I have found that I am really really horny when I am on my period! I tend to want sex more then ever at that time of the month. I was just wondering if that is normal or if I am just weird?
Are You Hornier on Your Period?
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I get really horny for a day or two before my period, but it goes away when my period starts.
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I have found that I am really really horny when I am on my period! I tend to want sex more then ever at that time of the month. I was just wondering if that is normal or if I am just weird?
It sort of goes every other month for me. Yea I'm weird. One month I'm insatiable the few days before, then the next month I'm insatiable during my period. I usually only do not want it at all when I'm sick from my period. (About 2-3 times a year.)
It's normal. Something to do with the flucuation of hormones. I get the same way the week I take my NuvaRing out and have a period...althought I haven't had my period in like 3 months, which is normal for me.
I really don't notice a difference, but I'm insatiable the entire month. I can usually tell when my body's in "babymakin' mode" (as my significant other calls it) because I'm even more insatiable. Well, and the whole looking at platinum baby rattles at Tiffany & Co...
Just before it starts and right when it tapers off I'm horny. During the event, not so much with all the cramps and boating and whatnot.
hmmm, some months the 2-3 days before and maybe the first couple days I'm in kind of a touch me not mood but other months it doesn't effect me at all.

Nope, you're not weird. I'm insatiable for about 3 or 4 days prior.
Nope, right before my period and after the first two days I want more sex. The first two days I am too just blah overall to really want any.
Originally posted by
I have found that I am really really horny when I am on my period! I tend to want sex more then ever at that time of the month. I was just wondering if that is normal or if I am just weird?
definately! and my hubby won't touch me with a ten foot pole
I want it more right before and then once the bloating/cramping/heav y part of the period is over I go back to wanting it again.
I tend to get horny right before, and during my period. Yes. I think it has something to do with all those extra hormones. My guy also starts hitting on me a lot more around that time, before he even realizes I've started! It's probably a pheromone thing.
It depends. Some cycles i am, and others I'm not and don't even think about sex or toys.
Agree 100%. Once the side effects of menstruation set in, ehhh... not so much.
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Just before it starts and right when it tapers off I'm horny. During the event, not so much with all the cramps and boating and whatnot.
I tend to be before and during my period. I also tend to be a happier person. Don't ask me how that works! lol I guess I'm just an odd duck.
Actually, I get this too. I've noticed that whatever way I'm feeling tends to be amplified, meaning I usually get really happy and only occasionally get sad.
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I tend to be before and during my period. I also tend to be a happier person. Don't ask me how that works! lol I guess I'm just an odd duck.
I'm at my horniest just before my period. Not that much during it.
The first day Not at all but after that yes
It's not weird. I want sex during my period too.
I wish I was happier! I get really emotional and really moody, it sucks.
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I tend to be before and during my period. I also tend to be a happier person. Don't ask me how that works! lol I guess I'm just an odd duck.
Too much of the time, I am insatiable but right before my period, even more so. During my period I am horny and I discovered that sex, either masturbation or intercourse relieves my cramps and gets the period moving quicker.
Nope, I've heard of this and I at times get it too.
Originally posted by
I have found that I am really really horny when I am on my period! I tend to want sex more then ever at that time of the month. I was just wondering if that is normal or if I am just weird?
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