Other helpful discussions on Cock rings:
Wondering why there isn't more discussion for pansexuals?
The term bi-sexual is gender binary (obvs) and doesn't really fit everyone Not everyone is only attracted to just cis-gendered folks... I'd love to...
Mens Rings-Which metal?
What metals do you prefer for your rings? I got a titanium one, and Im looking into others. Please give any helpful tips to the metals if you know of.
Figuring it out...
How did you know that you really did like men and women? Did anyone start out identifying as gay, and then begin to identify as bisexual?
Penis pumps
Can someone explain to me the purpose of these. Do they make it bigger, last longer or does it just feel good? I'm seriously confused.
How does this ring compare to others?
How does this one compare to the other rings?