I'm a very avid fan of lesbian D/s erotica and dominant wives erotica, and would love to hear the thoughts of those women who are dominant over their female or male partners, but answers from all are greatly appreciated.
My questions...
For you personally, how important is your height compared to your submissive partner?
Must you be taller than your submissive?
Is it a truth or myth that height and size is important in a D/s relationship?
How many women who are dominant over their husbands or male partners are taller than the man? Is that a major factor in you being dominant over him?
Thank you for your answers!
My questions...
For you personally, how important is your height compared to your submissive partner?
Must you be taller than your submissive?
Is it a truth or myth that height and size is important in a D/s relationship?
How many women who are dominant over their husbands or male partners are taller than the man? Is that a major factor in you being dominant over him?
Thank you for your answers!