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I was thinking the same thing today - how does one date under this type of circumstance? Personally I think the social distancing is absurd.
When we were kids if someone down the street got the measles, we went to play with him so we could get
I was thinking the same thing today - how does one date under this type of circumstance? Personally I think the social distancing is absurd.
When we were kids if someone down the street got the measles, we went to play with him so we could get it over with.
My son is single - according to him, there are no options but loneliness
I agree. I think corona arrived at an ironical time. I can recall swine, bird SARS, and other epidemics. There was no draconian responses to either.
As of last night there were 19,000 confirmed cases with 260 deaths for a fatality rate of less than 1.4%. The rub is no one has claimed that corona virus alone was the only cause of any death.
My instinct tells me that there is something far more ominous that caused government's draconian response. Were I forced to bet, I'd go with our economy on the brink of collapse.
There was no need to activate national guard units for a flu. It has to be unprecedented. However, if Americans were to awake to worthless money and their assets wiped out, I could see a massive and hostile public response.
I haven't done a damned thing to protect myself from corona because I don't believe that threat is as bad as claimed. The swine flu was supposed to kill millions. I know of no one who was even hospitalized due to the swine flu.