A gold star, for those of you who don't know, is a person who identifies as homosexual (gay or lesbian) who has never had sex with someone of the opposite sex and does not intend to. Just curious how many are out there!
Featured by EdenFantasys
Are you a "gold star"?
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Am I still a gold star?
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I figured I would start with the other -- I don't identify as lesbian, but I'm a woman in a relationship with a woman and I'm a gold star. I have no intentions of ever having sex with a man, unless for some reason I eventually date a man again.
I'm similar. I don't identify as a lesbian at all but my only relationship was with a woman so far so it's sort of a gold star. But I'm definitely interested in men now that I'm single.
Originally posted by
I figured I would start with the other -- I don't identify as lesbian, but I'm a woman in a relationship with a woman and I'm a gold star. I have no intentions of ever having sex with a man, unless for some reason I eventually date a man again.
Sorry - just a normal straight guy - but my wife (a teacher) will tell you I get a Gold Star for delivering strong multi-orgasmic sex on a regular basis. Sorry - couldn't resist twisting the gold-star concept!

I'm a gay man, and probably will never have sex with a woman. But I do have a slight attraction to women, and have been known to become emotionally attached. It's not likely, but I don't want to close myself off to the possibility. What if I were to have sex with a transman? Does that count? I think that would be more likely, than a cisgendered woman.
I really hadn't thought about how to include transgendered people into the concept. That's definitely something to think about. I'll talk to a few of my friends and hear their opinions, and I'll get back to you. Thanks for bringing it up. :]
Originally posted by
I'm a gay man, and probably will never have sex with a woman. But I do have a slight attraction to women, and have been known to become emotionally attached. It's not likely, but I don't want to close myself off to the possibility. What
I'm a gay man, and probably will never have sex with a woman. But I do have a slight attraction to women, and have been known to become emotionally attached. It's not likely, but I don't want to close myself off to the possibility. What if I were to have sex with a transman? Does that count? I think that would be more likely, than a cisgendered woman.
I was never consentually with a man. So I consider myself a blazing gold star.
Does anybody else find this whole "gold star" thing rather elitist? If I was homosexual, I'd would find the term rather offensive. I feel like it's people saying "Haha, I'm gayer than you are," or "I'm a better gay than you." Just seems totally unnecessary. Just another way to classify and label people based on something irrelevant.
No boobies for me
Yes. I've known people that are only interested in other "gold stars." It really irks me.
Originally posted by
Does anybody else find this whole "gold star" thing rather elitist? If I was homosexual, I'd would find the term rather offensive. I feel like it's people saying "Haha, I'm gayer than you are," or "I'm a
Does anybody else find this whole "gold star" thing rather elitist? If I was homosexual, I'd would find the term rather offensive. I feel like it's people saying "Haha, I'm gayer than you are," or "I'm a better gay than you." Just seems totally unnecessary. Just another way to classify and label people based on something irrelevant.
I tend to follow "when a bear if hungry it's going to feed"....
I agree entirely. I think it is rather disgusting that people feel the need to label their level of gay, or other peoples for that matter.
Originally posted by
Does anybody else find this whole "gold star" thing rather elitist? If I was homosexual, I'd would find the term rather offensive. I feel like it's people saying "Haha, I'm gayer than you are," or "I'm a
Does anybody else find this whole "gold star" thing rather elitist? If I was homosexual, I'd would find the term rather offensive. I feel like it's people saying "Haha, I'm gayer than you are," or "I'm a better gay than you." Just seems totally unnecessary. Just another way to classify and label people based on something irrelevant.
I'm queer, and have always been regardless of the sex/gender make up of the relationship. Therefore, all my my relationships have been queer, and I don't intend of ever having relationships that aren't queer. I'm a queer gold star!
Originally posted by
A gold star, for those of you who don't know, is a person who identifies as homosexual (gay or lesbian) who has never had sex with someone of the opposite sex and does not intend to. Just curious how many are out there!
I had never heard of this before, how interesting.
Same at our house also, my wife is also a teacher.
Originally posted by
Sorry - just a normal straight guy - but my wife (a teacher) will tell you I get a Gold Star for delivering strong multi-orgasmic sex on a regular basis. Sorry - couldn't resist twisting the gold-star concept!
