I've heard a lot about making love after giving birth vaginally, and some if it is contradictory. Just wondering for those who have experienced it if it seems different than before you/your spouse was pregnant? (not RIGHT after birth, just in general after having kids)
Does it feel different making love after giving birth?

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It was a little tighter after but we waited for a good four months. It did not take long to feel just like it did before.
I've had 3 children. They were delivered via C Section, but I did push after getting to 10 cm with the first two. The babies' heads were almost out. But, I didn't make it all the way.
Anyway, it was just as good, maybe better, after our kids were born. We never waited the 6 weeks or 4 weeks or whatever they tell you now. (We were told to wait 6 wks with my first and by the time I had my 3rd they were saying 4 to 6 wks postpartum.) I don't think we lasted more than 10 day for PIV and oral, and My Man remembers my giving him a BJ the night after I came home from the hospital after our 3rd baby was born. I had been on bedrest, and he had taken care of the other kids alone while I was in the hospital, and he looked so lonely lying in our bed alone. I had to sleep on an air mattress on the floor, because my incision hurt too badly to get into and out of the water bed. So, I said "I know someone who needs a blow job." I had totally forgotten I did this, and he reminded me a few months ago.
He thought it was so sweet. I was in pain, from the incision, from the place the surgical plastic had torn flesh off from the bend in my hip during the surgery, and my baby had a terrible latch and my nipples were sore as hell. But, he needed it, and I was glad to make him happy.
Anyway, My Man has always said there was no difference. Although the orgasms during pregnancy are amazing!!
Anyway, it was just as good, maybe better, after our kids were born. We never waited the 6 weeks or 4 weeks or whatever they tell you now. (We were told to wait 6 wks with my first and by the time I had my 3rd they were saying 4 to 6 wks postpartum.) I don't think we lasted more than 10 day for PIV and oral, and My Man remembers my giving him a BJ the night after I came home from the hospital after our 3rd baby was born. I had been on bedrest, and he had taken care of the other kids alone while I was in the hospital, and he looked so lonely lying in our bed alone. I had to sleep on an air mattress on the floor, because my incision hurt too badly to get into and out of the water bed. So, I said "I know someone who needs a blow job." I had totally forgotten I did this, and he reminded me a few months ago.
He thought it was so sweet. I was in pain, from the incision, from the place the surgical plastic had torn flesh off from the bend in my hip during the surgery, and my baby had a terrible latch and my nipples were sore as hell. But, he needed it, and I was glad to make him happy.
Anyway, My Man has always said there was no difference. Although the orgasms during pregnancy are amazing!!
After waiting as patiently as I could just to have sex again after the kids were born I was in heaven just to be having sex again. I don't remember ever noticing a difference.
We didn't really notice a difference, we were both really horny waiting for the 6 weeks waiting period to end lol but there was a time we didn't do it for about 2 weeks for some reason and I was doing kegal exercises that whole time and the next time we did it he said I felt like a virgin! lol! I didnt realize how good that worked!
Now that's a good wife!!
Originally posted by
I've had 3 children. They were delivered via C Section, but I did push after getting to 10 cm with the first two. The babies' heads were almost out. But, I didn't make it all the way.
Anyway, it was just as good, maybe better, ... more
Anyway, it was just as good, maybe better, ... more
I've had 3 children. They were delivered via C Section, but I did push after getting to 10 cm with the first two. The babies' heads were almost out. But, I didn't make it all the way.
Anyway, it was just as good, maybe better, after our kids were born. We never waited the 6 weeks or 4 weeks or whatever they tell you now. (We were told to wait 6 wks with my first and by the time I had my 3rd they were saying 4 to 6 wks postpartum.) I don't think we lasted more than 10 day for PIV and oral, and My Man remembers my giving him a BJ the night after I came home from the hospital after our 3rd baby was born. I had been on bedrest, and he had taken care of the other kids alone while I was in the hospital, and he looked so lonely lying in our bed alone. I had to sleep on an air mattress on the floor, because my incision hurt too badly to get into and out of the water bed. So, I said "I know someone who needs a blow job." I had totally forgotten I did this, and he reminded me a few months ago.
He thought it was so sweet. I was in pain, from the incision, from the place the surgical plastic had torn flesh off from the bend in my hip during the surgery, and my baby had a terrible latch and my nipples were sore as hell. But, he needed it, and I was glad to make him happy.
Anyway, My Man has always said there was no difference. Although the orgasms during pregnancy are amazing!! less
Anyway, it was just as good, maybe better, after our kids were born. We never waited the 6 weeks or 4 weeks or whatever they tell you now. (We were told to wait 6 wks with my first and by the time I had my 3rd they were saying 4 to 6 wks postpartum.) I don't think we lasted more than 10 day for PIV and oral, and My Man remembers my giving him a BJ the night after I came home from the hospital after our 3rd baby was born. I had been on bedrest, and he had taken care of the other kids alone while I was in the hospital, and he looked so lonely lying in our bed alone. I had to sleep on an air mattress on the floor, because my incision hurt too badly to get into and out of the water bed. So, I said "I know someone who needs a blow job." I had totally forgotten I did this, and he reminded me a few months ago.
