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Perhaps I am uneducated on the subject...but, I feel that the simple notion of "go down and go to town" maybe a misnomer.
So!...Ladies, what can a guy do to really improve his technique in order to make receiving oral sex more
Perhaps I am uneducated on the subject...but, I feel that the simple notion of "go down and go to town" maybe a misnomer.
So!...Ladies, what can a guy do to really improve his technique in order to make receiving oral sex more enjoyable for women?
Links welcome for reading material.
-COMMUNICATE and encourage her to do the same. Ask for feedback and listen to it. Ask her what kind of strokes and what type of pressure she prefers.
-Every woman is different. Being really good with one will not make you really good for the next. What works for one, might not work with the next.
-Watching her masturbate, if she's willing, may give you clues to what she likes.
-Pay attention to her reactions when you're down there. If she's going wild when you're doing something, probably a good sign that move is a keeper. If she's pushing you away or squirming away from you, that move is probably too intense. If she's not reacting much, probably time to change it up.
-There's really no rules or guidelines, no real tricks because every woman is different.
Bottom line, you gotta ask the woman you're going down on.