I was wondering how many of you could still have sex with your SO even if you were angry with them or in the middle of a fight or conflict that hasn't completely been resolved. I don't know about you but when I'm really angry at anybody, I don't want to talk to them, much less have sex with them (if it's my husband) because that emotion overpowers everything else and I'm completely turned off. Now, sometimes if the issue isn't completely resolved and it's been longer than a day, I will start to be conflicted about it because I'm in the mood for sex but not necessarily over my frustration or over the issue yet. At that point, I don't know what I want to do because I want sex and not with a toy...
What does everyone else do? Have sex anyway, even though you are angry? Or do you have to work out the conflict first? Does this just bother women or does this happen with men too?
What does everyone else do? Have sex anyway, even though you are angry? Or do you have to work out the conflict first? Does this just bother women or does this happen with men too?