Men vs. Women: Which is better in bed?

Contributor: link82 link82 05/06/2011

For those that have been with both men and women, which gender has sexually satisfied you more?

Invited: All users.

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Contributor: link82 link82
In general, which gender is better in bed?
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
27  (10%)
26  (10%)
10  (4%)
7  (3%)
187  (71%)
7  (3%)
Total votes: 264
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Contributor: Mistress Kitten Mistress Kitten
Men and women have different qualities.
Contributor: Waterfall Waterfall
I need some experience with women before I can answer this
Contributor: Anjulie Anjulie
Depends on the person. I've had good and bad experiences with both.
Contributor: Lady Marmelade Lady Marmelade
Originally posted by Anjulie
Depends on the person. I've had good and bad experiences with both.
I totally agree.
Contributor: k3 k3
It all depends on the chemistry--and not just physical, emotional my opinion.
Contributor: BabyL0ve BabyL0ve
No one knows until they tried every female and male in the world. Everyone is different
Contributor: ButchAndFemme ButchAndFemme
It just so happens that I enjoy sex with women much more than I do with men. But... that's not to say that men aren't as good in bed as women.
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
I really think there is no way to make a statement that general.
Contributor: The Curious Couple The Curious Couple
It definitely depends on the people involved.
Contributor: hjtee hjtee
It depends 100% on the person you are with and what they are capable of doing.
Contributor: |Scheibe| |Scheibe|
you can't generalize
Contributor: CutiePatootie CutiePatootie
I think it not only depends on the person its with but also my mood. Sometimes I'm just more into girls than guys and visa versa. So the sex is going to be better with who I want it with!
Contributor: AlaskanBeauty AlaskanBeauty
It is the person thing - not a gender
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
it depends on the person. i do prefer to have sex with men over women if that helps tho
Contributor: That Man from Mars That Man from Mars
I agree that it depends on the person.
Contributor: SiNn SiNn
Originally posted by link82
In general, which gender is better in bed?
They both have their good parts and their bad
Contributor: emiliaa emiliaa
Gender isn't really a factor in this to me.
Contributor: Trillian Trillian
Women by far. So soft and sensual
Contributor: anonomous anonomous
Originally posted by k3
It all depends on the chemistry--and not just physical, emotional my opinion.
100% agree with this, If I'm comfortable with someone then I'm able to do alot more pleasurable things with them without being shy.
Contributor: darkkitty darkkitty
Originally posted by link82
In general, which gender is better in bed?
It definatly depends on the person not the gender!!!
Contributor: EvilHomer EvilHomer
There should really be an option for "I do not have the experience to compare."
Contributor: BellaSucette BellaSucette
I don't have a preference. It depends on the person, the bond between us, and how emotionally connected we are in the moment. Although, I do think women are more passionate.
Contributor: PassionCpl PassionCpl
Originally posted by link82
In general, which gender is better in bed?
It's definitely down to the individual person. As a couple, we've played with one or two guys, one or two girls and one or two couples. Sometimes the girls will be better lovers, sometimes the guys, but you never really know in advance.
Contributor: Chaotic Rantings Chaotic Rantings
They are totally different...I have things that I love/hate about sleeping with both
Contributor: carenautilus carenautilus
I haven't found any significant commonalities between the way women fuck and the way men fuck. And the best sex I have is with a lovely gentleman who puts herself in the genderfluid category.
Contributor: Neurogasm Neurogasm
Honestly? It just depends on how well you know the person, and how comfortable you are with each other, and on your levels of experience. Gender isn't really how I'd classify this.
Contributor: pleasurehunter pleasurehunter
its subjective but i think you always enjoy it more with the gender you prefer the most
Contributor: nori nori
I chose other. I identify as bi; but i find attraction in all genders. I prefer those who blend gender a bit more. So the people between men and women
Contributor: Cherrylane Cherrylane
I love sex with women, a lot. However, I miss feeling quite as connected as I can with a man. I mean, if I'm getting penetrated by a women, she just can't experience it in the same way a man can.

