Physical Attraction: do you need to be or are you attracted to your partner sexually? (private poll)

Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
I think my GF is sweet, cute, and super hot!
Contributor: Yossarian Yossarian
My wife has the body type I've always been attracted to but after ten years together the thing I like best about her body is that it's hers.
Contributor: Daemonin Daemonin
I've been attracted to my husband since I first laid eyes on him. The longer we're together I feel that attraction continue to strengthen. I have dated some that I found less-attractive and it didn't work. At all. But maybe it's because their personalities sucked...
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
It's not unreasonable to have to be sexually-attracted to someone to stay with them. It depends on how much appearance matters and if it's only a certain appearance that will do. When I look for someone new, I don't base it on their appearance at all. I've fallen head over heels for a girl who was not attractive by conventional societal standards at all. I was very much attracted to her sexually once I realized I had feelings for her. My sexual attraction usually comes with my emotional feelings because I will only date someone with a good personality and it's very important to me. I don't care if someone is hotter than the sun; If they have a bad personality, I wouldn't be attracted to them for very long.

My boyfriend is a big chubby-wubby with hair all over him and not the best complexion. I think he is the sexiest thing to walk this Earth. In fact, he's the only man I'm attracted to!
Contributor: Undead Undead
Originally posted by Peggi
So a friend of mine just said something that seemed incredibly odd to me! She said that she is not physically attracted to her husband, with whom she has been with for 5 years. They have two children together and she loves him, but she doesn't ... more
I have to be physically/sexually attracted to her, which I am
Contributor: deltalima deltalima
For me, I think my partner becomes attractive to me whether they are physically or not. I mean, if they have something like a goatee for example that I find a turn off, if I'm dating someone who has it, I adjust to it.
Contributor: PeppermintFuntimes PeppermintFuntimes
I need some form of physical attraction to have them be my partner, and of course they have to have a good, compatible personality too. My version of attractiveness is a bit out there though XD.
Contributor: SexyStuff SexyStuff
Was she attracted to him to start out with? I guess in my marriage it ebbs and flows, but on the whole I find him extremely attractive.
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
I would have to find something about them attractive if there was going to be a sexual component to the relationship.
Contributor: Eliyahu Eliyahu
I can't have sex with someone I'm not physically or sexually attracted to...that said, for me at least, an awesome personality can go a long way for someone who's neither very attractive nor trollish, and has been enough to tip the balance positively.
Contributor: voenne voenne
For me, the physical attraction goes hand in hand with how I feel about someone emotionally and sexually. I hate feeling shallow for it, but you like what you like (and not to say I have high standards and like pretty boy types with sexy muscle definition, because I generally don't). On the same token, if they were incredibly physically attractive, but unattractive personality-wise / intellectually, it would not dictate my over all attraction to the person. In these situations the personality always wins over the attractiveness.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
I do find my man attractive, but there are certain areas of his body I wish he would work on.. i.e. his belly and his overall weight. However, I am overweight myself, so I don't have much room to complain. ;-) (we have started working out together, so that's a start.)
Contributor: Megan Jean Megan Jean
My sexual attraction to my boyfriend came after we were talking for a while.
Contributor: True Pleasures True Pleasures
When I was younger, I couldn't stand guys with body hair. When my husband sent me the first picture of him shirtless, I wasn't really sure what to say. That was about 9 years ago, and I quickly grew to love it. So, yeah, I'm attracted to my partner. It was a little iffy at first, but I love every hair, every pimple, every..well, everything.
Contributor: Ilovelingerie Ilovelingerie
I am very attracted to my current boyfriend of almost three years.
The guy I was with before I wasnt attracted to, he was baby cute, but nothing sexual, but that didn't bother me at all. Looks don't matter to me, but they are nice.
Contributor: Harpina is gone Harpina is gone
I could not stay in a relationship with someone that I didn't find attractive. Sex is very important and I need that attraction.
Contributor: biancajames biancajames
Originally posted by Peggi
So a friend of mine just said something that seemed incredibly odd to me! She said that she is not physically attracted to her husband, with whom she has been with for 5 years. They have two children together and she loves him, but she doesn't ... more
It does depend...I did have great sex with a man I was not that attracted to once, but I would prefer to be in a relationship with someone i found to be hot...
Contributor: Brandonn Brandonn
It's a combination of body, mind & attitude
Contributor: Eliza Eliza
I definitely find my partner attractive, but I am not going to say he's the sexiest man in the world or something. There are things about him that I'm /less/ attracted to than others, but overall, he's quite a good looking man.

