheats on you with a guy? would you take them back what would you do, and if you were a guy and your bf cheated on you with a girl what would you do
I abhor cheating but I did accept my partner's stepping out numerous times so I would probably do so again...but we have an understanding that as long as we use safer sex practices and remain healthy then we are free to do as we please. He is much happier and our relationship is stronger than it has ever been. This wouldn't work for everyone, and I really recommend discussing what you are planning with your partner BEFORE it becomes cheating. Saves time, energy and a lot of heartache.
Yes it is.

Of course it's cheating. Why wouldn't it be? She's still in a romance with you.
Cheating is the act of betrayal. Doesn't matter the gender, etc.
Originally posted by
it cheating if your a lesbian and your gf cheats on you with a guy? would you take them back what would you do, and if you were a guy and your bf cheated on you with a girl what would you do
Cheating is cheating and I'd never take someone back who didn't love me enough to at least discuss wanting other partners first, and didn't respect me enough as a partner to keep it in their pants.
i think that it is cheating also i just wanted to see what you think because some people dont think that
In my last relationship, my partner didn't mind if I slept with other women. (I still didn't though, because it still felt like cheating even though I 'had permission')
In relationships before him, they did mind. So it was cheating.
In relationships before him, they did mind. So it was cheating.
I think it's cheating.
I would think it is cheating as well.
Unless it was previously agreed upon, yes it is.
cheating is cheating. doesn't matter the specs of the pairing.
of course it's cheating. being with another person is always cheating unless your SO is cool with it, in which case it's polyamory. whether or not i'd dump their ass depends on the situation, imo, but it is the likeliest option
Originally posted by
it cheating if your a lesbian and your gf cheats on you with a guy? would you take them back what would you do, and if you were a guy and your bf cheated on you with a girl what would you do
I would take them back if it only happened once, and we weren't in an open relationship.
Otherwise, they're a meanie-head and I don't want to date them.
Otherwise, they're a meanie-head and I don't want to date them.
Originally posted by
Nacht Stern
Cheating is cheating no matter what in my book. I would not take them back.
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