Pansexual vs Queer vs Omnisexual

Contributor: nori nori
I've had my own tie-ups with the term pansexual. (I'm attracted to people, not cookingwear!) And as such, I adopted the term omnisexual for a few years. Then when that started feeling incorrect, I identified as queer.

I was curious as to your thoughts, eden. For someone who can find love/attraction in many genders, what's your term of choice?

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30  (38%)
2  (3%)
22  (28%)
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25  (32%)
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Contributor: Peggi Peggi
I said "other" because while I am pansexual I am also skoliosexual
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
I generally just identify myself as "queer" now.
Contributor: SiNn SiNn
Originally posted by nori
I've had my own tie-ups with the term pansexual. (I'm attracted to people, not cookingwear!) And as such, I adopted the term omnisexual for a few years. Then when that started feeling incorrect, I identified as queer.

I was curious as ... more
never thought of it before now
Contributor: CutiePatootie CutiePatootie
I consider myself Bisexual, as I am married to a man and only dated women with him...
Contributor: Khanner Khanner
I've never been able to find a term I really like in regards to what to call my orientation. I'm just a little bit picky when it comes to etymology, I suppose.

Bisexual: There are more than 2 genders and sexes I'm attracted to.
Pansexual/Omnisexual: Not a fan of proclaiming I'm attracted to EVERYTHING, like what, sheep, kids, crock pots?
Queer: I don't think it's "weird" that I dig chicks and non-binary people.

Usually I just use the term bisexual, though, because it's the term most people are familiar with. If there was a more correct term for "Adulthumansexual" I'd be most comfortable with that.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Learn something new everyday. I get so confused with all these terms. I really don't know what to label myself. How about, I like what I like and that's just it.
Contributor: John E W John E W
I have to agree with Beck. It makes my head spin!
Contributor: britanny0620 britanny0620
I use the term Pansexual but have no issues with the other labels listed here. :3
Contributor: nori nori
Originally posted by Khanner
I've never been able to find a term I really like in regards to what to call my orientation. I'm just a little bit picky when it comes to etymology, I suppose.

Bisexual: There are more than 2 genders and sexes I'm attracted ... more
I have the exact same problem with pan/omni. I like adulthumansexual though! It's clever.

I'm young enough, that I've never experienced queer as something weird/odd/bad. so i didn't think much of it.
Contributor: Khanner Khanner
Originally posted by nori
I have the exact same problem with pan/omni. I like adulthumansexual though! It's clever.

I'm young enough, that I've never experienced queer as something weird/odd/bad. so i didn't think much of it.
Anthroposexual? Enilikasexual?

I don't think "Queer" as an insult has much power anymore, I'm just picky. Words are weird.
Contributor: Jake'n'bake Jake'n'bake
I'm pansexual. I like everyone, basically.
Contributor: thisisadeletedaccount thisisadeletedaccount
I'm very fond of both pansexual and queer as self-identifying terms.
Contributor: Jenyana Jenyana
Originally posted by Khanner
I've never been able to find a term I really like in regards to what to call my orientation. I'm just a little bit picky when it comes to etymology, I suppose.

Bisexual: There are more than 2 genders and sexes I'm attracted ... more
I feel the exact same thing. If I use pansexual, I feel it doesn't really describe my situation, because I'm not attracted to EVERYBODY; I'm not bisexual because I don't JUST like men because they're men and women because they're women, and I don't use "queer" because that word is often misunderstood and people use it to mean different things, some of which I don't fit in with.

I can be attracted to non-binary people (and quite often I have found a tendency to go for genderqueer rather than stereotypically male or female people), and I can at times be attracted to very girly girls and very manly men. It changes with the person. Some people who were objectively extremely attractive did absolutely nothing for me, and others who were plain to the point of making vainilla seem exotic have made me positively drool. Honestly, I can never anticipate who I'm going to be attracted to, so I have no idea in which category I fit.

Though generally, I have found that it's hard for me to feel instantly attracted to people, I have to have some sort of relationship with them first for the attraction to develop. I generally don't do one-night stands for this reason. There is just no point; even if we make it to bed, it will at most be a "meh" experience for me, no matter this person's skills.

