How would you react if your partner decided he/she never wanted to receive oral?

Contributor: Xavier7 Xavier7
Originally posted by celibacysucks
They will still give it, they just don't want any reciprocation.
It doesn't matter to me. I respect her opinions.
Contributor: sbon sbon
I like giving it, but if he didn't want it then I would totally respect that.
Contributor: ellejay ellejay
As others have said (impossible to quote 'em all), I'd be concerned about my technique and the Why behind it. Then again, my boyfriend loves oral. If pressed, he'd probably choose that over sex. No lies!

...I'm glad he doesn't have to choose. Love it all.
Contributor: Stagger13 Stagger13
If that is what she decided I would have to respect it...but I would still miss it.
Contributor: MiniBecca411 MiniBecca411
My first boyfriend never liked it which was actually a relief because I've never felt confident giving blowjobs.
If my girlfriend didn't want me to go down on her I'd certainly be disappointed but I think I'm creative enough to compensate.
Contributor: ud328 ud328
Don't think she'd ever get to that point. But I really do enjoy it, as in I can actually get off on giving it. It's a great experience so I'd be upset and see if it's something we could work through. If not, oh well, I can still fantasize about it.
Contributor: kawigrl kawigrl
to never ever want it again- would be clue that something else was going on
Contributor: sweet seduction sweet seduction
Id be sad
Contributor: Mr. & Mrs. Peg Mr. & Mrs. Peg
I love going down on my wife. It is a very intimate way for me to focus completely on her pleasure and it really gets her off. If she decided one day that she didn't want this anymore it would be hard for me, but I would definitely respect her wishes.
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
I would be pretty curious about the reason for this sudden decree and I'd probably try pretty hard to get to the bottom of it and try to resolve it. I wouldn't be happy at all, oral is important. And if it's a monogamous relationship I'm going to be in for the rest of my life.. that's a problem.
Contributor: Choolz Choolz
I wouldn't mind at all lol, I personally don't really like giving my guy head. I love when he eats me out but I don't like doing it. I do it anyways, no fussing, because I know he loves it but if he didn't want it I'd be fine!
Contributor: Free Free
It'd be strange, but I'd respect their decision.
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
It would make me a little sad but, for the most part, I'm willing to respect what he likes and doesn't like and there is so much else you can do, one or two things being off limits certainly doesn't limit much.
Contributor: mama2007 mama2007
Originally posted by onehotmomma
I wouldn't care. There are many other ways to be satisfied
true =] i give every time b4 sex so im sure thatll never happen
Contributor: Trinity Trinity
I dont know how I would react.
I love giving oral, but dont really care to receive it.
If I were to get upset I'd feel like a hypocrite.
Contributor: Solar Ray Solar Ray
Well I'm sure we'd talk about it and discuss why but if she didn't want to anymore I'd understand and we'd just do everything else under the sun 3 times as much to compensate.
Contributor: SexyStuff SexyStuff
He doesn't like giving, so I might be relieved at the evening out of the situations
Contributor: Eorwyn Eorwyn
Originally posted by rdytogo
I would hate it as I love doing that both for his pleasure and just because I like doing it.
I'd be upset too! I love to make him feel good and it turns me on so much to go down on him.
Contributor: magicmac magicmac
I would be a little bit confused at first but I would respect their wishes.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
Originally posted by onehotmomma
I wouldn't care. There are many other ways to be satisfied
Ditto. If that's what he wanted, that's what we'd do. There's plenty other fun ways to please him!
Contributor: RammaJamma RammaJamma
I might cry if I never got to put his amazing cock in my mouth again... but I'd respect his wishes.
Contributor: Nicky Nicky
I think it would suck (literally ) but I'd get over it.
Contributor: burnbright4me burnbright4me
Originally posted by celibacysucks
They will still give it, they just don't want any reciprocation.
I don't especially enjoy giving my partner blowjobs anyway. I do it, but not very often, and more often than not he asks first. So, while I would kinda miss having the option to do that for him, I wouldn't be really upset about it.
Contributor: MrRainybowbow MrRainybowbow
Would probly think its my fault really seeing how he likes it.
Contributor: Miss Jenn Miss Jenn
Originally posted by celibacysucks
They will still give it, they just don't want any reciprocation.
Giving him head is not a favorite activity of mine. So if he doesn't want it - Im probably gonna jump for joy. It may differ based off of his reasons, but for the most part he gives more than I give.
Contributor: beautiful beautiful
I would wonder why he wouldn't want it anymore, considering he gets it everytime, but I would not miss giving it.
Contributor: purplekidney purplekidney
We actually both prefer to give, so we'd both be bummed but we'd survive.
Contributor: barrettbn2 barrettbn2
it doesnt matter...its his choice
Contributor: mariedoll mariedoll
I would wonder why they felt that way. But I wouldn't get upset.
Contributor: thebest thebest
doesn't matter to me