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Share your stories of shame or perhaps glory! Have you been walked in on?
Who was it? Silly stories/awkward situations involving your children?
My Man and I have had kids for over 20 years, so yeah, they occasionally walk in. Usually when they were really little and didn't realize. Once they get to be about 8 or so, they REALLY get the "knock before you come in" thing, and they know why! Plus, knocking is just common courtesy. I don't even just walk in on MY kids, I always knock.
We got "caught" a few times by my mom when I was young and living with her. OMG. Horrible. It's just stupid to lie. "Yeah, we were......" What are you going to say?
Not long ago, we were getting into it, and our youngest child sleep walks. She's 10 and KNOWS to knock, but she walked right in. For some reason, a vibrator was lying on the bed, and I shoved it behind me, and leaned on it and it accidentally turned on, and I'm trying to get her to go back to bed (and she's impossible to make sense to her when she's sleep walking) and the vibe is going "RRRRRRRR" and My Man is trying not to laugh, and I am trying to keep the sheet pulled up. I think he finally talked her out of the room and then I put on a robe, to see her into her bed (otherwise she might fall back to sleep on the floor.)
The Trials of Parenthood.