I'm wondering what the statistics are out of curiosity.
How Many Bi Sexuals Do You Know?
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I used to know a lot of bisexuals before they began to really come out of the closet and discover love towards just the same sex as of now it seems I'm the only bisexual I know unless some new friends of mine are hiding a little something.
Almost all of my friends are bisexual.
That's really just a guess though. If I sat and thought about it for twenty minutes I could probably think of thirty or more people.
I've been pretty active in my queer community so I know a lot and I've flipped a lot
I've been pretty active in my queer community so I know a lot and I've flipped a lot
I only know one person who has remained a bisexual. All the rest have come out as lesbians with time...myself included.
I know 4. All the ones I know are girls though. I'd be interested to know if women are more likely to be bisexual or if it was just a coincidence that I only knew female bisexuals.
I know 6, but I think that may be because I am sort of active in the BDSM community.
4 or so that i Know of! Some ppl keep that hidden and never act on it!
Originally posted by
I'm wondering what the statistics are out of curiosity.
I know a metric fuckton of people who are hetero-flexible but no one who is truly bisexual, or pansexual for that matter.
I don't go around sorting my acquaintances into categories, but online I know many people who choose this label. In real life, I never assume to know the sexual preferences of anyone I meet, unless they volunteer the information.
i would have to say that about half of my friends are gay/bisexual or bisensual
None that I know of as they are either they are gay or hetro. Although a couple of those might not be telling me the whole truth.
About 4 or so Im sure more that do not admit it!
Originally posted by
I'm wondering what the statistics are out of curiosity.
I just guessed. Probably 7-10. Some people I don't know what their sexuality even is. I think most of my friends are either gay or pan
Most of my close friends are LGBTQ. I think I'm close to maybe one or two straight people.
i have a lot of friends that are open to the same sex but dont usually date/sleep with them.
I know quite a few, but most of them prefer one sex over the other. To be fair, most people I know would not have issue dating one gender over the other.

I wonder how many caame out because of BDSM play?
Originally posted by
I know 6, but I think that may be because I am sort of active in the BDSM community.
It is very hard to keep track of these things, especially as I don't tend to pry directly into all of my friend's sex lives. I'm just going to assume that there are a lot of them, because it seems right..
i know tons
i used to have alot of gay/bisexual friends. but now in a small town community with a wide social circle i would have to say i only know of a few gay people and a few bisexuals. people dont really seem open about it and that actually seems strange to me i guess its a small town but really?
Originally posted by
I'm wondering what the statistics are out of curiosity.
I know quite a few, though it seems a lot less of the people I knew in high school identify themselves as bisexual anymore. Now they all consider themselves straight.
I actually don't know exactly anymore - between 3 and 5 I think?
I know a lot of ravers, and they all seem to be functionally bisexual.
I never thought about it before, but I know at least three.
I don't know any for sure. I knew many in graduate school though.
You want me to count them?
Nah. People are my friends, some are hetero, some are bi, some are flexible, some gay some lesbian, one or two asexual, a few are trans. It doesn't really make any difference to me.
It's never occurred to me to count my friends, say, with red hair, or my friends who are married. Meh. I don't think it matters as long as one has a good foundation of different people to associate with.
Nah. People are my friends, some are hetero, some are bi, some are flexible, some gay some lesbian, one or two asexual, a few are trans. It doesn't really make any difference to me.
It's never occurred to me to count my friends, say, with red hair, or my friends who are married. Meh. I don't think it matters as long as one has a good foundation of different people to associate with.
I don't think I know any real bisexuals, just a lot of people who keep changing their minds.