I guess this topic is aimed at other ladies, although guys are welcome to pitch in as I know they can have their own set of body issues.
My girlfriend loves fat. It's not about liking big girls, she just loves fat tissue. She loves squeezing my belly, arm flab, and thighs, in addition to the expected boobs and ass.
I am not a particularly voluptuous girl, but I have curves just like most other women do, and I have struggled with body image throughout my adult life. I am recovering from an eating disorder, and as I recover, I gain weight, and my girlfriend is there to squeeze it and draw attention to it. It makes me feel fat and ugly when she does it, but I know she's enjoying it.
I don't want to deprive her of something she enjoys so much, but it really upsets me. Of course, I've talked to her about it. I go over it again whenever she does it (almost every day). I've even had my doctor talk to her about it.
What should I do? I want to be confident and sexy!
Has anyone else had trouble accepting their own body in the bedroom?
My girlfriend loves fat. It's not about liking big girls, she just loves fat tissue. She loves squeezing my belly, arm flab, and thighs, in addition to the expected boobs and ass.
I am not a particularly voluptuous girl, but I have curves just like most other women do, and I have struggled with body image throughout my adult life. I am recovering from an eating disorder, and as I recover, I gain weight, and my girlfriend is there to squeeze it and draw attention to it. It makes me feel fat and ugly when she does it, but I know she's enjoying it.
I don't want to deprive her of something she enjoys so much, but it really upsets me. Of course, I've talked to her about it. I go over it again whenever she does it (almost every day). I've even had my doctor talk to her about it.
What should I do? I want to be confident and sexy!
Has anyone else had trouble accepting their own body in the bedroom?