I think I need to be attracted to someone to like them, BUT I also know that my qualifications for what makes someone attractive don't always line up with society's, AND a great personality always makes someone more attractive, regardless of their physical appearance.
Contributor: tortilla tortilla
Usually physical attraction is what happens for me first, but if I get to know someone that didn't spark my interest immediately, they sometimes 'grow' to be attractive in that aspect.
Contributor: richsam richsam
Originally posted by Peggi
So a friend of mine just said something that seemed incredibly odd to me! She said that she is not physically attracted to her husband, with whom she has been with for 5 years. They have two children together and she loves him, but she doesn't ... more
i do
Contributor: oldman oldman
Sometimes we meet someone who we instantly see as attractive, hot, or whatever words you use to describe the other person. Sometimes we meet someone on a social plane and as we get to know that person (even if it is only say 10 minutes) he/she becomes attractive to us because of their personality, chemistry--whatever. I think the 2 go hand in hand. Look at (for example) the Sports Illustrated swim suit models--most men would say they are sexually attractive but if given the opportunity to meet them, many men would not want to hook up because "it" just wouldn't be there.

Over the years, both my wife and I have changed physically and in social ways but each day I look at her and think I am such a lucky guy. She is the most beautiful woman in the world...for me...not for you. That's how I see it working!!
Contributor: dbm6907 dbm6907
I definately find my partner attractive! Looks should not be the basis for a relationship, but if the attraction and lust isn't there I don't see how the relationship could go any further.
Contributor: richsam richsam
Originally posted by Peggi
So a friend of mine just said something that seemed incredibly odd to me! She said that she is not physically attracted to her husband, with whom she has been with for 5 years. They have two children together and she loves him, but she doesn't ... more
I would not need to find my partner attractive to stay with them
Contributor: pynkNymphette pynkNymphette
I couldn't have sex with someone I was not physically attracted to. No matter how great their personality is... we would just wind up being best buddies or something.
Contributor: martb40 martb40
Originally posted by Peggi
So a friend of mine just said something that seemed incredibly odd to me! She said that she is not physically attracted to her husband, with whom she has been with for 5 years. They have two children together and she loves him, but she doesn't ... more
As a man, I think I need to find my partner physically attractive to want to have sex with her. Men tend to be visual creatures, more so than women, and when something doesn't look good to you it's more difficult to get aroused. Saying that though, we are not THAT critical of your body. Facially attractive women, or even women with good personality will get away with not having the perfect body. Reading this, to me, sounds incredibly sexist but I don't wish it to seem so. I love women and I don't expect them to be perfect in every way. I would rather have sex with a woman who makes me laugh and knows how to have fun than a supermodel who has the personality of a stone. So ladies, give yourselves a break. Don't sweat the small stuff but keep that bad humor in a box somewhere. Don't expect any more from your partner that you are willing to give but don't accept less.
Anyway to answer the question... Yes, I find my wife physically attractive, even with a few extra pounds. She's as sexy as hell and we have electric sex.
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
Originally posted by Peggi
So a friend of mine just said something that seemed incredibly odd to me! She said that she is not physically attracted to her husband, with whom she has been with for 5 years. They have two children together and she loves him, but she doesn't ... more
I guess it's shallow of me but I have to be physically attracted to him to be completely satisfied. I wasn't completely physically attracted to my last ex in every aspect and now that I'm in a relationship where I LOVE everything about the way my fiance looks I am so much more happier and out relationship is better than my last. That's just me though. But along with looks we have to have similar interests and he HAS to be funny and make me laugh and my fiance is. Besides physical looks humor is at the top of the list for what I want in a man. You have to have a good personality and just 'connect' with me. My first serious relationship, he was attractive to me but man was he a total asshole jerk! I was young and stupid and put up with his abusive cheating ways until I matured a bit and finally learned it wasn't right or healthy. My last ex before my current fiance was a nice person but I just felt like he tried too hard to be like his guy friends and mine that came around and it was so painfully obvious and pathetic. You need to be YOURSELF, not fake a part. Our sex like sucked but I had fun otherwise but after 4yrs I just started getting depressed because I wasn't happy sexually and that bothered me. Now, I'm as satisfied as I could ever be. I love everything about his looks and his personality. We aren't alike in all ways but in the ways we aren't I'm attracted to as well. Like he is more socially outgoing than I am and that helps me out, if that makes sense? I don't know. I just know I love him and I'm finally satisfied in all the ways I was looking for and need.
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
Originally posted by oldman
Sometimes we meet someone who we instantly see as attractive, hot, or whatever words you use to describe the other person. Sometimes we meet someone on a social plane and as we get to know that person (even if it is only say 10 minutes) he/she ... more
I LOVE the last paragraph here. Well said!
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Peggi
So a friend of mine just said something that seemed incredibly odd to me! She said that she is not physically attracted to her husband, with whom she has been with for 5 years. They have two children together and she loves him, but she doesn't ... more
My partners are both very physically attractive to me and I do love that fact but to be fair I am much more in lust with their minds
Contributor: ellejay ellejay
I think my partner is extremely sexy! Not in an underwear model way, but in a way that is personal to me.

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