From a getting off standpoint alone, I really couldn't generalize. But emotionally, mentally, idk. I just feel more with the man.
Contributor: Emma Star Baby Emma Star Baby
Originally posted by link82
In general, which gender is better in bed?
I've had experience with both genders and mainly the women knew what they were doing. I'm not saying the men I had been with were the smartest of the bunch, because they weren't. Any man who asks, "Who do you get wetter 'down there' when I touch you than when I don't?" is a moron.. or very inexperienced. SO! From my experiences, women moreso than men. I wait with baited breath to be proved wrong.
Contributor: Tangerine Tangerine
Depends on the person, but chics are gennerally WAY better on going down. Most guys just are not as good.
Contributor: lalapetitee lalapetitee
for me it depends on the person but it does so far seem like women are winning.
Contributor: Raym Raym
Absolutely depends on the individual and how good they are or are not in bed. But I'm sticking to women regardless.
Contributor: MyPrettyPower MyPrettyPower
Originally posted by link82
In general, which gender is better in bed?
Absolutely depends on the person.
Contributor: Swish Swish
I think it honestly depends, I mean there is a difference, I have been with my boyfriend for three years and I think that the best times I have had were with him, but as far as overall comparing people and shorter relationships, I have had better experiences with women, off the bat they tend to understand better men it just seems to take so long for them to figure things out and really get that it is not all about them. :p
Contributor: Entropy Entropy
Originally posted by link82
In general, which gender is better in bed?
I'm a bisexual man, and in general, I've had better short-term sexual relationships with men. For me, though, over the long haul, nothing can replace a soft, wet, warm woman.
Contributor: col2717 col2717
Originally posted by link82
In general, which gender is better in bed?
I have had great females and great males in bed and have had bed partners in both genders. I will say that I've become more comfortable and confident in bed that I have enjoyed myself more.
Contributor: Toy Fiend Toy Fiend
Women because they know exactly what women like!
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
Does anyone else think this question is rather narrow-minded?
Contributor: Kabachu Kabachu
depends on the individual
Contributor: Brandonn Brandonn
Never had sex w a guy, but with the women ive been with it definitely depends on the person.
Contributor: SmutGeek SmutGeek
Depends on individual...honestly I like both together I <3 Threesomes sooo much lol
Contributor: 425shark 425shark
I would say depends on the individual but my current girlfriend is the best.
Contributor: Lizzy Lizzy
Def depends on the person
Contributor: FruityCloud FruityCloud
I feel woman are more caring lovers. They tend to be more focused on making you feel wonderful and are better at oral sex in my opinion. However, guys have penises. And, well, I do love having intercourse with my boyfriend. :]
Contributor: nosrslylol nosrslylol
Originally posted by link82
In general, which gender is better in bed?
I've only had threesomes with women and their boyfriends, if I had one-on-one sex with a lady it might be different.
Contributor: tigertiger tigertiger
Originally posted by link82
In general, which gender is better in bed?
depends on person i think
Contributor: Girly Juice Girly Juice
It depends so much on the person, and on my mood too. So far, I've had better sex with men, but I'm not sure that had anything to do with them being men... In fact, I think the best male lovers are the ones who make love like women!
Contributor: LusciousLizz LusciousLizz
I enjoy sex with women much more than I do with men. But, I am married and I can't say men aren't as good in bed as women. Women know what women want, and give very pleasurable sensations that men can't; however, nothing can compare some days to the feeling of a full, hard, throbbing cock thrusting inside of you. It also really depends on my emotional connection to the individuals.
Contributor: kawigrl kawigrl
I think it really depends on the person
Contributor: catsin catsin
My best lover thusfar is a MTF pre-op woman. I wish I knew more mtf lesbians so I could investigate...
Contributor: Thomas90 Thomas90
I find women better in bed
Contributor: kittenfacery kittenfacery
i've had terrible sexy times with a man before, but my current partner, also male, is beautifully lovely at it.

