As a woman I have noticed that I get along better with men. When I date them we tend to fight nore. Guessing its due to less emotions and hormones what about you?
Bisexual relationships: which sex do you click with the best?
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Women or Men?
(52 posts)
Please select your sex. Next select the sex you best get along with. Please comment as to why you picked your answer. I know you guys like having the both option so I added it too.
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I tend to get along with men more easily; we just seem to be able to be more independent and do our own things better. Of course, it definitely depends on the person too, but for the most part, I tend to get along better with guys.
I find that most men can't handle the emotional baggage that I have;however, my female partners tend to have more than myself and they have a better chance tolerating it. However, I find that I'm predominantly attracted to men over women... go figure.
I tend to get a long better with men. Im picky about my women relationship wise. but have plenty of women friends. Men seem to be more simplistic.
I get along so much better with guys. It probably helps that I tend to be seen as either a cool adopted little sister or a girl-bro.
Women. Guys don't really understand a major part of my personality from what I've encountered so far. I'm also just not comfortable with them, even though I've tried to be.
Typically, I get along better with the type of women I date, but I ended up with a man who I get along with more than I've ever gotten along with anyone else!
I usually get along better with females, but for the most part have relationships with men.
I voted neither. I've had the same amount of problems with both. I prefer the company of men, though.
Overall I get along best with men. I have a lot of guy friends, and rarely have conflicts or issues with them. While I have very few female friends, I am much closer with the few I have than any of my guy friends. Women seem to understand me better, but in general tend to be far more judgmental over all sorts of things.
It's funny that since kindergarten I always got along better with males, guess we're tuned the same... ^^
I'm a man only into women
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Please select your sex. Next select the sex you best get along with. Please comment as to why you picked your answer. I know you guys like having the both option so I added it too.
I tend to get along best with men but love to have girlfriends.
... though my girlfriends usually treat me like I'm a guy and I treat them like they're pretty girls who need taking care of, so maybe that's indicative of something.
... though my girlfriends usually treat me like I'm a guy and I treat them like they're pretty girls who need taking care of, so maybe that's indicative of something.
I tend to get along better with men. I just feel like I have more in common with them. I'd rather go fourwheeling and just hang out than go clubbing or something. I'm not a big fan of clothes or shopping or makeup or whatever. I've always been a bit of a tomboy. Even my female partners have said that I behave like a male rather often.
I'm female and I get along well with both, though varying by context and from person to person. My circle consists largely of straight men and women, with a smattering of LGBTQ friends.
Friendships: My strongest and longest lasting friendships tend to be with straight women. The implicit acknowledgement of no sexual future can make it easier to discuss relationships, which tends to be a focal point in my friendships with women. I get along very well with men of all orientations, although the When Harry Met Sally cliche that men and women can't be friends because sex always gets in the way has a kernel of truth. There have been several times when men I've been friends with for years suddenly have the revelation that I am, in fact, a girl--"you're attractive, we know each other, you like guys too right?" pops up and then the friendship never completely recovers. Sexual tension can be fun, but it's best left unspoken.
Romantic Relationships: The simple answer is that women make better fuck-buddies and casual relationships partners for me. Those situations tend to be more complicated with men. I've had serious long-ish term relationships with both men and women, and have got along with varied degrees of success that have more to do with individual wants/needs/attitudes than with gender.
Friendships: My strongest and longest lasting friendships tend to be with straight women. The implicit acknowledgement of no sexual future can make it easier to discuss relationships, which tends to be a focal point in my friendships with women. I get along very well with men of all orientations, although the When Harry Met Sally cliche that men and women can't be friends because sex always gets in the way has a kernel of truth. There have been several times when men I've been friends with for years suddenly have the revelation that I am, in fact, a girl--"you're attractive, we know each other, you like guys too right?" pops up and then the friendship never completely recovers. Sexual tension can be fun, but it's best left unspoken.
Romantic Relationships: The simple answer is that women make better fuck-buddies and casual relationships partners for me. Those situations tend to be more complicated with men. I've had serious long-ish term relationships with both men and women, and have got along with varied degrees of success that have more to do with individual wants/needs/attitudes than with gender.
im female and get along better with guys
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Please select your sex. Next select the sex you best get along with. Please comment as to why you picked your answer. I know you guys like having the both option so I added it too.
Girl with girls haha
Agreed to all of this!
Originally posted by
Ms. Spice
I find that most men can't handle the emotional baggage that I have;however, my female partners tend to have more than myself and they have a better chance tolerating it. However, I find that I'm predominantly attracted to men over women...
I find that most men can't handle the emotional baggage that I have;however, my female partners tend to have more than myself and they have a better chance tolerating it. However, I find that I'm predominantly attracted to men over women... go figure.
