How often do you masturbate?

Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
I put other because in a picture perfect would I would do it everynight before I go to sleep.

Sometimes my sisters are having troubles or I have to go help a friend out or stuff thats more important then an orgasm.

If I could It would be everynight....theres days ile masterbate 5 or six different times theres days were ime to busy to even be horny lol
Contributor: TiffySmilez TiffySmilez
I apparently did it when I was seven and my mom "shamed" me like I was a puppy. I rediscovered the joys of my body when I was 12 but I can only masturbate when my mom and sister leave the house (although I have done it when they in the other room if the need is great enough).
Contributor: CherryMinx CherryMinx
I used to do it most of the time, but my needs are mostly taken care of. the occasional self-service is still amazing.
Contributor: Lady Venus Lady Venus
everyday! Usually in the shower and at night before sleep. I'm a chronic masturbator!
Contributor: SexyySarah SexyySarah
It depends on the week, but it's usually at least once a week, sometimes more sometimes less.
Contributor: Midway through Midway through
2 times a day at least, though lately it's been 3. I feel like a fiend, maybe I should call masturbation-a-holics. .. lol
Contributor: Mari Fanger Mari Fanger
i don't do it everyday just when im in the mood...that's y i said other
Contributor: sumie sumie
I usually do it once or twice a day depending on how busy I am. If I have time, I will do it three or four times day. Sadly that rarely happens. All this masturbating makes me lust for my guy even more.
Contributor: Persephone's Addiction Persephone's Addiction
Just about everyday, frequently several times a day - especially if I'm ovulating.

It probably averages out to more than once a day. So, "other."
Contributor: V.T.T V.T.T
It fluctuates for me, also we have a toddler now so I do not have so much self-lovin' time anymore. However, we (my husband that is, of course) masterbate together a lot as a part of foreplay.
Contributor: clp clp
Every day, unless something has gone wrong.
Like a lack of batteries, or super sadness. Ya know. Wrong.
Contributor: Operaverdi Operaverdi
At least once a day. Sometimes 2 and 3 times a day depending on my stamina at 78 years old.
Contributor: mrs.mckrakn mrs.mckrakn
almost daily. i love sex and hubbie isnt always willing nor around
I am not seeing anyone right now so I am into several times a day..I love sex...
Contributor: UrNaughtyaAngel UrNaughtyaAngel
I go through periods of not doing for weeks then to maybe doing 2x in a day
Contributor: pinkzombie pinkzombie
Originally posted by Valyn
Sammi said, in How often in week do you normally have sex? By Age Groups., "Yah, I answered for two-person sex as well. Maybe we should have a masturbation poll "

So, here it is! How often do you do it? Care to share how? With ... more
A few times a week.
Contributor: celibacysucks celibacysucks
Originally posted by Valyn
Sammi said, in How often in week do you normally have sex? By Age Groups., "Yah, I answered for two-person sex as well. Maybe we should have a masturbation poll "

So, here it is! How often do you do it? Care to share how? With ... more
Not as often as I'd like. How sad is that?
Contributor: KnK KnK
A few times a week. Sometimes not at all in a week. It depends on how stressed out I am...or horny, I guess.
Contributor: C4ss C4ss
Once or twice a week, normally.
Contributor: nyc cpl nyc cpl
Originally posted by Valyn
Sammi said, in How often in week do you normally have sex? By Age Groups., "Yah, I answered for two-person sex as well. Maybe we should have a masturbation poll "

So, here it is! How often do you do it? Care to share how? With ... more
I like once or twice a week but if I am alone at home than porn and handjob is my favorite passtime
Contributor: sbon sbon
I voted once or twice a week because I think that's about my average, but it really varies. I've gone multiple weeks without it at all and then there were some weeks where it was multiple times a day.
Contributor: UnknownGirl UnknownGirl
Once or twice a week is probably average for me.
Contributor: rdytogo rdytogo
Depends on the week, but usually once, sometimes more if I have more time on my hands.
Contributor: moonch1ld moonch1ld
Depends on if my partner is around or not. If she is then maybe once or twice a week but if she is out of town then almost every day
Contributor: Beaners Beaners
Eh, once or twice a week-ish. Sometimes I don't at all and I'll just wait until I see my boyfriend on the weekend.
Contributor: Epicurean Epicurean
Varies widely depending on my overall horniness. As little as once a week, and as often as 4-5 times a day.
Contributor: ToxicHeart ToxicHeart
I guess I should've said other since there are times when I don't masturbate for weeks but usually it's once or twice. Probably more once I get my toys
Contributor: tits only tits only
Contributor: Joie de Cherresse Joie de Cherresse
I'm about average I guess. About 5 or 6 times a week, just depends on how much action I'm getting from hubby, lol... Even when he and I do it we sometimes masturbate together and that is lots of fun...
Contributor: XxFallenAngelxX XxFallenAngelxX
Once a day