So my husband and I have discussed him getting a piercing many times. He wanted an Apadravya but I felt uneasy about the whole piercing through the head thing plus the healing time was WAAAAY too long for us. So my husband has went away for some Army training and we started talking about the piercing again. I did some research and found the frenum piercing. (This refers to shaft skin piercing at right angles to shaft immediately underneath the head of the penis. A ring or barbell can be employed in this piercing.) So he has plans to go get this piercing. He is going to get a barbell. So now to my question....
I am curious to know from anyone who HAS this or has been with someone with this does it affect things? Can you feel it moving around during sex? Is it painful with aggressive thrusting? Is a blow job any different for the man with this piercing? How is condom use with it?
I am curious to know from anyone who HAS this or has been with someone with this does it affect things? Can you feel it moving around during sex? Is it painful with aggressive thrusting? Is a blow job any different for the man with this piercing? How is condom use with it?