Hair or no hair?

Contributor: Innocentone09 Innocentone09
Hey guys!
So men do you prefer your women to have natural pussys (meaning have hair down there) or do you like no hair at all?

Women if you do go hairless, do you wax, shave or use a different technique that doesn’t bother the skin down there (mines extremely sensitive).
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Contributor: iovys iovys
Originally posted by Innocentone09
Hey guys!
So men do you prefer your women to have natural pussys (meaning have hair down there) or do you like no hair at all?

Women if you do go hairless, do you wax, shave or use a different technique that doesn’t bother the skin down ... more
I shave in the bath/shower, after a good 10-15minutes of letting the skin pores open up to the hot water/steam. After I'm done shaving, I usually close up the pores with cool/cold water. After the shower, I tend to slather on some rose tonic - I use Thayers Alcohol-free Rose Petal Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera, and that usually helps with any sensitivity/breakouts. I shave once, occasionally twice a month, solely for hygiene, as pubic hair does tend to harbor bacteria more easily once there's more of it.
Contributor: Innocentone09 Innocentone09
Thanks for your feedback! Can I get that stuff at the grocery store?
Contributor: iovys iovys
Originally posted by Innocentone09
Thanks for your feedback! Can I get that stuff at the grocery store?
I've seen it in select herb stores in Brooklyn and some natural remedy pharmacies in Queens (I live in NY), but never in grocery stores, I'm afraid. Amazon carries them, though, and they also have various scents available (like cucumber, peach, and lavender amongst others), but my favorite is rose, as it has a handful of good anti-inflammatory/anti -irritation/anti-infec tion properties & antioxidants. The aloe and witchhazel soothes any that you may have gotten from shaving. I also use it daily on my face, and it makes my skin feel like heaven!
Contributor: GingerAnn GingerAnn
I shave in the shower as well, working the hot and the cold water to control my pores, as well. The only thing I do differently is that I love using coconut oil as a moisturizer. I have extremely sensitive skin, too, and I tried many options, including several tonics, oils - even Johnson's baby body oil seemed to go hard on my skin and leave it irritated. The coconut oil is the only thing that doesn't irritate but works wonders instead. No redness, no irritated hair follicles and even when I let them grow out a bit, they feel much softer than they used before.
Contributor: RonLee RonLee
My preference is for an intimate partner, male or female, to be smooth and hairless, down there. However, it's certainly not a deal breaker. When I first became sexually active, depilation was considered to be rather kinky. My first partner was asian and naturally very little pubic hair, she was rather embarrassed that she had so little hair. Of course I reassured her that I liked it. My guess is that she was possibly teased by other girls in gym class about not having a full bush.

As an aside, not that I want to hijack your question, Innocentone09, but do YOU prefer a male partner to be smooth, manscaped or for the forest to be left natural?
Contributor: Kinkykat8 Kinkykat8
Husband and I are both hairless. We both shave but are looking into long term options.
Contributor: Wildwestbabe Wildwestbabe
I personally don't like hair on my pussy. I shave and sometimes I don't mind having a little very short hair on her
Contributor: SoloRebel SoloRebel
For me, nothing's hotter than a bare shaved pussy...a groomed front patch is fine. Personally I can't stand hair on my business neither...I keep shaved from balls to butt
Contributor: Soundside46 Soundside46
Call me old school but I like some hair as long as it is trimmed and not too bushy and getting in the way.
Contributor: GingerAnn GingerAnn
I already spoke for myself, now a word of caution to be said for guys out there. My fiance has been shaving since he was 15 - so, around 20 years now. Last weekend was the first time he accidentally cut himself. I must say, it was one of the most stressful experiences of our relationship, even considering several car accidents I've been in (not driving, all cabs).

Anyway, we aren't afraid of blood and generally have strong tolerance to things, but the amount of blood was, ahem, surprising. As was the fear, and the requests to "check out how it is doing down there" every 2 minutes, and the level of discomfort he had for a few days after when sitting, getting aroused or in any way interacting with the scrotum.

