Which would be worse?

Contributor: ❦Angel Of Music❦ ❦Angel Of Music❦
Ice cubes are amazing. Just putting that out there.
Contributor: Mr.RightNow Mr.RightNow
i like ice cubes
Contributor: Red Riding Hood Red Riding Hood
I had a guy that loved cold oral, so I voted jalapenos.
Contributor: Kitt Katt Kitt Katt
Originally posted by gumbyD
I think oral with jalapenos would be good revenge during break up sex
Or, it may prompt break up sex That's just messed up!
Contributor: Sweet-Justice Sweet-Justice
Tried an ice dildo once...didn't care for it. ><
On another note...youch, I don't know how you would be able to get that to stop burning other then pouring milk all over it. O.o
Contributor: tigerkate tigerkate
Okay, I can see how spicy cheetos would be unpleasant... Because it has the added "bonus" of staining everything. And cheese-crust on your fingers and mouth...
That would be bad oral sex because there would be a lack of kissing on the mouth even. :/
Contributor: lemony lemony
The ice cube does sound amazing xD
Contributor: ScottA ScottA
Originally posted by sbon
Jalapenos would be absolutely terrible. This poll actually reminds of a story my friend told me about getting fingered after her boyfriend made really spicy chili. He had washed his hands, but apparently some of the pepper oils didn't completely ... more
Put some muscle rub on once, didn't read the ingredients, then had to pee...

Not trying anything like that intentionally ever.
Contributor: Solar Ray Solar Ray
Yes... I think hot peppers would be a little much down there. If you like it though... try a little Habanero sauce... doesn't get much hotter than that.
Contributor: mama2007 mama2007
Originally posted by Kayla
Oral sex with an ice cube sounds fun. Just sayin'.
we'd tried it, it is
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
U hum *blushes* I gave my guy oral after we had some home made chilli with lots of jalepenos...let's just say my guy felt a burning sensation and had to shower.
Contributor: jjonk jjonk
ice cubs r fun u need to try it
Contributor: Eden C. Eden C.
Originally posted by kendycane
All of these scenarios have happened before.
To you?
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by AU
I voted Cheetos just because it seems gross to me to have oral after such a snack! Sorry if it was silly, but that's what I thought!

Ice can be good or bad for us.

I've touched my eyes, and wobbly bits when I didn't ... more
Contributor: KaraSutra KaraSutra
The ice can be an amazing experience!
Contributor: phunkyphreak phunkyphreak
Ice cubes are so much fun but jalapenos sound like a big ouch!
Contributor: Redman88 Redman88
I like to second the ice cubes are amazing comment. And I voted Jalapenos. Spicy things on your genitals is not fun at all. For anyone.
Contributor: MrRainybowbow MrRainybowbow
!!!!! Needs to try the ice cube now bf loves coldness!
Contributor: LikeSunshineDust LikeSunshineDust
One of my college roommate's boyfriend went down on her after eating nachos with jalapenos... She wasn't happy.
Contributor: UrNaughtyaAngel UrNaughtyaAngel
Yikes, oral sex and jalepeños should not be in the same sentence.
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
I jump and don't like cold when it's first applied, I go numb really quickly, and I take a long time to warm back up, so ice cubes are not my dream oral sex aid...

that said, Cheeto dust would feel grimy and gritty.

So it looks like I'd take the jalepenos.
Contributor: Michelle Menace Michelle Menace
I don't like jalapenos... I don't like cheetos either lol
Contributor: RemusHalifax RemusHalifax
I feel sorry for the man that gets anything spicy on or inside his penis...
Contributor: sexyintexas sexyintexas
Originally posted by kendycane
All of these scenarios have happened before.
Oral with icecubes is just fun! Jalepenos would suck!
Contributor: SapphirexIce SapphirexIce
oral sex after jalapenos sounds like it would burnnn holy crap!
Contributor: mariedoll mariedoll
Haha this is so funny.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
Jalapenos' suppose to be the worse, but we never have sex right after we eat, it doesn't bother us at all! So, the hotter the jalapeno the better!!!
Contributor: tokensgirl tokensgirl
Jalapenos.. ouch
Contributor: tickle me pink tickle me pink
Holy crap! Just thinking about the jalapenos makes me hurt!
Contributor: froggiemoma froggiemoma
jalapenos, ouch