i think it's more to do with how much the people in the relationship communicate their desires rather than the gender. if someone knows you like it -that- way, then they're gonna do it -that- way.
Contributor: skeeterlynn skeeterlynn
I never had sex with a woman, but I know and have heard how I am. Haha. But really, it depends on the person, not the gender. I guess if you mean on you, you could guess the same sex would be better since they know what they themselves like. But even then it's all about execution.
Contributor: smlove smlove
Generally, I'm attracted to women, cis or trans. Testosterone scares me. I enjoy lesbian sex way more than hetero sex. I know not all men are alike, and we currently have a boyfriend, but he's two-spirit, so he's kind of a lesbian too.
the last time I had sex with a man, he was even using a dildo on me, but he was so concerned with his own pleasure, he didn't let me enjoy mine. a lot of the men I've interacted with have that same feeling. except our boyfriend. I'm still going to give men a chance, but it also helps eliminate pregnancy issues if I'm extremely discriminatory about the penises that may or may not enter me.
Contributor: himynameissteph himynameissteph
Definitely depends!
Contributor: needapacker needapacker
penetrative sex is better with women, but men give better head IMO
Contributor: bog bog
Originally posted by link82
In general, which gender is better in bed?
I find that my enjoyment depends more on my connection (or level of attraction) to the person, and a multitude of other factors, rather than their gender.
Contributor: falalena falalena
Originally posted by link82
In general, which gender is better in bed?
i unfortunately have not been with a female yet, but i am working on it.
Contributor: chicmichiw chicmichiw
Interesting poll! It depends on you and the other person separately, and then of course, your chemistry together.
Contributor: twelve13 twelve13
I've been asked this question a lot. I've had amazing sex with both genders. It REALLY depends more on chemistry than on anatomy or gender identification.
Contributor: KittiezToyz KittiezToyz
For me, it depends on who I am with. I've experienced positive and negative with both men and women.
Contributor: amazon amazon
Dicks just do it for me
Contributor: alexjewels alexjewels
It really depends on the person. Both have their own qualities sometimes.
Contributor: Pastafariette Pastafariette
My female ex was more greedy in bed, while my male ex was more thoughtful to my wants. I'd have to say that it depends on the person.
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
I've always had better sex with women.
Contributor: RonLee RonLee
Gender has been irrelevant. The individual and his or her willingness to have fun is far more important.
Contributor: SaucyxGirl SaucyxGirl
If my partner is laid back, kinky, skilled, and willing to be pleased and to please me then gender is irrelevant. I have never noticed that one gender is better at something that the others are not.
Contributor: Andykh Andykh
Originally posted by link82
In general, which gender is better in bed?
i have had all women in bed some better than others and vice versa. never thought of having a man in bed at all and never will
Contributor: TexasBrat TexasBrat
Originally posted by link82
In general, which gender is better in bed?
I've been with only one woman, who's my current lover and girlfriend, but the rest of my lovers were men.

I can honestly say that she's better than any of the men I've ever been with!!! It's true: a woman knows what a woman wants. Plus, she doesn't just cum once or maybe twice, then pass out. She can go all. Night. Long!
Contributor: charmedtomeetyou charmedtomeetyou
It really does depend on the person.
Contributor: Dominican love Dominican love
is depend of the person I love women they are so sweet and special but men sometime they are fire but for me both
Contributor: Dominican love Dominican love
Originally posted by himynameissteph
Definitely depends!
I gree with you
Contributor: FleurDevereux FleurDevereux
Originally posted by link82
In general, which gender is better in bed?
It really does depend on the person. I haven't had as many experiences with women, but the range of what is good in bed varies greatly.
Contributor: TheToyGuy TheToyGuy
Originally posted by Dominican love
is depend of the person I love women they are so sweet and special but men sometime they are fire but for me both
Contributor: Holly14725 Holly14725
I had sex with several men when I was still trying to figure out who I wanted to be with, and none of them fulfilled me sexually. However the first woman I had sex with was able to bring me to orgasm and please me far more than I ever was with a guy.
Contributor: Madi2013 Madi2013
Originally posted by link82
In general, which gender is better in bed?
i love being pleased and pleasing anyone.
Contributor: Madi2013 Madi2013
Originally posted by KittiezToyz
For me, it depends on who I am with. I've experienced positive and negative with both men and women.
so true !
Contributor: Madi2013 Madi2013
Originally posted by charmedtomeetyou
It really does depend on the person.
i totally agree!
Contributor: Madi2013 Madi2013
Originally posted by Lizzy
Def depends on the person
Contributor: jen1447 jen1447
Women. No contest.
Contributor: OH&W, Lovebears OH&W, Lovebears
Between OH&W ...OW and yes no contest. Even the few times he made me squirt I can get the upper hand just like that. He's putty in my little kitty.
