If you browse the options of porn that are available in some service, to choose the option that you want to watch:
How many percent of the porn that you find online do you pass as uninteresting, because the actor's body is not interesting for you, and you want to find sexier bodies to watch?
Example: If there are links to 10 options at a porn website, and you pass the first 9, because the actor's body is not interesting, but the tenth is good and you open it, in that case you passed 90 % of porn, because the actor's body was not interesting for you.
Is some particular part or shape of the body often the reason, why an available option of porn is not interesting, because this body part doesn't look interesting enough?
How many percent of the porn that you find online do you pass as uninteresting, because the actor's body is not interesting for you, and you want to find sexier bodies to watch?
Example: If there are links to 10 options at a porn website, and you pass the first 9, because the actor's body is not interesting, but the tenth is good and you open it, in that case you passed 90 % of porn, because the actor's body was not interesting for you.
Is some particular part or shape of the body often the reason, why an available option of porn is not interesting, because this body part doesn't look interesting enough?