Have you ever squirted?

Contributor: SoloJoe SoloJoe
would love to learn to make my girl do it
Contributor: Rory Rory
I don't know but I'd like to experience it at least once!
Contributor: no.one.special no.one.special
Originally posted by FaerieLove
Seriously I have ruined sheets because of it. My favorite dark purple sheets have white spots on them that wont come out. I've tried everything.
Have you thought about dyeing them back to the original shade? Might get rid of the spots.
Contributor: aluminummm aluminummm
I've only done it once and it was totally unexpected. It was fun, but it's not something I feel I'm missing out on if I don't do more consistently.
Contributor: sw33t1zm3 sw33t1zm3
Originally posted by ToyGurl
I hear all this talk about squirting. It's something I do occasionally, and it's NOT pee. It's a lot more clear and smells nothing like urine. Many people call this a myth and I'm pretty curious about what other people think about squirting.
i love it
Contributor: charleswifey charleswifey
yes I have!
Contributor: edenfantasys* edenfantasys*
Never done it. Kind of happy about it.
Contributor: Mrs.Tee Mrs.Tee
Originally posted by ToyGurl
I hear all this talk about squirting. It's something I do occasionally, and it's NOT pee. It's a lot more clear and smells nothing like urine. Many people call this a myth and I'm pretty curious about what other people think about squirting.
It is indeed real.
Contributor: BeepBop BeepBop
I think I may have once?

My ex definitely has on rare occasions, though. It's definitely a real thing.
Contributor: Alyxx Alyxx
Originally posted by Nothere
First time was with the help of a electric toothbrush!
Omg me too! It definitely freaked me out. I had no idea that women could squirt back then. I was maybe 12 or 13. I was pretty happy I decided to do it in the bathroom, though.

I squirt pretty easily with strong clitoral stimulation. It's not pee, either. Although sometimes I think there may be a little urine mixed in, as on occasion I will notice a slight ammonia smell after the giant puddle has dried. I think this mostly comes from some urine left in the urethra before the squirting happens, kind of like how urine can be mixed in with a guy's precum. It certainly doesn't taste or smell like urine when it's "fresh".

Most of the time for me it is a sudden gush of fluid, but if the orgasm is really intense I've been known to squirt past my feet.
Contributor: neon neon
yes it was insane
Contributor: chelly411 chelly411
It's real, i do it all the time
Contributor: Moniqua Moniqua
I can squirt and I assure you it is NOT PEE. lol
Contributor: KrissyNovacaine KrissyNovacaine
I've done it a few times... Not many. It is perfectly normal.
Contributor: justme23 justme23
Originally posted by ToyGurl
I hear all this talk about squirting. It's something I do occasionally, and it's NOT pee. It's a lot more clear and smells nothing like urine. Many people call this a myth and I'm pretty curious about what other people think about squirting.
I squirt!
Contributor: Pink Lily Pink Lily
I haven't squirted, but it's not a myth.
Contributor: Girly Juice Girly Juice
I've never squirted, unfortunately, but I know that it's not pee!
Contributor: kdlt kdlt
Sad to see the negative votes. Squirting should be more widely discussed so that proper education can get passed along.
Contributor: butts butts
Squiring is produced by the Skene's gland, which is very close to the urethra, sometimes connected to the opening, and not everyone has one large enough to produce female ejaculate. I can't, sometimes it seems like I produce a bit of clear liquid but it's not much, I don't know if I'd call it ejaculate.
Contributor: burtnuh burtnuh
I haven't done it but some of my friends have and say it's wonderful.
Contributor: ne1469694u ne1469694u
Originally posted by ToyGurl
I hear all this talk about squirting. It's something I do occasionally, and it's NOT pee. It's a lot more clear and smells nothing like urine. Many people call this a myth and I'm pretty curious about what other people think about squirting.
Contributor: froggygal91 froggygal91
I use to be able to squirt when I was younger but for some reason I no longer can.
Contributor: tara12 tara12
Squirting is totally normal and caused by extreme amounts of pleasure!
Contributor: xcapricax xcapricax
Yes but only when I have the g and clot done at the same time
Contributor: EmuLove EmuLove
I always squirt... It has never NOT happened unless I am very dehydrated. If I am dehydrated and I don't it doesn't feel like a real orgasm...
Contributor: Bittenflame Bittenflame
every girl actually has a squirt button
Contributor: Bleu Bleu
I have done it but it was when I was like 12. I'm sure I could train myself to do it again, I just find no need to.
Contributor: ZapperZepper ZapperZepper
It's real! We've gone through many sheets because of it...
Contributor: Ayumi Ayumi
Squirting is real, and it is clinically referred to as female ejaculation. The fluid does come from the urethra, but it is not pee and it is often a clear on milky fluid similar to cum.

And yes, it has happened to me after a round of intensely pleasurable stimulation.
Contributor: SecretKinksters SecretKinksters
Done it once...wish I could do it everytime!!