I'm a guy and like only girls.
i can't tolerate other men simply because they enjoy talking about girls like they're pieces of meat for sale. i wish i was a girl
I am a transguy, and I get on with males better. I tend to be the partner who needs more nurturing and men are better (in my experience) at providing that, so the relationship is better.
men for friends and either for relationships.
I'm FTM and have dated more males pre-transition due to availability. I like women a lot more physically, but emotionally I'm about equal for all sexes.
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Please select your sex. Next select the sex you best get along with. Please comment as to why you picked your answer. I know you guys like having the both option so I added it too.
Originally posted by
I tend to get along with men more easily; we just seem to be able to be more independent and do our own things better. Of course, it definitely depends on the person too, but for the most part, I tend to get along better with guys.
I also get along well with people on the queer spectrum!
I think you took the words out of my mouth.
Originally posted by
Ms. Spice
I find that most men can't handle the emotional baggage that I have;however, my female partners tend to have more than myself and they have a better chance tolerating it. However, I find that I'm predominantly attracted to men over women...
I find that most men can't handle the emotional baggage that I have;however, my female partners tend to have more than myself and they have a better chance tolerating it. However, I find that I'm predominantly attracted to men over women... go figure.
I've always gotten along better with guys, ever since I was little. I never seem to understand girls...
i'm a girl; i think i get along better with other girls
Originally posted by
Please select your sex. Next select the sex you best get along with. Please comment as to why you picked your answer. I know you guys like having the both option so I added it too.
I generally get along better with females emotionally, but most of my relationships have been with men.
I get along well with both genders. I get along better with women in relationships and guys in friendships.
Like you, I feel like I have better relationships with women, but my close friends tend to be guys.
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I get along well with both genders. I get along better with women in relationships and guys in friendships.
I'm a woman, in as much as I'm anything (I seriously identify my gender as "sparkle femme"), and I tend to be most attracted to people who are somewhat androgynous. There are a lot of exceptions, to be fair, but I do often find myself drawn to genderfluid fops and butch women and femme men.
I really don't see gender when I select my friends, and get along with both (and with every variance of gender). I have more sexual chemistry with women, but I'm not dating, as I'm in a monogamous marriage.
I'm deleting what I said.
Originally posted by
I also get along well with people on the queer spectrum!
I love open minded people and those one the Queer Spectrum tend to be the most of that type.
i am female, and i'd say both as my ideal sexual partner would be one with both penis and boobs. yumyumyum, like Eddie Izzard.
I'm male and I've always gotten along better with women.
I get along better dating/having sex with females because I tend to understand them more and know how to make them feel good (sexually and otherwise). As far as friends, the women I've had as friends compared to the men I've had as friends are just... way too dramatic. So, I prefer to date/have sex with women, but I prefer my friends to be male.
I'm female and I'm more attracted to women but I get along better with guys, we just seem to think the same way and girls are so much more complicated, sometimes I think they enjoy being upset...
I didn't select my gender because I don't identify as either...
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Please select your sex. Next select the sex you best get along with. Please comment as to why you picked your answer. I know you guys like having the both option so I added it too.
i click with both men and women. im a big tomboy and i can take what a guy dishes out and women are alot easier to relate to.
I tend to lean more towards androgyny/genderqueerd om (if that's not a word, I'm coining it now), and I get along with all genders equally well.
Depends entirely on the person. I don't think there are traits that each gender universally possesses.
I haven't found my success in relationships correlating much with my partners' genders; it had much more to do with their thinking & communication styles, and since I generally don't date people who feel forced to conform to their gender's stereotypical thinking styles, actual gender hasn't played much of a role at all.
I tend to click with men during sex more, I am a woman.
I LOVE woman!!! I kinda find men much less desirable than woman.
i think all sex is great sex well most sex lol
Originally posted by
Please select your sex. Next select the sex you best get along with. Please comment as to why you picked your answer. I know you guys like having the both option so I added it too.
I get along with men better for friendships and such, but have far better romantic/sexual relationships with females.
Most of my relationships and sexual experiences have been with men. I find that although I love my friendships with women more, they're too slow for someone as impatient as me when it comes to a relationship. However, I really need feminist men. If I could find an impatient woman, that would probably be perfect.
I'm male and I click with both sexes as a bisexual...but honestly, some men I just cannot deal with, with how much they disrespect women and put them down like they're a lower species. It's pathetic. Not all of them are like that though.
I click with both, but moreso women, especially on an emotional level.
I think I get along with guys better because I think like a guy. With my bi girl friends I get along good but I always screw it up.
Totally depends on the person for me, although I suppose I ought to have more relationship experience with women to be sure.
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