My point - just be careful for heaven's sakes
Contributor: SoloRebel SoloRebel
Originally posted by GingerAnn
I already spoke for myself, now a word of caution to be said for guys out there. My fiance has been shaving since he was 15 - so, around 20 years now. Last weekend was the first time he accidentally cut himself. I must say, it was one of the most ... more
Hope all is well and healed up! He wasn't using a straight razor was he ! I've nicked myself a few times and it will bleed forever it seems. Not much different than when you cut your face. There's a lot of vessels down around there...just like in the face! I always hold the razor by the blade and not the handle...more control...and go slow!
Contributor: Jon12345 Jon12345
I used to prefer no hair but I have been with my wife for 10 years now and she dose not shave at all and never has. At first I wasn't a big fan but now I like it that way the only down fall that I have found to her not shaving is that when I go down in her I get hair in my mouth witch is kinda annoying
Contributor: Gr8pumpkin Gr8pumpkin
I personally have never been with a woman who was shaved clean, though it’s always been a fantasy of mine to do so. I think it would be so exciting to be giving oral to a smooth pussy, nothing in the way of all those nerve endings. That said, I love it when my lover takes the incentive to neatly trim her pubes, making oral much more pleasurable as a giver, no gooey bush to work your way through in the process.
Myself, I do a little trimming to my fuzz. I’m not an especially hirsute guy, but I think keeping things neat makes her oral endeavors more pleasant.
Contributor: Leil@ Leil@
Any types of depilation are followed with hair ingrowth, skin irritation and dryness for me, and I have to do a bunch of additional procedures to avoid all those issues, so I hate this procedure and try to do it as little as possible. And I agree with Soundside46 here - I don't see anything bad in some hair presence until it doesn't get in the way.
Contributor: SoloRebel SoloRebel
I prefer totally shaved or bare pussy with a tightly trimmed bush. It’s a 2-way street...I keeped shaved clean too!
Contributor: Happy Campers Happy Campers
Originally posted by Innocentone09
Hey guys!
So men do you prefer your women to have natural pussys (meaning have hair down there) or do you like no hair at all?

Women if you do go hairless, do you wax, shave or use a different technique that doesn’t bother the skin down ... more
I like her to keep it natural. I just prefer that look. However, for oral I like it shaved. During the warmer months when grooming for a bikini she keeps it trimmed close into a v and keeps her lips bare. For me its the best of both worlds.
Contributor: Millener Millener
Bare pussy is amazing. A little hair on the mons pubis is very sexy as well. Not so sexy is hair around the vulva/ labia majora or long hair that reaches the clitoris from above. Keep the vulva as beautifully visible as possible ladies
Contributor: Thelovelysexxto1 Thelovelysexxto1
Originally posted by Innocentone09
Hey guys!
So men do you prefer your women to have natural pussys (meaning have hair down there) or do you like no hair at all?

Women if you do go hairless, do you wax, shave or use a different technique that doesn’t bother the skin down ... more
My husband does not care if there is hair or not but we do use nair to remove the hair.
Contributor: Tasty Bulge Tasty Bulge
I started to shave completely (including scrotum) about a year ago after hearing how more natural and comfortable it was and have never looked back.

Initially had to shave down only and apply some cologne and take the sting but as it got more comfortable, I began carefully shaving down and then cologne again.

Now I've been bare ever since and I need no cologne (no sting means no problem), only a quick 10 second shave every few days or longer for my scrotum and I'm done.

Major advantage; feels cleaner and very little to no more itching and embarrassing scratching
Contributor: PassionPleasure PassionPleasure
Originally posted by Innocentone09
Hey guys!
So men do you prefer your women to have natural pussys (meaning have hair down there) or do you like no hair at all?

Women if you do go hairless, do you wax, shave or use a different technique that doesn’t bother the skin down ... more
Here is my opinion: I prefer a clean pussy with little to no hair. I don't mind a little hair above the play zone, but there is nothing like going down on my wife and sucking and licking a clean shaven pussy.

Here is her opinion: I don't mind my husband keeping it natural. That being said, I like him to keep it trimmed neat if I have the choice. When I give him a blowjob I love to give him a little deep throat and suck on his balls and having him clean from shaft to anus makes it that much better. haha But if i'm just getting a good pounding from him, I couldn't give a damn how much hair he has as long as that thing stays nice and hard long enough for the magic to happen. lol
Contributor: Mr.Pitt Mr.Pitt
I like the look of neat hair but if she expects oral there better be no hair.
Contributor: Bailed Bailed
Porn has an incredible influence upon sexual behavior. A few years ago, my fiancee and I watched porn in which was an anal sex scene. As an actor was shoving his cock into an actress' ass, my fiancee spontaneous blurted to the effect, "That is such bullshit!!!" My fiancee explained that anal sex involves a lot of ass prepping in order to dilate her ass sufficiently to accept penetration of a man's cock, and it requires a lot of silicon lubricant.

Fear of body hair and desire for prepubescent look portend potential grey matter deficiency. Research: "trichophobia fear of hair"

Women will grow hair in the identical places as will men, except on many areas of their bodies their hair is much more fine and minuscule. Hair is as natural as any other human characteristic. Women grow pubic hair. Accept is as 100% natural.