Is there such a thing as a demisexual who can occasionally feel purely physically attracted to some (very specific) people?

Maybe I'm just queer and demiromantic? Is there such a thing? Who knows.

But there is no equivalent for the word "queer" in my native tongue, so at home I just use "bisexual" and leave it at that, even if it doesn't really fit me. :/

Labels are awful, awful things. -_-
Contributor: Gone (LD29) Gone (LD29)
I've always identified as bisexual, but have started thinking about relabeling to pansexual because bisexual sometimes feels limited in its definition.

Omnisexual always makes me think of Captain Jack Harkness (from Doctor Who/Torchwood) and his openness to random alien life forms in addition to the various human genders...
Contributor: Roz W Roz W
Queer is nice because I identified as gay for a while, and never really identified as straight. I know some bi people who don't identify as queer because their experiences were primarily straight, but I never identified as straight, so I feel like "queer" is the right idea. Not necessarily 100% gay, but definitely outside whatever mainstream experience is.

Pansexual would be fine if it caught on a little more. I don't like how bisexual implies that I'm up for getting involved with 100% heterosexual men, because I am not.
Contributor: wes wes
I'm straight...didn't know theirs a diffents between all of them?
Contributor: meezerosity meezerosity
I like the umbrella term Queer since nothing else is quite right in the definition for me.
Contributor: Danneh Danneh
I identify as Queer usually- in gender and in sexuality. If pressed I may further clarify- but I prefer to just say that I'm queer.
Contributor: Bex1331 Bex1331
I'm not sure of a word I really like, for the time being I'm sticking with queer but I don't really love that
Contributor: sixx88 sixx88
Originally posted by nori
I've had my own tie-ups with the term pansexual. (I'm attracted to people, not cookingwear!) And as such, I adopted the term omnisexual for a few years. Then when that started feeling incorrect, I identified as queer.

I was curious as ... more
With all the labels of top, bottom, pan, omni, ect. I just defaulted to something easy, not just for labels but color scheme. I like Bi-Sexual myself, but I really like Nudist Bi-Sexual. The color purple is right in between blue and pink.
I'd say, since you have a life style "you" like, call it what ever makes "you" the happiest and comfortable.
p.s. there could be a purple smiley face
Contributor: Khanner Khanner
Originally posted by Jenyana
I feel the exact same thing. If I use pansexual, I feel it doesn't really describe my situation, because I'm not attracted to EVERYBODY; I'm not bisexual because I don't JUST like men because they're men and women because ... more
>Is there such a thing as a demisexual who can occasionally feel purely physically attracted to some (very specific) people?

Forgive me if this sounds rude, but I have to wonder if this is just in the middle of the "intensity" range. I think most people who are between hypersexual and asexual are like this. In other words, the norm. I've always thought most people could qualify as demisexual. So I've never really felt the need to label it, myself.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Originally posted by Beck
Learn something new everyday. I get so confused with all these terms. I really don't know what to label myself. How about, I like what I like and that's just it.
I agree with you Beck. To many terms for me to keep up with.
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
Originally posted by Beck
Learn something new everyday. I get so confused with all these terms. I really don't know what to label myself. How about, I like what I like and that's just it.
There ya go, great idea!
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
I usually term myself pansexual but sometimes I just go with bisexual because more people understand that one.
Contributor: nori nori
I can't believe i didn't put bisexual in as an option. ^^; sorry guys!
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
I guess I'm everything.
Contributor: Girly Juice Girly Juice
I prefer the term queer, in the sense of "not straight." It works for me because I've often been attracted to people who don't identify as male or female.
Contributor: pestilence pestilence
I'm a huge fan of the term "queer" simply because it's stayed with me throughout my figuring out my sexuality. I stopped considering myself purely bisexual when I learned about non-binary gender, and I've never been really comfortable with the term pansexual - partly because I feel like it implies an equal level of attraction to everyone, and partly because I just can't stop associating it with the god Pan. Nothing against him, but I'm a big fan of consent in all aspects of life, which is something that never really caught on among the Greek gods.
Contributor: marshmallow marshmallow
I would say I prefer queer, just because it means "not straight"!