Useful topic breakdown on Funny Dildo:
Funny sex toy titles
I saw a lady gag gag blowup doll XD
funny sex poems
I stumbled across this cool poem, anyone else seen these? I hadn't before today...
Roses are red and lemons are sour
Open your legs and give..
Funny things I saw in Costa Rica
Ok, one of the days I was in Costa Rica with my future husband and inlaws we went wandering around one of the little tourist towns, and I saw a few...
Funny movies...
Has anyone seen a very funny movie lately? I've been looking but can't seem to find a single one. HELP
Too funny. See if you can come up with some "new" terms.
Tonight, after dinner, I am sitting on the couch reading some work documents and my hubby is in the kitchen feeding the dogs. I look over at him and..