wow I am jealous of you guys The last time hubby and I went past 0-15mins was before we had kids and oddly enough it was also the time we both were drunk...LOL Needless to say a little over a month later found out I was pregnant. Good times and now those days are gone 4 years and 2 kids later still can't get past the 0-15 min mark.
How long does one intercourse session last for you and your partner?
I picked 45-60 minutes because that's the usual. We once fucked for 2 1/2 hours when the power went out. We were both sore for days and I pulled a muscle in my back.
Jen & Clint - Seriously, you need to work on that! By going slow and steady I was able to give my wife an orgasm that lasted for about 5 minutes - she swears it was 15 - but it wasn't. I understand the kids are ant issue - thankfully ours are now old enough to have a life of their own. However even when they were small we made time for ourselves.
Originally posted by
wow I am jealous of you guys The last time hubby and I went past 0-15mins was before we had kids and oddly enough it was also the time we both were drunk...LOL Needless to say a little over a month later found out I was pregnant. Good times and
wow I am jealous of you guys The last time hubby and I went past 0-15mins was before we had kids and oddly enough it was also the time we both were drunk...LOL Needless to say a little over a month later found out I was pregnant. Good times and now those days are gone 4 years and 2 kids later still can't get past the 0-15 min mark.
Start with a massage, try some toys, learn 'intimate massage', give each other tongue baths (lick everything!) take time to enjoy one another.....
This site is full of games, massage lotions, edibles and other fun diversions - we love the Kama Sutra honey dust link - just a little goes a log toward sweetening up your love life! The choclate body paint is great fun link!
Non-intercourse makes up for a lot of my boyfriend and I's sex life, so its hard for me to guess. There are sessions we don't have intercourse at all and just engage in bdsm or oral or something else.

Yeh my boyfriend used to and still does like to go for hours but usually after a few orgasms im tierd and cant muster the energy to even move so he has been cutting back on the time soem nights though when ive been drinking we will still go for a long time.
Originally posted by
I used to have hour long intercourse sessions, but when I figured out what my partner desires and likes during now lasts about 25 minutes. We still engage in foreplay for up to an hour, but the actual fucking gets done quick and both of us
I used to have hour long intercourse sessions, but when I figured out what my partner desires and likes during now lasts about 25 minutes. We still engage in foreplay for up to an hour, but the actual fucking gets done quick and both of us are more than satisfied.
I could still go for over an hour, but what's the point if it wears me out and she starts to get dry or numb? She gets her orgasm within 15 minutes and I get mine. Then we sleep in a sweaty embrace of satisfaction. less
I could still go for over an hour, but what's the point if it wears me out and she starts to get dry or numb? She gets her orgasm within 15 minutes and I get mine. Then we sleep in a sweaty embrace of satisfaction. less
It really depends for us. If it's Sigel and myself it can vary wildly. Depends on what is going on in the house. Also depends on how long it's been and what needs to be done (do we have to get up early or is it the middle of the day and he has another instal to do ect.). The actual intercourse can last from 15 mins to over an hour if he's worked up enough to want to prolong the experience.
With Arch it depends on how worked up I have him before the actual act. When we first got started it took over 2 hours but since then he's relaxed and it's a more manageable 15-30 minutes on up to an hour is he's really in the mood to "torture" himself.
When we are all three together it can last 2-3 hours depending on the tiome we take for foreplay and how many times the guys are wanting though it usually lasts about the same amount of time for the actual intercourse.
With Arch it depends on how worked up I have him before the actual act. When we first got started it took over 2 hours but since then he's relaxed and it's a more manageable 15-30 minutes on up to an hour is he's really in the mood to "torture" himself.
When we are all three together it can last 2-3 hours depending on the tiome we take for foreplay and how many times the guys are wanting though it usually lasts about the same amount of time for the actual intercourse.
We've had a few occasions where we've been able to take our sweet time, but even that wouldn't last more than half an hour or so. But now I work early in the morning and don't get home until almost 11 most nights, so if he can talk me into it those nights it's 10 or 15 minutes then bedtime, lol
I put 15-30 minutes, but I have a funny story to share.
