what do you think of lesbian and bisexual women calling themselves "gay"?
calling women gay?
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Seems fine to me. Even though it is common for people to say "gays and lesbians" as a group, gay is a gender-neutral term to refer to people exclusively attracted to their own gender.
I think people can call themselves whatever they like. *shrug*
i think it sounds silly. that's like a gay man calling himself "lesbian".
queer makes more sense.
queer makes more sense.

But some people (not me, but its a common conception) find "queer" to be offensive. You're never gonna please everybody.
Originally posted by
i think it sounds silly. that's like a gay man calling himself "lesbian".
queer makes more sense.
queer makes more sense.
I like using the term 'gay' for myself. I use 'lesbian' about the same amount, though. I don't understand someone who is bi using it, though. To me, gay means being attracted to the same sex exclusively. But as long as it's not being used as an insult, whatever. *shrug* To each their own, though!
Originally posted by
what do you think of lesbian and bisexual women calling themselves "gay"?
I prefer gay myself (or better yet, queer). "Lesbian" to me just has too many connotations that don't fit.
I think it's fine. There shouldn't be different terms for men and women.
I think everyone can be gay it means happy.
Originally posted by
what do you think of lesbian and bisexual women calling themselves "gay"?
I think it's perfectly fine.
That's what I was going to say.
Originally posted by
I think people can call themselves whatever they like. *shrug*
In my mind, I think of "gay" as a man. But, if a woman wants to use the term, who the hell am I to tell her otherwise? It's her sexuality.
I'm female and I frequently say I am gay. I don't see any problem with it at all.
I love calling myself "Gay". I must say I strongly dislike when people call me "Queer." Just personal preference.
I don't quite see the problem with it? Never known of anyone who had a problem with it.
If I were a gay man, I'd call myself a lesbian~
Originally posted by
i think it sounds silly. that's like a gay man calling himself "lesbian".
queer makes more sense.
queer makes more sense.
I don't really care what people call themselves. Yes, I typically use 'gay' for men and 'lesbian' for women, but I call myself gay, and I'm a lesbian. I do take small issue with bisexual people calling themselves gay, because they're not, they're half-gay. And it sends the wrong message, a bisexual calling themself gay, so that's my only real issue with it.
It's the term I find most comfortable
Originally posted by
what do you think of lesbian and bisexual women calling themselves "gay"?
I'm totally okay with it. Like Portia Del Rossi has said, some people have problems identifying as lesbians, but are okay with being gay. My girlfriend and I just call ourselves gay most of the time. It's easier.
SHRUG. why not. people can label themselves whatever the hell they want ASAIC
Originally posted by
what do you think of lesbian and bisexual women calling themselves "gay"?
I think they can call themselves whatever they want.
I call myself lesbian, gay, queer, dyke, whatever I feel like at the time. I've had a lot of people tell me I'm not a dyke because I'm femme but you know what? Sometimes I feel like a dyke. I think whatever you want to call yourself is fine.
It annoys me when people call women gay, men are gay women are lesbians...I don't know it bothers me for some reason
Originally posted by
what do you think of lesbian and bisexual women calling themselves "gay"?
What ever people call themselves I'm fine with.
However in formal/professional writing, I would expect a bit more care with language. For those that don't know calling women "gay" reflect a male bias it be like saying only policeman fireman etc. in formal written it would be inappropriate due to the gender bias.
However in formal/professional writing, I would expect a bit more care with language. For those that don't know calling women "gay" reflect a male bias it be like saying only policeman fireman etc. in formal written it would be inappropriate due to the gender bias.
I don't see a problem with someone referring to themselves how they want though it can be confusing to others not informed. I tend to associate "gay" with a homosexual male and "lesbian" with a homosexual female. The term queer is more of an umbrella term for those outside of the gender and sexual binary.
seems fine to me.
Originally posted by
what do you think of lesbian and bisexual women calling themselves "gay"?
I mostly use the term gay for myself. I prefer that over lesbian for some reason. But sometimes I do use the term lesbian. When I think of the term gay I just think of a person that likes the same sex, not a homosexual guy. I guess I'm a different thinker then most people lol.
But queer doesn't just mean "gay" - a lot of people use to to describe other orientations and gender identities that aren't cis/straight.
Originally posted by
i think it sounds silly. that's like a gay man calling himself "lesbian".
queer makes more sense.
queer makes more sense.
I totally agree.
Originally posted by
That's what I was going to say.
In my mind, I think of "gay" as a man. But, if a woman wants to use the term, who the hell am I to tell her otherwise? It's her sexuality.
In my mind, I think of "gay" as a man. But, if a woman wants to use the term, who the hell am I to tell her otherwise? It's her sexuality.
I use gay and lesbian interchangeably for myself.
gay is a more socially acceptable word where i live. lesbian sounds dirty, i guess because of so many pornos based off of men's fantasys of what women must do when they are alone.
my room mate will call herself a dyke sometimes. (she's bi) somehow dyke sounds less like a slutty word than lesbian.
my room mate will call herself a dyke sometimes. (she's bi) somehow dyke sounds less like a slutty word than lesbian.
Everyone should be able to identify how they want!
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