why is being bi so popular?

Contributor: Lif3sambiguity Lif3sambiguity
why does it seem like everyone and there peers are bi these days? is it a trend? ( influenced by what? )
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Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
Originally posted by Lif3sambiguity
why does it seem like everyone and there peers are bi these days? is it a trend? ( influenced by what? )
I think for the most part, people are just boxing themselves into corners less and less. They are not so hastily labeling themselves either straight or gay anymore. I also think that a lot less people probably came out as bisexual in the past. There was so much hate and anger towards people who were not heterosexual, it just seemed safer not to talk about it. Now there is much more acceptance and openness about sexuality and people feel less pressured to conform; in some cases (high school/ college) there is even pressure to experiment.

I know a few people who have gone from one label to the next and back again over the years. There is a huge population of people whos sexuality is not fixed. It may fluctuate from bi to gay to straight during different periods of their life.

I do agree though. The only thing that bothers me is when people behave in a way which is not an honest representation of who they are. For instance a person who will only sleep with women or men, because pleases somebody else (a partner/friends, whatever). I think you have to be honest with yourself, sexuality is like everything else and peer pressure should not determine who you are, gay, straight, bi; just be you.
Contributor: gone77 gone77
I wouldn't say that being bisexual is exactly popular. I think more the claim of being bisexual is popular among those who aren't. For some people it is trendy to pretend to be bisexual, which is pretty fucked up. Like Girl With Fire said above me, just be honest about who are you whatever your sexual orientation.

I also think she hit the mark with her part about people now being more comfortable with coming out as being bisexual, as opposed to the past. Bisexuals were often not taken seriously by gay or straight people. Some people still don't take them (us) seriously, but we've made some progress in recent years.
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
Originally posted by Emma (Girl With Fire)
I think for the most part, people are just boxing themselves into corners less and less. They are not so hastily labeling themselves either straight or gay anymore. I also think that a lot less people probably came out as bisexual in the past. There ... more
This, I think people are just feeling a little bit safer about coming out and expressing their truly sexual identities more.

Very few people are 100% straight or 100% gay, it's more of a scale and most people fall somewhere along the bisexual spectrum. Some just won't admit it, and others just choose not to act on it. For most people there, it's there somewhere.

In the end it's all labels, and I think people should stop worrying so much about what to label themselves as and instead do what makes them happy.
Contributor: ToyGeek ToyGeek
I've noticed that in safe(r) spaces, there seem to be a higher percentage, but I think it's partly a matter of perception. People probably keep that information to themselves under many circumstances, so when you go somewhere less judgmental and more geared toward sharing that information -- Internet fandom, college campuses, bars, etc., as opposed to the local grocery store, it seems that way. I'm sure there are plenty of bisexuals at the mall, but it's not like you can tell on sight.
Contributor: BexvanKoot BexvanKoot
Originally posted by Lif3sambiguity
why does it seem like everyone and there peers are bi these days? is it a trend? ( influenced by what? )
For a very long time, bisexuals were ostracized not just by the straight community, but by the gay community as well. As much as "LGBT" gets thrown around, there is (or at least, there was back when I was in Uni) a lot of hostility and resentment towards folks who could "camouflage" their otherness by partnering with the opposite sex, as if we couldn't understand the isolation that being gay brings about, because we were "hiding" behind heterosexuality. There was a lot of "choose a side!" and "get off the fence!" sort of talk...

I think people are more open to the idea now that someone just might not really CARE that much about what gender their partner happens to be - that love doesn't have to be exclusively about sex, that we can figure out how our bodies fit together once we've realized we're in love and not the other way around...
Contributor: Ajax Ajax
It's definitely influenced by a mix of all of the above. People are a lot more comfortable admitting that they are, which is great, but there are probably just as many people who say it just to say it. I know girls who've gotten drunk at a party, made out with another girl and then swear up and down that they're bisexual. For them it's not about love or attraction or an intimate relationship, they just think it's the "cool" thing to do.