Medical science has proved, contrary to porn myth, that women with pubic hair are cleaner and less prone to infection. Physicians are advising women to abstain from full Brazilian.

Pubic hair has no odor. If a woman has vaginal odor, it is not caused by pubic hair. Women grow pubic hair for a reason. Pubic hair will not harm men.

If men cannot find a woman's clit that's protected by pubic hair, he's an amateur.

After I divorced, I very briefly dated a 30 year-old woman. She was a size zero and tit-challenged. When she got naked, she looked like a child. It was an immediate turn off. I never took her out again. I want to be with a woman, not a woman who looks like a child.

In my opinion, and we're all entitled to our opinions, desire for prepubescent look could implicate pedophilia tendency. I hold innate suspicion of men who desire women to look like children. I want a woman to look like a woman, and that means she has a bush. I do not fear pubic hair. In fact, I want pubic hair. It caresses my face like silk when my face in buried in bush.

My fiancee has an absolutely gorgeous, black bush (she's brunette). She trims her bikini line and uses my hair clippers to keep it at a length she desires. Her bush is erotic and sexy when it's shielded by shear, white panties. I love the sensation of her bush caressing my face when my face is buried in it, and we spend most time during sex with my face buried in her bush. He pussy is always clean and it has the erotic fragrance of pussy.

BTW, while she was in the midst of her divorce, one of her fuck partners asked her to shave her bush. She told it was a strange request coming from a mature man. Certainly he had to know women grown pubic hair and they grow it for a reason...unless his knowledge of sex was limited to the fantasy known as porn. He did not dislike her thick, beautiful bush. He preferred the prepubescent look. Needless to write, she stopped all contact with him. Not because he asked her to shave her bush. He was a sexual neophyte and borderline weird.

My fiancee has told me that no man has ever complained about her thick bush. She has told me that especially when she was in college, after her thick bush took a few wads, dried, matted cum in it caused it to look gross. A quick bush shampooing and it was back to gorgeous and sexy.

I completely get it that women have to do a lot of razor work if they wear very tiny bikinis. Pubic hair sprouting from sides of bikini bottoms is not a pleasant sight.

Women have experienced myriad medical problems as a result of excessive pubic hair shaving. My fiancee's daughter wears tiny bikinis. She suffered severe razor burn due to daily shaving which resulted in a very painful rash. She has her mom's thick hair, which required daily shaving before she could wear her bikini. Medical treatment was necessary. When a physician examined her, which was embarrassing for her because of her extremely unsightly rash, he indicated that had see not sought medical treatment, an infection would have been likely. He prescribed topical cream and told her to stop shaving her pubic hair until the rash was completely healed. After six weeks, he reexamined her. She was completely healed. He told her that if she resumed daily shaving of her pubic hair, he'd probably see her again.

Stop watching porn. Full Brazilian is unnatural. It is potentially harmful for women. And honest women will tell you that daily bushwhacking is a huge pain and inconvenience.

Real men celebrate the natural beauty of women, including their bushes.
Contributor: frisky069 frisky069
Originally posted by Innocentone09
Hey guys!
So men do you prefer your women to have natural pussys (meaning have hair down there) or do you like no hair at all?

Women if you do go hairless, do you wax, shave or use a different technique that doesn’t bother the skin down ... more
I like to shave. I've thought about letting it go but after about 8 or 9 days of not shaving mine seems to itch and drive me crazy! I can't handle it so I keep it shaved and i just use a razor. My husband personally doesn't care as long as I dont have a full on bush
Contributor: Bailed Bailed
Originally posted by frisky069
I like to shave. I've thought about letting it go but after about 8 or 9 days of not shaving mine seems to itch and drive me crazy! I can't handle it so I keep it shaved and i just use a razor. My husband personally doesn't care as long ... more
Vaginal itching is the most common complaint of women who shave their pubic regions. Besides being embarrassing, vaginal itching can lead to other problems. Scratching itches can cause breaks in skin into which bacteria present on human bodies can invade causing infections that can become fatal..

Pubic region razor bumps are not endearing.

Pubic hair protects women's vaginas and keeps their pubic region clean.

Last Labor Day I was at a party where drunk women complained about shaving. From memory alone, those that used to shave their pubic regions, no longer did.

Put me in a room full of men and within 15 minutes I'll tell you which ones picked up their sex "knowledge" from watching the fantasy known as porn.

You have pubic hair for a reason. There is a reason physicians are advising women to not shave their pubic hair.
Contributor: Bailed Bailed
My fiancee's dermatologist has told her and many physicians have told me that any break in skin can have potentially deadly consequences. That's because our bodies attract harmful bacteria. A break in skin can allow harmful bacteria to enter our bodies with potentially deadly consequences.

