How do you like your nipples stimulated?
Featured by EdenFantasys
For Guys: Nipple question
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Constructive discussions on Nipple vibrators:
Vibrating Nipple Clamps
I never tried any breast toys and while browsing I decided to stop here. Does anyone have any experience with this toy?
Nipple Piercings style?
I'm going to get mine pierced soon and am looking for opinions from those who have or had theirs pierced. Straight barbell or a curved ring? Why?
Nipple clamps for beginners
I've been looking at the nipple clamps and am thinking I'd really like to try some out can anyone let me know what some of the best options for...
Tips for a Newbie for Nipple Clamps?
tips for some one who has never used which ones to start with?
Nipple Gels
Has anyone come across any nipple gels that actually work well? I haven't seen any that really are getting good reviews on them because most are...
Vibrating Nipple Clamps
I never tried any breast toys and while browsing I decided to stop here. Does anyone have any experience with this toy?
Nipple Piercings style?
I'm going to get mine pierced soon and am looking for opinions from those who have or had theirs pierced. Straight barbell or a curved ring? Why?
Nipple clamps for beginners
I've been looking at the nipple clamps and am thinking I'd really like to try some out can anyone let me know what some of the best options for...
Tips for a Newbie for Nipple Clamps?
tips for some one who has never used which ones to start with?
Nipple Gels
Has anyone come across any nipple gels that actually work well? I haven't seen any that really are getting good reviews on them because most are...
I like to have them teased a bit (all except scratched, thank you), but I don't like a lot of it. Every once in a while is all I need otherwise it stops being stimulating and ends up either painful or ticklish.
None. It doesn't really do anything for me.
I answered for my guy- he HATES any nipple stimulation. His are sooooooo sensitive haha!
I do not enjoy it.
a littel pinch
My boyfriend doesn't like his nipples stimulated at all. They're not sensitive, so it doesn't do anything for him. He'd much rather have me play with other parts.
I don't like my nipples messed with.
I can't stand having my nipples played with. It's a complete turn off.
I need fairly intense sensation (pinch, bite, etc) or mine have no sensation at all usually.
Originally posted by
lovemuscle n cookie
How do you like your nipples stimulated?
It's not really a big turn on for me, but I kinda like them to be pinched or bitten.
Same for my guy. He finds it annoying.
Originally posted by
None. It doesn't really do anything for me.
I wonder why a lot of guys do not enjoy stimulation of their nipples. Maybe it's a women/men thing, where it is ok to do women's nipples but not for men?!?!? What do you guys think?
i love it
I'll answer for my husband. He hates it! Its a big turn-off for him.
Daniel isn't big on nipple play for him. I think it's more annoying than arousing.
Originally posted by
lovemuscle n cookie
How do you like your nipples stimulated?
I'll answer for my boyfriend. He hates his nipples to be touched. Since he doesn't like his played with he thinks I feel the same about mine
Almost all of the above as they are sensitive.
I really can't feel the difference that often. Mine are really superfluous, they're only around to keep me from looking weird while swimming.
Sometimes all of the choices excrpt scratched, especialy sucking, is very enjoyabel and feels really good to me.

I find any stimulation to my nipples annoying.
I voted for my man, he does not like his nipples touched at all! Lol. He's weirded out when I pinch them, but I'm just a nipple pincher naturally. I've always pinched people's nipples. Idk why, I just do it out of habit I guess. Lol. Also if I'm nervous I;ve noticed I'll randomly pinch his nipples! Ha Ha. I know it's weird, but it just happens. He doesn't understand how I like mine touched. He doesn't see how it could feel good. It doesn't matter, just shut up and do it! lol
Doesn't do anything for me. I'll touch them ideally sometimes when I'm bored because it feels funny when they get hard but I don't get any physical pleasure out of it.
My guy is definitely not a fan.
my guy likes a little play but not too much.
Just a little tease, nothing to much
I'm female, but my partner absolutely refuses to let me play with his nipples! He says it just feels "weird."
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