Personally, the people I've met who are bisexual are a lot more reserved about letting people know.
Contributor: Sera Sera
I don't really know. Maybe it's a trend, maybe not.
Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Originally posted by Lif3sambiguity
why does it seem like everyone and there peers are bi these days? is it a trend? ( influenced by what? )
IDK but bi guys are a turn off for me
Contributor: Trashley Trashley
It's called "barsexual," sweetheart.
Real bisexuality is pretty hard to come by.
  •   (2)
    I am personally offended by this
Contributor: Angel deSanguine Angel deSanguine
Originally posted by Trashley
It's called "barsexual," sweetheart.
Real bisexuality is pretty hard to come by.
I don't think that is an appropriate statement at all. It is entirely possible that some women (and men) are indeed pretending to be bisexual but it is just as possible that the only time they have inhibitions lowered enough to express interest in same (or opposite, as the case may be) sex liaisons are with the assistance of alcohol. Bisexuality, and sexuality in general, is not up to anyone to validate or invalidate for anyone else. If the woman at the bar feels that she is bi- regardless as to if she has been intimate in any way with another woman or not- if she calls herself bi and believes that she is then she is REGARDLESS as to how someone else feels about that. Just because she doesn't behave in the fashion that someone else believes a bisexual should behave does not give anyone else the authority to say her sexuality is invalid, insignificant or an attention grabbing methodology.

On that same token, just because a bi individual marries and chooses monogamy does not 'prove' that they were never really bi all along. It doesn't mean that they were gay/ straight and just couldn't/ wouldn't admit it all of those years and thank God they've chosen a 'side'- now everyone can sleep at night! Not everyone that identifies as bisexual participates in open relationships, that doesn't mean that their attraction to the same (or opposite as the case may be) sex disappears. It simply means that they have chosen to be monogamous, nothing more.
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
Originally posted by Trashley
It's called "barsexual," sweetheart.
Real bisexuality is pretty hard to come by.
This really couldn't be further from the truth. I encourage you to do a bit more research before making statements such as this which can be hurtful to some. In actuality research shows that most humans are bisexual to some degree.

Chances are this "barsexual" as you innapropriately put it, are actually individuals who are more "Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual" based on the kinsey scale. There can be people who primarily are heterosexual and like to be in relationships of a heterosexual nature but do enjoy sex with the same sex.

Check out this link for a bit more info on it. link
Contributor: Angel deSanguine Angel deSanguine
Originally posted by Lif3sambiguity
why does it seem like everyone and there peers are bi these days? is it a trend? ( influenced by what? )
To answer your question- I don't think it is a trend. I think that it may seem as though there are more than in years past because people are becoming more open with who they are. They are standing up for what they feel, believe, enjoy, who they love and how and who they fuck- they are refusing to be invisible any longer. I have seen this not just with bisexuals but with all sexualities and I love it!
Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
Originally posted by Trashley
It's called "barsexual," sweetheart.
Real bisexuality is pretty hard to come by.
I often feel like this. I have knows a lot of women who make out with each other simply because it draws more male attention. I have a feeling partly that is just an excuse to make out with another female without admitting to enjoying it.
Contributor: Sebmissive Sebmissive
Originally posted by Lif3sambiguity
why does it seem like everyone and there peers are bi these days? is it a trend? ( influenced by what? )
I was just thinking about this the other day. I was thinking of writing an article about it.
But it seems to me like a lot of teenagers do it for attention or because it's common amongst their social groups or type of group they identify with, such as emo or scene kids.
It really bothers me, actually. I don't believe that half the kids nowadays that say they're bi are truly bi.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by Trashley
It's called "barsexual," sweetheart.
Real bisexuality is pretty hard to come by.
HA! "barsexual"
Contributor: Lavendar Menace Lavendar Menace
I think it could be a trend brought on by the increasing sexual openness in our society.

