What do you do after SEX?

Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Usually we lie there and pant and remark how great it was! Sometimes he goes and gets something to eat, I usually don't in the evening, but sometimes do in the morning. We talk, cuddle, and if he falls asleep once in a while I'll read. At night, we talk for a while and cuddle, and then we sleep. Sometimes we have more sex.

I also need to pee and to drink some water. I drink water during sex, too, I need to keep well hydrated. It's a lot of work!
Contributor: joja joja
We usually cuddle and talk, but my favorite activities are eating and taking a walk with him!
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
Cuddle, have more sex, shower, talk, sleep.
Contributor: Do emu Do emu
Originally posted by PassionateLover2
A study was just released which indicated that people are more ‘addictive’ to Facebook and/or Twitter than smoking or alcohol. This made me think, what are we addicted to after we have SEX?
Cuddle, sleep, or talk. Or more sex. :3
Contributor: ArsenicAlice ArsenicAlice
We spoon until we pass out. haha
Unless I want more sex. :p
Contributor: Megan Jean Megan Jean
Cuddle up and talk. It's a wonderful end to things.
Contributor: Girl696 Girl696
Originally posted by PassionateLover2
A study was just released which indicated that people are more ‘addictive’ to Facebook and/or Twitter than smoking or alcohol. This made me think, what are we addicted to after we have SEX?
Contributor: FriskyInFlorida FriskyInFlorida
usually get something to drink then go to sleep
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
everything but smoke and call a friend. if the phone rings while we're cuddling, i get up, turn the ringer off, and stomp back to bed. hubby finds that very amusing
Contributor: PassionateLover2 PassionateLover2
WOW!!! I am truly overwhelmed by ALL the responses I have received on this thread. For your information, this was one of my earliest questions posted here at Eden Fantasys since I joint the website community. After 294 votes, it looks like Cuddling is still in 1st. place with 72 votes, followed very equally matched Talking with your partner & Going back to sleep.

KUDOS to all my fellow contributors for responding to this popular thread! This has really been a learning experience!
Contributor: spineyogurt spineyogurt
Contributor: PassionateLover2 PassionateLover2
I appreciate all the results. Thanks.
Contributor: Zandrock Zandrock
you left out cuddle.
Contributor: winterseve winterseve
It really depends. Morning sex most often is followed by breakfast, bedtime sex is usually met with a short show then sleep for me. Wish i coulld just fall asleep after sex like the hubby.
Contributor: (k)InkyIvy (k)InkyIvy
We usually get up to pee and clean up, then flop back down (dressed or not) and chat for a while, just to give our legs a chance to stop shaking so bad!
Contributor: Feisty Feisty
We typically cuddle and end up falling asleep because we're so worn out.
Contributor: Ganconagh Ganconagh
It varies from time to time. Hot tub is a favorite after sex.
Contributor: Pinkshirt Pinkshirt
Usually go to sleep. If the sex is dirty then we'll shower. Some times I like to eat ice cream.
Contributor: Augustxsins Augustxsins
Showering is a must!
Contributor: hawaiian chick hawaiian chick
After sex its right to the shower then usually another round or two with showers in between. Then we cuddle and talk!
Contributor: Noelle Noelle
Originally posted by PassionateLover2
A study was just released which indicated that people are more ‘addictive’ to Facebook and/or Twitter than smoking or alcohol. This made me think, what are we addicted to after we have SEX?
SHower, cuddle and HOPEFULLY have sex again, then sleep.
Contributor: snarknemesis snarknemesis
I really like cuddling and talking to my partner.
Contributor: srval69 srval69
depends after we are done what we do
Contributor: damnbul12 damnbul12
Contributor: Lildrummrgurl7 Lildrummrgurl7
Usually I get up to clean up while he goes out to smoke. Then we cuddle, talk, and fall asleep.
Contributor: Thumper Logic Thumper Logic
He overheats usually, so cuddling is a luxury for me. We do, however, have great conversations about more intimate stuff (including sex, but not limited to it) after we've done the deed.
Contributor: Deeder Deeder
Try to sleep as I lay wide awake wondering if it's ever going to improve.
Contributor: meitman meitman
It depends on the night. Sometimes it's right before bed and other times it's earlier in the evening and we just hang out and do whatever else we were going to do that night.
Contributor: KrissyNovacaine KrissyNovacaine
food and sleep are my most common reactions
Contributor: Leather & Lace Leather & Lace
I always fall asleep after an orgasm