I have yet to be with a guy who did not either confess to me that he finds pigtails sexy, or ask me to wear my hair in pigtails. Occasionally, I do wear my hair like that in a totally non-sexual scenario, but I generally wear them tied low nearer my shoulders, as two braids, or as two buns--only in the bedroom have I worn them high up and sticking out. But it seems to be a big turn on for a lot of men. Do you find pigtails sexy? If so, why is this? If not, why is that?
Pigtails--do you like them?
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Not too worried about it.
Originally posted by
I have yet to be with a guy who did not either confess to me that he finds pigtails sexy, or ask me to wear my hair in pigtails. Occasionally, I do wear my hair like that in a totally non-sexual scenario, but I generally wear them tied low nearer my
I have yet to be with a guy who did not either confess to me that he finds pigtails sexy, or ask me to wear my hair in pigtails. Occasionally, I do wear my hair like that in a totally non-sexual scenario, but I generally wear them tied low nearer my shoulders, as two braids, or as two buns--only in the bedroom have I worn them high up and sticking out. But it seems to be a big turn on for a lot of men. Do you find pigtails sexy? If so, why is this? If not, why is that?
I'm female and I think pigtails only belong on little kids. there is no sexy appeal to them.
To each their own they are cute on kids but I don't find them sexy.
I am neutral, but I do find them a bit silly. To each their own though.
I give them an 'eh'
No big deal either way!
I prefer a regular ponytail on my wife so I can't say pigtails are a big turn on, but there is some sexiness to them for me. Can't tell you why.
I am a man and I am neutral about pigtails.
I voted that they turn me on, but I feel I must explain. I, personally, do not find them exciting. But M, my hubby and Sir, does. And the fact that they turn him on, turns me on. So in a round-about way, I'm still turned on...
For some reason, I hate pigtails.
It's funny how people feel about pigtails on women! Like I said, I wear them sometimes, and I've gotten either compliments or no comment. But I either hear "pigtails are hot!" or, "grown women shouldn't wear pigtails! It's only suitable for little kids!" Then again, I look young and am often mistaken for a teenager; maybe pigtails fit me in that way, or maybe they just make me look even younger. I guess it depends on what look you're going for.
I have a feeling that people are weird about them because they are considered to be a childish look, and people are uncomfortable with sexualizing something associated with children. But part of the sexual appeal, like the school girl look, is that they suggest innocence (NOT children necessarily--I'm not accusing people of latent pedophilia if they dig pigtails, here), and putting it in a sexual context is enticing.
That's my theory, anyway.
I have a feeling that people are weird about them because they are considered to be a childish look, and people are uncomfortable with sexualizing something associated with children. But part of the sexual appeal, like the school girl look, is that they suggest innocence (NOT children necessarily--I'm not accusing people of latent pedophilia if they dig pigtails, here), and putting it in a sexual context is enticing.
That's my theory, anyway.
I'm male and I'm neutral about them.
I am neutral about pigtails.
I think they are really cute on me and other women.
I am pretty neutral, it just depends.
I worked in retail ages ago, and occasionally I would wear pigtails....and they would inevitably get tugged by my male co-workers.
I just asked my boyfriend and he proclaimed pigtails are 'only for anime characters'. le sigh!
I just asked my boyfriend and he proclaimed pigtails are 'only for anime characters'. le sigh!
I love them!
I don't mind them, their adorable on little kids, and I'll put them in only to throw both in a ponytail and have a little design behind my head but that's it.
I'm neutral to them. Sometimes when I am bored, I wear my hair like that though.
I like wearing them, and wore them often when I was 18-19 but don't find them to be a major turn-on.
I will sometimes wear them in low pigtails for school girl fantasy.
I am neutral about pigtails but I have worn them in the past when I had hair and I think they would go well with the school girl outfit.

From a man's point of view, pigtails are definitely a turn on!

Me and my partner both like it when I wear them. I really like it when he pulls them.
All depends on who's wearing them
I don't find htem hot or anything. I occasionally wear them in the bedroom. My husband like to pull them.
I think they are sexy
I am a man and I am neutral about pigtails.
My husband and I both really dislike pigtails.