However, I also think that most people have a little bi in them.
Contributor: Kiskis2 Kiskis2
i also heard that we all are bi sexual.. but our preferences and our morality depends on the society in which we live and we follow it's laws. society influence on peoples mind...
Contributor: darkkitty darkkitty
Originally posted by Lif3sambiguity
why does it seem like everyone and there peers are bi these days? is it a trend? ( influenced by what? )
It seems to be. I think sex as a whole is more out there today with music and video ect. So to be sexual tends to be "cool"
Contributor: pinkzombie pinkzombie
Originally posted by Lif3sambiguity
why does it seem like everyone and there peers are bi these days? is it a trend? ( influenced by what? )
I think that because sex has become more open in todays society
Contributor: buttmunch buttmunch
There are actually bisexuals in the world (I happen to be one). However; I do think that there are people who just claim to be bisexual or pansexual in real life for entirely selfish reasons. I have met people who have claimed to be bisexual in order to avoid calling themselves homosexuals if they haven't come to terms with it and are desperately trying to convince people that they are straight and themselves (Lets be honest homosexuality isn't exactly smiled upon still, it's just that it is accepted more than it has been in the past, so people still do have hang-ups or fear of being homosexual) or heterosexuals who are trying to appear to be "cool" and "open-minded" and as such better than everyone else 'cause they aren't as "closed-minded" as us. Also some are just straight people who are just trying to get someone of the opposite gender turned on, because there are straight people who enjoy seeing same-sex acts and so they do it to get them to engage in sex acts with them.
So in short, bisexuality does exist but some people do take advantage of it for personal reasons.
Contributor: Hidden Hidden
Originally posted by Kiskis2
i also heard that we all are bi sexual.. but our preferences and our morality depends on the society in which we live and we follow it's laws. society influence on peoples mind...
It does, but then again it can't tame everyone into following the majority.
Contributor: mudpie mudpie
I hate when people talk about being bi as being "trendy". I came out pretty young and went through hell in middle and high school for being bi (including some stuff that was specifically about being bi, not just liking girls). I wished I was straight all the time.
Contributor: Darklyvan Darklyvan
Originally posted by Lif3sambiguity
why does it seem like everyone and there peers are bi these days? is it a trend? ( influenced by what? )
Some experts claim that nearly 50% of people are bisexual. The reason it is just now becoming so common is that it is becoming less and less of a taboo in society as people become more open.
Contributor: Jammin14580 Jammin14580
Originally posted by Lif3sambiguity
why does it seem like everyone and there peers are bi these days? is it a trend? ( influenced by what? )
Well, I think people are opening up about most everything these days. Sex, gender, orientation, private matters seem to be becoming less private. Acceptance and tolerance seem to be increasing to me. Of course, the opposite is probably true of other cultures, ethnicities, political backgrounds, etc. which is unfortunate.

Anyway, bisexuality gives you double the fun, as you have twice the options. I don't know that it's actually on the rise - perhaps the openness about being bisexual is increasing.
Contributor: Pink Kitty Pink Kitty
I actually met one of these people who was just in it for the trend, I was watching her (She is 16 BUT is a bit of a problem child even at 16) She had her "Girlfriend" over which was ok with her parents (they didnt know their daughter was bi)

So we are siting in the front room, I was on a reclining chair, One was on one side of the couch, the other on the opposite side... They were holding hands, and well I said "Are you two just close friends?" And the girl i was watching said "No we are together."
I responded "AWW! For how long?"
the girl I was watching responded "2 months."
I asked if it was just a phase? and blah blah blah, coz I have seen it before. THEY HAVE NOT EVEN KISSED YET! You cant be in a relationship for 2 moths and not even a peck. Those two after that convo were so awkward with each other. I mean to me, thats trying the trend >_<
Contributor: hyacinthgirl hyacinthgirl
Originally posted by Kiskis2
i also heard that we all are bi sexual.. but our preferences and our morality depends on the society in which we live and we follow it's laws. society influence on peoples mind...
I don't know if that's entirely fair. There are asexuals and people who are vaguely disgusted by the idea of being with their non-preferred sex.

I've seen both sides of it... girls who claim to be bi because they think it makes them sexier and boys who claim to be bi because they think it makes them seem more sensitive. I'm sure that people who are legitimately bisexual find those people as annoying as the rest of us do. Then I've met plenty of legit bisexuals who are just annoyed by people assuming that they're only out because they're trying to be more desirable, or by people who attack them for not being queer enough.

The holiness of weirdness thing seems to be the biggest problem in the alternative sexualities and genders - if you're not hardcore the way some people want you to be, you're not weird enough and therefore not worth inclusion, or you need to be "fixed".