I don't think many people take it that seriously.
Originally posted by
Does anybody else find this whole "gold star" thing rather elitist? If I was homosexual, I'd would find the term rather offensive. I feel like it's people saying "Haha, I'm gayer than you are," or "I'm a
Does anybody else find this whole "gold star" thing rather elitist? If I was homosexual, I'd would find the term rather offensive. I feel like it's people saying "Haha, I'm gayer than you are," or "I'm a better gay than you." Just seems totally unnecessary. Just another way to classify and label people based on something irrelevant.
I totally agree with that! I don't understand why everyone needs some sort of label nowadays.
Originally posted by
Does anybody else find this whole "gold star" thing rather elitist? If I was homosexual, I'd would find the term rather offensive. I feel like it's people saying "Haha, I'm gayer than you are," or "I'm a
Does anybody else find this whole "gold star" thing rather elitist? If I was homosexual, I'd would find the term rather offensive. I feel like it's people saying "Haha, I'm gayer than you are," or "I'm a better gay than you." Just seems totally unnecessary. Just another way to classify and label people based on something irrelevant.
That was sorta what I was thinking before I opened this thread. Years of being a teacher will certainly do that to a person won't it?
Originally posted by
Sorry - just a normal straight guy - but my wife (a teacher) will tell you I get a Gold Star for delivering strong multi-orgasmic sex on a regular basis. Sorry - couldn't resist twisting the gold-star concept!
I would agree wholeheartedly with your wife's concept - my husband is a Gold Star lover too!

Same here. I've only ever been with guys, but I like bisexual guys, and sometimes wish I was more bisexual. The idea of being attracted to people, not genders is an appealing one to me.
Originally posted by
bunny love
Yes. I've known people that are only interested in other "gold stars." It really irks me.
I'm a lesbian with a boyfriend with whom I love to have rampant sex anytime, anywhere. You tell me
I realize that this thread was made in good fun, so don't take this question personal. But on the general concept I have to ask: Why does everything have to be a hierarchy?
I thought this concept only existed in The L Word lol.
And well, I'm not.
And well, I'm not.
Platinum! Never dated or kissed a guy. No male mess for meehh LOL
I haven't even kissed a guy (all my attempts at dating have spiraled down the drain very quickly, very possibly due to the interest in women), but I don't qualify myself as a gold star because I identify as pan... I might, if it was really the right guy, I just have a fairly definite preference for women at the moment.
So I guess I'm SORT of gold starrish, if gold stars are determined only by 'have had no intimate contact with men'. Right now I certainly don't INTEND on hooking up with a guy... the idea kind of turns me off. But I suppose it could happen. In theory. I did go on a few hetro dates, and there was no kissing, no cuddling, and no chemistry. I'm beginning to think it's because of some sort of innate disinterest in men. Some of them are pretty nice, but every time I tried to get into a relationship... CRASH.
I dunno. It's too elitist for me... I don't want to date someone who likes me only because I'm gay enough, I want to date someone who loves me for me, who I love for them, regardless of past encounters.
So I guess I'm SORT of gold starrish, if gold stars are determined only by 'have had no intimate contact with men'. Right now I certainly don't INTEND on hooking up with a guy... the idea kind of turns me off. But I suppose it could happen. In theory. I did go on a few hetro dates, and there was no kissing, no cuddling, and no chemistry. I'm beginning to think it's because of some sort of innate disinterest in men. Some of them are pretty nice, but every time I tried to get into a relationship... CRASH.
I dunno. It's too elitist for me... I don't want to date someone who likes me only because I'm gay enough, I want to date someone who loves me for me, who I love for them, regardless of past encounters.
How exactly is the "gold star" determined now? & why are they gold stars? What are we then? Is this like a new fad thing or what? I've never heard this new label "gold star" ????????
I feel so dated. I have been out for over 15 years and never heard of this. And I agree with others who mentioned the issues with labeling. Sometimes, as a lesbian, I feel I walked out of one closet just to step into another. I think I may be over labels.
Never heard of this term, interesting
We have a partner account, and I (Elle) and 100% gold star, but Bee is not. We joke about it, hah.
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