One time my friend asked me to guess how long he and his girlfriend went... So I said "Four minutes?"...I wanted to say 30 seconds but I did not. he said "haha, no, 2 hours"... Since he was my friend I did not say what i really wanted to which was "Man, I bet she was bored"... This friend always liked to show-boat and still does... some things never change...
One time my friend asked me to guess how long he and his girlfriend went... So I said "Four minutes?"...I wanted to say 30 seconds but I did not. he said "haha, no, 2 hours"... Since he was my friend I did not say what i really wanted to which was "Man, I bet she was bored"... This friend always liked to show-boat and still does... some things never change...
Our usual-s are 30 minutes, if we take our time it lasts about 1.5-2 hours. And on rare occasions even longer than that. If we really need to we can finish faster, but we don't want to. Plus my partner has amazing stamina and the longer he lasts the better his orgasms are.
It is so nice to have a partner who won't cum on your leg during foreplay lol.
It is so nice to have a partner who won't cum on your leg during foreplay lol.
For us it really depends on what you consider "foreplay". Our foreplay is the biggest part of our sexual time because we enjoy it so much. Our manual and oral stimulation can easily last over an hour and then the actual penetrative sex would be under 10 minutes because we're so warmed up and my husband's already so stimulated before the actual "sex" even starts. Sometimes we'll go back and forth between penetrative and other stuff, so it's hard to even determine how much time is devoted to each. But for us, I consider the whole thing sex, just different types of sex. If we don't have all the oral and manual time I consider that just a quickie.
Cool post! Lots of cool stuff was raised and the answers are very interesting.
I agree that the answer to this question depends on if you're counting foreplay and BDSM activities. Sex is defined differently by different people and I tend to defer to that, but in my own personal case I count oral and other acts. As a cissexual woman that often has sex with other cissexual women, the sex I have often doesn't involve penetration so it wouldn't make sense to discount those other acts. Anyway, I voted 45-60 minutes on average. This doesn't include kissing/necking/pawing , but handjobs/fingering/ora l/penetration/etc. There are times it goes on hours longer, but usually I don't have the luxury of spending hours in bed, as I'm sure many of you understand! But at minimum it takes about an hour for us both to be amply pleased.
I agree that the answer to this question depends on if you're counting foreplay and BDSM activities. Sex is defined differently by different people and I tend to defer to that, but in my own personal case I count oral and other acts. As a cissexual woman that often has sex with other cissexual women, the sex I have often doesn't involve penetration so it wouldn't make sense to discount those other acts. Anyway, I voted 45-60 minutes on average. This doesn't include kissing/necking/pawing , but handjobs/fingering/ora l/penetration/etc. There are times it goes on hours longer, but usually I don't have the luxury of spending hours in bed, as I'm sure many of you understand! But at minimum it takes about an hour for us both to be amply pleased.
We don't do status quo "her oral, his oral, fuck, sleep or get out of be." We mix it up a lot. About 3 to 4 times a week we have a marathon, which runs between an hour and a half and three hours, the other days, it might be a moderate amount or so lasts between 20 minutes to an hour, and once in a great while a really quick one (if he has to leave early for work, or we slept late and the kids will be up soon) will last as little as 15 minutes. I prefer the marathons.
We don't divide our sex play into "foreplay" and "intercourse" because we not only go back and forth between oral, manual, toy play, intercourse, back to oral ect, but at least 3 or 4 times a week we include anal, which then adds to the time.
Intercourse alone? I have no idea, it's interspersed with other sex play, so there's no way to tell. I know it's not uncommon to have PIV sex or anal for as long as 45 minutes or more, but that's in the middle or end of a marathon.
Do people really keep close track? The only time I do is when we are running late in the morning.
We don't divide our sex play into "foreplay" and "intercourse" because we not only go back and forth between oral, manual, toy play, intercourse, back to oral ect, but at least 3 or 4 times a week we include anal, which then adds to the time.
Intercourse alone? I have no idea, it's interspersed with other sex play, so there's no way to tell. I know it's not uncommon to have PIV sex or anal for as long as 45 minutes or more, but that's in the middle or end of a marathon.
Do people really keep close track? The only time I do is when we are running late in the morning.
I just keep going until she tells me to finish Learning to control your orgasms is an invaluable skill.. plus once you do decide to cum it is MUCH more intense. I have a hard time getting off in anything less than 15-20 minutes anyways.
