Sex myths you keep finding yourself having to explain?

Contributor: Robespierrethecat Robespierrethecat
Since we're all on Eden here and obviously know a bit about sex-what sort of myths do you keep finding yourself having to explain to others? Are you always having to tell girls that they SHOULDN'T bleed their first time? Telling guys that pegging isn't 'gay'?
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Contributor: Mwar Mwar
I had to explain to my mother that virgins could wear tampons. Of course, this was after my first day of senior year in high school. And instead of excitingly telling her about my day, I was accused of screwing around because she found a tampon in my dresser.

I showed her the research from multiple, reputable sites, but she still had doubts and had to "do her own research." The irony? She worked in healthcare.
Contributor: Mrs.Tee Mrs.Tee
Originally posted by Robespierrethecat
Since we're all on Eden here and obviously know a bit about sex-what sort of myths do you keep finding yourself having to explain to others? Are you always having to tell girls that they SHOULDN'T bleed their first time? Telling guys that ... more
I havent had to explain anything as of yet, but im sure there will come a time......
Contributor: laflauta laflauta
Originally posted by Mwar
I had to explain to my mother that virgins could wear tampons. Of course, this was after my first day of senior year in high school. And instead of excitingly telling her about my day, I was accused of screwing around because she found a tampon in my ... more
Haha, this reminds me of a friend of mine in middle school who refused to wear tampons because she (and her mother) believed that using a tampon would take her virginity.
Contributor: hmb12 hmb12
Originally posted by Mwar
I had to explain to my mother that virgins could wear tampons. Of course, this was after my first day of senior year in high school. And instead of excitingly telling her about my day, I was accused of screwing around because she found a tampon in my ... more
Oh man, mothers like that are a pain!! But it made me chuckle. Thanks for sharing.
Contributor: hmb12 hmb12
Well, first.. I have to explain that anal play isn't gay or filled with poopy mess! lol (I'm a girl and everyone thinks just because I'm female its cool to say anal play is gay for guys- i still find this offensive)

Also, the fact that there's no such thing as a Bi guy always gets me, I try to explain to people bi-sexuals are not just two hot females making out.

And finally, my personal favorite experience was when my boyfriends mother "found" birth control in my purse (she's a nurse) and said that there is no fathomable reason I should need it for a period. That obviously I'm relying on it for protection.

One more! A guy friend of mine said I must not be pleased in bed if I need to buy sex toys or go to Eden Fantasys to compensate.

people can be stupid.
Contributor: No-nita No-nita
With me it's always contraception related. I blame poor sex ed... but a lot of my friends and family are completely clueless when it comes to what's effective, and what's plain dangerous. It always boggles me because while I'm happy to help, google is always a click away, why not research your options yourself? It's such an important aspect of my sex life and I assume everyone else's as well, whether you're trying to conceive or trying desperately NOT to. So it drives me crazy when my buddies are so carefree about it and put themselves at risk. It comes up a lot more often than I'd like it to. :/
Contributor: RavenWings RavenWings
Originally posted by hmb12
Well, first.. I have to explain that anal play isn't gay or filled with poopy mess! lol (I'm a girl and everyone thinks just because I'm female its cool to say anal play is gay for guys- i still find this offensive)

Also, the fact ... more
Sounds like the twilight zone where you live. My condolences.
Contributor: sexytileena / absolutely love sex sexytileena / absolutely love sex
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
The whole no-such-thing-as-a-bi- guy thing. There was actually a doctor spreading that crap around on the radio when I was a teenager. The nerve!
Contributor: hmb12 hmb12
Originally posted by RavenWings
Sounds like the twilight zone where you live. My condolences.
Yes it is! I went to a public school so I assumed people were as well educated as me, but now that I'm out into the real world I have people all over the place saying things that completely boggle my mind. I really wish everyone could get an equal and comprehensive sex education.
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
That vibrators are for single women and vaginal orgasms, not clitoral ones, are the norm.
Contributor: WhoopieDoo WhoopieDoo
That monogamy is THE ONLY "gamy" to participate in, and that anything else, regardless of extreme consensuality, is dirty and sinful.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Pelvic inflammatory disease is caused by STDs. Not all the time ... -_-
Contributor: wildshores wildshores
that piv is the only "real sex" and every thing else is supplementary or foreplay. usually followed by "oh, but not when you're gay!!!! then it's different" and i'm just
Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
Yeah, I think our society is still so sexually repressed a lot of myths still float around. I hope that we become more open and honest about sex. It's not dirty unless you want it to be.
Contributor: kdlt kdlt
When it comes to sexuality, I keep having to explain to people that there is no "man" in a lesbian relationship just like neither guy is the "girl" in a gay relationship. It gets worse when I have to explain that the gender binary being a social construct and... yes. How frustrating!
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
I always find it astonishing how many people are convinced that there's only two orientations: straight and gay. Lots of people still think that bisexuals "don't know what they want," and that asexuals (if they get acknowledged at all) are either freaks, have medical issues, or just "haven't been fucked the right way yet."

