I'm answer for my SO, she is on the pill and I had a vasectomy many years ago. She loves it when I cum inside her.
Featured by EdenFantasys
Cum Inside
If I had a partner who was clear of STI's and HIV I would let him cum inside me, vaginally. I would need a oral birth control of some kind, or injection, other than barrier condom, but I would. I think it would be extremely intimate and would love to be in a fluid bound relationship. I just don't want children now.
I would let him, but even with protection he feels more comfortable not doing it at this time. I voted yes, although it rarely happens.
Only during my period. We've learned by experience (and science) that I do not ovulate during my period, so it's a safe time for this.
As we use withdrawal as a birth control method (Yeah, if you do it right, it works. Even Planned Parenthood agrees. ) he doesn't often come inside.
As we use withdrawal as a birth control method (Yeah, if you do it right, it works. Even Planned Parenthood agrees. ) he doesn't often come inside.
Careful... I've got a little sibling 10 years younger because my folks were doing the same thing. Thermometer every morning and all---mom's cycle changed as she got older.
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Only during my period. We've learned by experience (and science) that I do not ovulate during my period, so it's a safe time for this.
As we use withdrawal as a birth control method (Yeah, if you do it right, it works. Even Planned ... more
As we use withdrawal as a birth control method (Yeah, if you do it right, it works. Even Planned ... more
Only during my period. We've learned by experience (and science) that I do not ovulate during my period, so it's a safe time for this.
As we use withdrawal as a birth control method (Yeah, if you do it right, it works. Even Planned Parenthood agrees. ) he doesn't often come inside. less
As we use withdrawal as a birth control method (Yeah, if you do it right, it works. Even Planned Parenthood agrees. ) he doesn't often come inside. less
Myself: While I love cum on my face or tits or anywhere else, those endings work best for blowjobs. If he's inside, I prefer to just have him finish inside. The contractions of his cock kind of perfect sex, for me.
For non-fluid-bonded partners, that's with a condom, every time.
After I've been dating a guy monogamously long enough for all tests to realistically show clean (that's 6 months since last unaccounted-for sexual contact to test for HIV), we can rely on my IUD and kiss condoms goodbye. And my oh my, is that ever nice.
And if anybody wants to hear how an IUD is, ask me. I've got the non-hormonal one, and it's wonderful for me.
sometimes, it depends on the mood
I know this sounds weird, especially as someone who's been on this site for so long, but I'm kind of grossed out by bodily fluids, so if I can avoid it being on/in me, I usually do. Even inside, it usually ends up coming back out eventually... I'm not against going without a condom as long as my partner is disease free, but it's not something I really prefer either way. I'm sure that will change in time though.
Originally posted by
For those with male lovers. Do you let him cum inside?
i personally really like it because it feels good especially if i cum at the same time so we're both pulsing.
Answering for my GF, YES I always cum inside her.
My husband has always cum inside me. We have no scares of pregnancy so I'm okay with it.
Originally posted by
For those with male lovers. Do you let him cum inside?
Only with a condom :/
I'm on the shot so it's not that scary to me, however it is such a friggin mess to clean up so I don't always let him. It doesn't feel any better to me if he cums inside of me or pulls it out, the only difference is if I make him pull out he usually has to right when I'm getting ready to cum (we cum together). This can depend on if it's my first time coming or my 5th. If it's my first for that time I don't want him to stop, obviously
Originally posted by
For those with male lovers. Do you let him cum inside?
I would loveee for him to cum inside me, but I'm not on birth control at the moment, so it goes in my mouth or on me somewhere
I dont care either way. I do from time to time see my cum
Originally posted by
For those with male lovers. Do you let him cum inside?
i voted for my wife, she loves it, she actually prefers it
Yes. Trying to have a baby. Even if I weren't, I still would.
Originally posted by
For those with male lovers. Do you let him cum inside?
I used to before we had our son now we dont cause we dont want to take the risk of getting prego again.
Birth control pill, so he seldom does, but I don't care if happens. More or less just the inconvenience of having to go to the bathroom so it doesn't run out.
Any time I have had male partners, they have not penetrated me, so obviously not. However, I will let them come in my mouth if I'm giving them head.
um. YES.
Originally posted by
For those with male lovers. Do you let him cum inside?
I'm on birth control so my husband cums inside me all the time with the exception of period week, then it ends up on me somewhere.
I love it.
I used to, not anymore.
Sure do! He likes to cum on me as well but not always. I'm fixed so that helps
Originally posted by
For those with male lovers. Do you let him cum inside?

YESSSSS ! I absolutely LOVE to feel it shooting hotly inside me !
Originally posted by
For those with male lovers. Do you let him cum inside?
Originally posted by
For those with male lovers. Do you let him cum inside?

My ex used to every time but my current bf hasn't tried it yet. I think he's afraid that I will become pregnant even though in the past it's never harmed me since I've been on birth control for 6 years. He did mention it once and asked what would happen if he did but I said I wasn't sure, probably nothing..
Originally posted by
For those with male lovers. Do you let him cum inside?
I am voting for my girlfriend.. She loves it when I fill her up, and she likes that it feels better for me.
I voted no before I read the responses, and now I think I should have voted yes! He cums inside, but only with a condom on, so in my mind that's a "not really"...