bi's normally lean to one side more than the other. even if its only a tiny bit. not saying one is better than the other. but be honest with yourself. which do you prefer?
who do you prefer?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Other... I honestly don't have a gender preference. I'm attracted to a person and their qualities and features, and those certainly vary depending on the person's gender (ie, I prefer feminine girls but not feminine guys).
Its hard to distinguish for me. I love physical appearances of men more, but I like a woman in bed more. Romantically, I can be equally attracted to both sexes.
I like men (I'm female) but I like girly fem boys. Not gay guys, just guys who are more emotional and such.
I chose the last one, but I'm more smack dab in the middle. I just tend to have more experience with men, because I'm more, how you say, talented (?) in bed with a man. I'm a nervous lover with women hahaha so embarassing! I just get so intimidated by their beautiful bodies and how godlike they seem and I get all choked up.. and then they're so sweet and tender that they refuse to smack me and tell me to man the fuck up. I'm just a mess haha :]
I don't discriminate. In my opinion to be truly bi means you don't lean one way or the other. I am equally attracted to men as I am women, and it's the heart that counts in my case.
Originally posted by
bi's normally lean to one side more than the other. even if its only a tiny bit. not saying one is better than the other. but be honest with yourself. which do you prefer?
It's really hard for me to say which I like more. I love the femininity of women and the masculinity of men. I've always had relationships with women and feel more emotionally connected to them than to men. On a purely physical level I probably notice men more, but part of that is that men are often so much more openly sexual and flirty than women (generally speaking). Overall, who I am attracted to depends on the person.
I like men more, however I am attraced to women as well.
I didn't vote because I'm not sure I fit into any of the categories. I've always known I like men, and I've only been in relationships with men. So I guess you could say I like men more. But, I really enjoyed the experience I had with a woman. But really, aside from *my* man, I like women more.
Although I do really like women, I do like men quite a bit more
I honestly find both equally attractive.
I'm not truly bisexual, I'm feminine oriented, I like feminine looking men and feminine looking women, romantically I strongly prefer women
Honestly For me I am Bi but I like men more tho women are justbeautiful to look at and touch and often times people look down on that but for me im very very content with knowing my sexuality and embracing it
Originally posted by
bi's normally lean to one side more than the other. even if its only a tiny bit. not saying one is better than the other. but be honest with yourself. which do you prefer?
I cannot answer the pole.
I am a female. I am with a man. I am bi. BUT - I could not be in a long term relationship with a female. I am too stubborn and can barely deal with females as close friends. I don't do well with bitchiness and the thought of PMS at the same time makes me bonkers.
I love the safe feeling I get with men also.. maybe it is a cliche but I adore it.
I am a female. I am with a man. I am bi. BUT - I could not be in a long term relationship with a female. I am too stubborn and can barely deal with females as close friends. I don't do well with bitchiness and the thought of PMS at the same time makes me bonkers.
I love the safe feeling I get with men also.. maybe it is a cliche but I adore it.
I am bi and I prefer men. I like women and enjoy them, but could never be in a relationship with one.
Yup, I think I will always be partial to the cock. Just my nature.
There's something called the Kinsey scale that I think 'rates' peoples' sexuality much better than just straight, bi and gay. It goes from one to seven, one being totally straight and seven being totally homosexual. Four is exactly in the middle. It even has an 'X' rating, which is for asexual individuals. Studies show a person can fluctuate between ratings throughout their lives, so it's possible for someone to like women more at one point and men more at another.
Anyway, I consider myself probably a three; I am attracted to both genders but I'm more often attracted to men. That doesn't diminish any attraction I have for women, it simply means it happens less. I'd be just as content to settle down with either one.
Anyway, I consider myself probably a three; I am attracted to both genders but I'm more often attracted to men. That doesn't diminish any attraction I have for women, it simply means it happens less. I'd be just as content to settle down with either one.
I think women are more attentive to my sexual needs... Not that I don't love my boyfriend (who is actually hyper masculine), but sometimes I still finding myself longing to be back with a woman.
Eh it varies. There are times where I love a flat muscular chest. Other times I'll get tired and want breasts and lovely curves. So yeah it equals out but depends on the mood or after the relationship is over.

Personally, I sit on the fence when it pertains to sexual attraction. However, I'm married, and enjoy playing around with other females as well.
Originally posted by
bi's normally lean to one side more than the other. even if its only a tiny bit. not saying one is better than the other. but be honest with yourself. which do you prefer?
I voted that I like men more bcs I am currently in a relationship with a man but before being with him it didnt matter what gender it was if I lusted after a girl it was girl, either way it didn't matter.
Though I have more experience with men I feel equally attracted to both sexes. I am only recently coming around to being comfortable enough in my sexuality to pursue sexual/romantic relationships with women.
I'm pretty sure I'm heterosexual, but I wonder sometimes if I'm interested in girls too
Originally posted by
bi's normally lean to one side more than the other. even if its only a tiny bit. not saying one is better than the other. but be honest with yourself. which do you prefer?
I've always been attracted to men and women, but I doubt I could ever have a serious relationship with a female. Kissing a girl during truth or dare when I was like 18 did nothing for me, but I still get attracted to girls anyway. Ah, fluid sexuality.
I'm attracted to femininity and androgyny. It doesn't really matter if the person is male or female.

I do enjoy well hung men but a woman with a nice ass....ummm, that's hot, too!
i love men.. and i like some beautiful women, but i've never had experience with woman.. and i dont want..
I love womens breasts and mens cocks!
Originally posted by
bi's normally lean to one side more than the other. even if its only a tiny bit. not saying one is better than the other. but be honest with yourself. which do you prefer?
Physically I'm much more attracted to men, but romantically and emotionally I'm more attracted to women. However, I have been attracted to a boy both emotionally and physically and to quite a handful of girls, too. It just depends on who I cross paths with.
Just keeping it STRAIGHT FOR EM!
Originally posted by
Other... I honestly don't have a gender preference. I'm attracted to a person and their qualities and features, and those certainly vary depending on the person's gender (ie, I prefer feminine girls but not feminine guys).