It's ok my wife and I are in the same boat. We may have gone for more than 15 minutes but I don't really look at the clock. If my wife is on top I could go for just about forever but when I'm doing all the work it's a lot quicker. I think it's a mixed bag of her not enjoying intercourse as much as oral and then when she does enjoy it I get so turned on by it that I orgasm quicker. Maybe we'll eventually get up there further but in reading books like "She comes first" I've learned that it's not unusual for a woman to not get as much pleasure out of intercourse as oral
Originally posted by
wow I am jealous of you guys The last time hubby and I went past 0-15mins was before we had kids and oddly enough it was also the time we both were drunk...LOL Needless to say a little over a month later found out I was pregnant. Good times and
wow I am jealous of you guys The last time hubby and I went past 0-15mins was before we had kids and oddly enough it was also the time we both were drunk...LOL Needless to say a little over a month later found out I was pregnant. Good times and now those days are gone 4 years and 2 kids later still can't get past the 0-15 min mark.
I read yesterday on that 33 min is the average session...but that includes foreplay.
We have serious sessions when we get together. Normally includes 45 minutes of sex with not including foreplay.
We make love, and that means giving and receiving pleasure in many forms, not just thrusting. We have no set program of events; we do not consider "foreplay" to be the prelude to intercourse. We include all forms of lovemaking, oral, manual, genital and toys and move from one to the other as we wish.
Our reason for making love is not an orgasm, but to express our love for each other.
Our reason for making love is not an orgasm, but to express our love for each other.
Sex does not last that long for me and my finace. It used to be good of lasting around a half an hour but now it is more like 5 minutes. Shouldn't even take off my underwear anymore.
With my job change we've been able to relax and take our time more and more, and as a nice bonus, sex lasts a little longer. On average now it's about half an hour with the foreplay and usually multiple finishes for each of us.
Sometimes, I wish it lasted longer but we usually get about 15-30 minutes before it is over.
about 20 mins, although I can't really focus on time during it. But longer than 30 mins - only with the best lube.
it varies. We sometimes stay up all night watching porn, playing, taking breaks,etc.
other times quickies (rare) or 30-45 minutes
other times quickies (rare) or 30-45 minutes
keep in mind that "sex" is a really broad term in our sessions. i am lucky to have a man that has the same attitude about this.
can't say sometimes it's fast sometimes it's long
sometimes i wouldn't mind a quick one tho
three hours!!! you are better than me i would lose all feeling! lol
Originally posted by
Pumpkin Lady
I remember once we went for over three hours. Ahhh....those were the days. He's very good at controlling his ejaculate, but since he's been so busy with school his health and our sex life suffer. Its easier for us to go for longer when we
I remember once we went for over three hours. Ahhh....those were the days. He's very good at controlling his ejaculate, but since he's been so busy with school his health and our sex life suffer. Its easier for us to go for longer when we both have more energy.
the quick ones are good for work days!!! lol
Originally posted by
Miss Cinnamon
It varies for us. The fastest has been about three minutes. The longest session we had was about two to three hours, with short breaks in between. I love the longer sessions
i would count oral!
Originally posted by
Backseat Boohoo
Er, what should we put if we sleep with women and don't practice penetrative sex during each session? I mean, are we counting oral sex and such as foreplay?
wut is that
Originally posted by
According to link sex lasts an average of 7 to 13 minutes.
Most of the time I have sex, it stops before the 15 minute mark. He doesn't have stamina and I orgasm easily, plus we're busy and often have to get back to our lives outside ... more
Most of the time I have sex, it stops before the 15 minute mark. He doesn't have stamina and I orgasm easily, plus we're busy and often have to get back to our lives outside ... more
According to link sex lasts an average of 7 to 13 minutes.
Most of the time I have sex, it stops before the 15 minute mark. He doesn't have stamina and I orgasm easily, plus we're busy and often have to get back to our lives outside of the bedroom. less
Most of the time I have sex, it stops before the 15 minute mark. He doesn't have stamina and I orgasm easily, plus we're busy and often have to get back to our lives outside of the bedroom. less
About half the time my wife and I have quickies that last 5-10, and half the time we go for 20-30. Rarely over 30, as she tends to get a little worn out.