I personally know of a guy who cut himself on grass while playing soccer. From that break in his skin, he contracted necrotizing faciititis that almost killed him, and left him permanently physically impaired. Any break in skin can have deadly consequences.

When I began dating the women who's now my fiancee, her ass was always perfectly shaven. long after she had offered anal sex to me (I turned her down) she explained how hard it was for her to always be perfectly groomed on our dates. By that time, she was so comfortable with me that she'd go weeks without shaving, and I'd never say a word. I had noticed but never said a word that she had stopped shaving her ass. She told me it was a huge inconvenience for her to shave her ass. I asked her why she did it. She told me she had expected me to want to have anal sex with her. I told her in plain words to not shave her ass because risking a cut that could easily be infected by fecal matter was unconscionable. When she's feeling it, she'll ask me to shave her ass. I have and will, but I've told her that hair around her ass does not bother me. I know that women grow hair around their asses. It grows there for their protection.

What I have trouble grasping is especially some men's irrational view of especially women's pubic hair. Do such men not know that women grow pubic hair? Do such men not know that it's 100% natural and a trait of humanity for women to grow pubic hair? Do som men not know that women's pubic hair is odorless (assuming routine hygiene)? Do some men really find women's pubic hair offensive (irrational thought)? Do some men really believe that completely shaven is cleaner than pubic hair (the converse is medically true)? Do some men not know that women's pubic hair keeps their vaginas cleaner? Do some men not know that women's pubic hair serves an important health preserving purpose? Or are some men turned on by prepubescent girls?

I have zero problem with women's bodies as they were created. After all, God does not make mistakes.

Pubic hair facts: link

Image of necrotizing faciitis that't amost always caused by a break in skin:

Contributor: frisky069 frisky069
Originally posted by Bailed
My fiancee's dermatologist has told her and many physicians have told me that any break in skin can have potentially deadly consequences. That's because our bodies attract harmful bacteria. A break in skin can allow harmful bacteria to enter ... more
Thank you for the information
Contributor: Bailed Bailed
Yesterday my fiancee and I did happy hour with her friend and her friend's boyfriend. Her friend is an aesthetician. My fiancee used to get her bikini line waxed by her friend until her dermatologist told her shaving was the least irritating way to remove bikini line hair.

Of course, my fiancee and her friend talked beauty and glamor. The aesthetician said that most of her full Brazilian customers were younger women who haven't had children and swingers, men and women. Very few of her clients who are mothers go full Brazilian. She thought pubic hair styles were regional She's from the Midwest where full Brazilian is rare. In Southern California where younger women wear very tiny bikinis, women who wear them have to go full Brazilian or close to it.

The aesthetician's boyfriend said he loves his girlfriend's bush. My guess is they're in their early 30's.

The aesthetician said that most of her middle aged women clients wax only their bikini lines, underarms, and legs. During winter months, her business slows considerably.

My fiancee isn't the only woman I know (have known) who cheats during winter months when she wears pants and shirts with sleeves. My fiancee never goes more than two-to-three weeks without shaving. During summer months when she wears very sexy short shorts and sleeveless tops, she almost always shaves every day.

I have seen my fiancee after she has gone a couple weeks without saving. My fiancee has thick hair. It has never influenced how I feel about her. In her favor, there have been more than a few times when she's grabbed my razor and hair trimmers before getting in bed. I have never, ever had difficulty finding her clit, even after weeks of not shaving.

While the aesthetician was talking Brazilian, I asked her if she thought the full Brazilian fad was caused by porn. She immediately replied to the effect, "Absolutely."

BTW, my fiancee prefers to shave at my house because I have excellent quality shaving cream, I always have a lot of new razor blades, and she loves my adjustable length hair clippers. She can trim her bush to a length she prefers within seconds.

Like most women, my fiancee loves to be pampered. More than a few times, I have placed towels under her legs and shaved them for her while she relaxed on my bed. I'm not in to shaving her. She loves to be pampered. I will shave her ass for her when she asks. I do not care about her ass hair. She isn't as attentive about shaving her ass as she was when we were dating and she assumed I was going to want anal sex. But I'd rather shave her ass for her than her risking a cut in an area that could lead to a very serious infection.

Anyway, based upon what I was able to hear from my fiancee's friend, more women are keeping their bushes and removing only bikini line hair.
Contributor: konicaguy konicaguy
I prefer shaved, but that rarely happens. But she at least keeps it neat and trimmed to a manageable length.
Contributor: Bailed Bailed
I've just read that estheticians have lost a lot of business which means women have grown a lot of hair.

With summer almost upon us, there's gonna be a bikini line back up and Brazilian backlog.