I'm interested in seeing how closely body hair maintenance is linked to sexuality. Is your choice to tend to your pit hair, leg hair, stomach hair/happy trail, pubic hair, et cetera affected by your partner or your views on finding/keeping a partner? Do you feel that at least a minimal level of body hair maintenance is mandatory in a relationship—and do you assume that someone who doesn't so much as trim their pubes every now and then is lazy, or worse? Are your body hair standards gendered? Are you surprised to see a girl with hairy legs in heels and sexy attire out on the town? Do you manage your body hair in a way that is most practical and comfortable for you or a way that you think is most acceptable or appropriate?
Share your stories about what sparked your initial foray into body hair maintenance, how it currently relates to your sexuality, and what you are attracted to on others!
Share your stories about what sparked your initial foray into body hair maintenance, how it currently relates to your sexuality, and what you are attracted to on others!