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You do know that people on the sex forum are not ones who you should address your question about the motives of the seriousness of measures taken, right?
We are trying to focus on the positive and optimistic things here because even if
You do know that people on the sex forum are not ones who you should address your question about the motives of the seriousness of measures taken, right?
We are trying to focus on the positive and optimistic things here because even if we'll awake tomorrow to the new world order, as you promise, frustration and depression won't help us to adjust to new life and live further.
I assumed you are not bored in the isolation, and that's great! I'm glad that you're spending your time usefully and increasing your knowledge.
Hi Leil,
The question was: "With all this nastiness going around with the coronavirus has your sex life changed?"
The assumption implied was that corona was causal of changing sex lives. Elementary logic: if your premise is wrong, your conclusion will be wrong.
Knowing causality is essential for predicting actions. Hence, my desire to know causality. If it is corona, draconian response is unprecedented. If it isn't, what is the real cause of shutting down our country?
Here is what I do know: Plato's Noble Lie has manipulated mankind before he assigned terminology to propaganda.
Every single day I run across more and more people who are doubting corona as causal for shutting down government. Doubt is mounting on the 'net. People are becoming suspicious.
James Rickards (search engine him for his illustrious vita) along with plethora eminent economists have predicted USA economic collapse for decades due to deficit spending. Since Mesopotamia (earliest civilization) through Venezuela and other now collapsing countries, debasing countries' money has always preceded countries' destruction. Every time the Fed Reserve prints fiat money, it debases value of it (inflation). It will end in collapse. What no one knows is when. But it will collapse the USA. That is factual. Facts are not optimistic or pessimistic. They stand alone as facts. How we respond to facts will determine whether we'll wind up envying Venezuelans or preserve our republic.
Another inconvenient fact: someone must work and earn money and have the product of his labor confiscated by government to give to another who believes he has property rights in labor of others. The logical conclusion of that construct is destruction.
My incredibly hilarious sense of humor that has cracked up patrons a half-hour inside of happy hour and begging for oxygen by last call keeps my life in balanced perspective.
So, again, in answer to the initial question: there is mounting doubt about whether corona alone is causal of draconian response, and to its effect, the draconian response to corona has screwed up more than sex lives. Hence, corona ain't the problem. Government's draconian response to it is the problem.
George Carlin saw government's draconian response to media generated frenzy 20 years ago. Cut 'n' paste it. Humor is therapeutic.
Laugh while you can, for if the US dollar is replaced as the world reserve currency, you might wake up with 50% to 80% of your net worth wiped out. Then it would be cryin' time.