He thought it was so sweet. I was in pain, from the incision, from the place the surgical plastic had torn flesh off from the bend in my hip during the surgery, and my baby had a terrible latch and my nipples were sore as hell. But, he needed it, and I was glad to make him happy.
Anyway, My Man has always said there was no difference. Although the orgasms during pregnancy are amazing!! less
its the same in fact you maybe closer together after something so together as having a child assuming the partner you are having sex with is the father i could hardly wait the time lasted 5weeks both times but i gave oral a lot since i was horny even though no healed
So relieved to hear it is the same, I was really worried.
yeah i remember being worried also
kegals help
kegals help
Now that I've had my brood of kids I have much more sensitivity and can even climax harder!
at first, yes but then as time went on, it became the same again
I've often wondered about this. We haven't had kids yet, but we've spoken about this topic and are curious about it.
It feels exactly the same for me except that if its been awhile then it hurts where my episiotomy scar is for the first minute. He has to go slow for just a minute.
I was sure that it wouldn't feel the same for him but he says it does.
I was sure that it wouldn't feel the same for him but he says it does.
I put other because I had a C section. Right after I had my son (we waited two weeks against doctor's orders) everything felt tighter and better. After a week or so everything went back to normal and has been the same ever since.
I think it feels the same after giving birth and my husband says it feels tighter the first couple times but then gets back to normal.
Once I healed properly, it felt/feels better!
Feels the same. But I do have to add that I was pushing my son's head out and then had to stop and have a c section so I didn't have the full baby come out. but it was almost out and had problems.
Originally posted by
I've heard a lot about making love after giving birth vaginally, and some if it is contradictory. Just wondering for those who have experienced it if it seems different than before you/your spouse was pregnant? (not RIGHT after birth, just in
I've heard a lot about making love after giving birth vaginally, and some if it is contradictory. Just wondering for those who have experienced it if it seems different than before you/your spouse was pregnant? (not RIGHT after birth, just in general after having kids)
After vaginally birthing my third child, I can now orgasm only from intercourse. Before, I couldn't...so yeah, I'd say it's better now!
I didnt even have sex while i was pregnant but after my first i waited the 6 weeks tried couldnt do it made him wait another 4 weeks tried again an it still didnt feel right, but after taking it easy an getting use to it was back to normal
For the man, Im sure it is different. It takes a while to bounce back to the size you were prior to pushing a watermelon head out lol. For me, it wasnt any different because I can work my kegels and make it work.
Finally! I always wanted to know the answer to this but never knew how to properly phrase the question.
it was tight and painful before pregnancy and a little bit during, but after it was like a whole new world of sex. My husband was so happy that I now loved sex as much as he did, and the love blossomed into a new career!
Originally posted by
I've heard a lot about making love after giving birth vaginally, and some if it is contradictory. Just wondering for those who have experienced it if it seems different than before you/your spouse was pregnant? (not RIGHT after birth, just in
I've heard a lot about making love after giving birth vaginally, and some if it is contradictory. Just wondering for those who have experienced it if it seems different than before you/your spouse was pregnant? (not RIGHT after birth, just in general after having kids)
I am a female and I've never had kids, but I have done a lot of research about pregnancy in general. And I would say that sex on a physical level will stay the same. Emotionally you could be more connected with your partner. On a vaginal level your vagina will take a long time and exercise to get your vaginal muscles tight again.
Originally posted by
I've heard a lot about making love after giving birth vaginally, and some if it is contradictory. Just wondering for those who have experienced it if it seems different than before you/your spouse was pregnant? (not RIGHT after birth, just in
I've heard a lot about making love after giving birth vaginally, and some if it is contradictory. Just wondering for those who have experienced it if it seems different than before you/your spouse was pregnant? (not RIGHT after birth, just in general after having kids)
I had a c-section, I can't really say. Sex feels good for me.
--I did once have a guy tell me I was insanely tight for being a mom and I was like, "oh that's nice, I had a c-section." Kind of a funny story.
--I did once have a guy tell me I was insanely tight for being a mom and I was like, "oh that's nice, I had a c-section." Kind of a funny story.
No real difference that I've noticed or that he's noticed.
I'd say better after for sure!
My vagina makes me want to cry now. Two second degree tears that healed badly.
Me too!
Originally posted by
yeah i remember being worried also
kegals help
kegals help
I have had 2 vaginal births first one I was never wanting sex after having hi because I tore and had to have like 4 stitches, but after my second I didn't tare at all And sex still feels the same, but not nearly as painful as after the first child /took a yr to get to feeling normal again...
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