And that's not even getting into how complex and multi-layered sexuality can be, and just how many specific orientations there are. Most people's heads would likely explode if you tried to explain it to them!
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
Yeah, I've heard/seen people talk very negatively about asexuals also, like there is seriously something wrong with them.

Another one I see/hear a lot is that having any pubic hair is dirty and unhygienic. That simply isn't true! It may be someone's personal preference, but going around calling it dirty and unhygienic is just flat out wrong. And propagates a myth that can be very harmful.

There are also still a TON of myths floating around on how to prevent pregnancy during or after sex. Which is a real shame.
Contributor: kdlt kdlt
Originally posted by Rin (aka Nire)
I always find it astonishing how many people are convinced that there's only two orientations: straight and gay. Lots of people still think that bisexuals "don't know what they want," and that asexuals (if they get acknowledged at ... more
Seriously! Your post wraps up a large portion of my frustration with sexuality myths. So annoying. And Indiglo is spot on about pubic/body hair-- my own mother hounds the female-bodied in our family and mentions how dirty we are compared to our shaven relatives. She never once guilts the men though!
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Originally posted by kdlt
Seriously! Your post wraps up a large portion of my frustration with sexuality myths. So annoying. And Indiglo is spot on about pubic/body hair-- my own mother hounds the female-bodied in our family and mentions how dirty we are compared to our ... more
Your mother makes it her business to know the state of relatives' pubic hair ... ? Or am I reading this wrong?
Contributor: Supervixen Supervixen
That glass toys are easy to break.
That anal sex is a shit-filled mess.
That people into kink are all fucked up and have a checkered past, filled with abuse.
That being attracted to older men means that a younger woman has "daddy" issues.
That men who are interested in anal play are latent homosexuals.
That people choose their sexual preferences.
That women who want to be with dominant men must have no self respect.
That men who want to be with submissive women are controlling assholes who hate women.
That gender differences are a bad thing.

There are more...I'm sure I'll think of them.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
Originally posted by Supervixen
That glass toys are easy to break.
That anal sex is a shit-filled mess.
That people into kink are all fucked up and have a checkered past, filled with abuse.
That being attracted to older men means that a younger woman has "daddy" ... more
"Gender differences are a bad thing"?

Am I reading that right - like, for example, it's somehow wrong that I have breasts and men don't?? If so, that's one of the most bizarre opinions on any sexual topic I've ever come across.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
Originally posted by kdlt
Seriously! Your post wraps up a large portion of my frustration with sexuality myths. So annoying. And Indiglo is spot on about pubic/body hair-- my own mother hounds the female-bodied in our family and mentions how dirty we are compared to our ... more
In retaliation, I'd hound her over how dirty she is compared to anyone who has a bald head.

Assuming she does have a head of natural hair - no offense is meant if she doesn't.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
Originally posted by Chilipepper
Your mother makes it her business to know the state of relatives' pubic hair ... ? Or am I reading this wrong?
Man, I've heard of nosy mothers getting into everyone's business, but that definitely does take the cake! I mean, a family that's open about sexuality isn't really a bad thing per se, but there's some things that just sound a bit too open.
Contributor: (k)InkyIvy (k)InkyIvy
Masochists like all kinds of pain. Or submissives don't/can't think for themselves and will mindlessly follow orders.
Contributor: Supervixen Supervixen
Originally posted by Rin (aka Nire)
"Gender differences are a bad thing"?

Am I reading that right - like, for example, it's somehow wrong that I have breasts and men don't?? If so, that's one of the most bizarre opinions on any sexual topic I've ever come across.
I'm talking about behavior, which would be a gender difference. Physical characteristics would be a difference between the sexes. Gender and sex are two different things.
Contributor: Supervixen Supervixen
Originally posted by (k)InkyIvy
Masochists like all kinds of pain. Or submissives don't/can't think for themselves and will mindlessly follow orders.
That's a good one. And on the flipside, all DOms are abusive and enjoy hurting and controlling others.

Here's s few more:
People involved in the adult industry, whether it be stripping, pornography, escort services, etc. are all victims of abuse. They all use drugs, too.

Masturbation while you are in a relationship is a sign that you are unhappy with your relationship.

Using sex toys in a relationship means that you are sexually unfulfilled by your partner.

Casual sex is acceptable if you are a man, but casual sex as a woman means that you're slut.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
Originally posted by Supervixen
I'm talking about behavior, which would be a gender difference. Physical characteristics would be a difference between the sexes. Gender and sex are two different things.
Good call. Forgot about that.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
Originally posted by Supervixen
That's a good one. And on the flipside, all DOms are abusive and enjoy hurting and controlling others.

Here's s few more:
People involved in the adult industry, whether it be stripping, pornography, escort services, etc. are all ... more
Oh god, all of those you just mentioned make my brain hurt something terrible. Especially the whole idea that if you're in a relationship, you shouldn't masturbate or use toys. Wonder how people holding these beliefs feel about couples who use toys together.

And the adult industry does have its shady characters - but just about any profession does, if you look around enough. I especially hate the assumption that prostitutes are always, in some form or another, unhappy or unwilling when it comes to their jobs. Few people understand that some people are perfectly fine with such employment, and in fact can enjoy it.