Was it a good experience? Were you turned of my the hair? Did you expect the taste to be different? Were you persuaded to do it or was it your idea?
Featured by EdenFantasys
How was your first time giving oral sex?
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Forum highlights on Oral sex enhancers:
Amount of Semen
I've had an ambiguous relationship with the whole spit/swallow/other issue, and so I tended to not do oral on a guy to completion. Due to being out of
Putting some sugar on your vajayjay?
Okay I heard that if women put sugar down there during oral it makes it taste good for their partner. Lol. Has anyone did this before? I always just..
LADIES: Can you orgasm here or there, can you orgasm anywhere?
I have this weird thing.... I can't have an orgasm if I have to hold myself up. For example: In the 69 position, he has to be on top, because I just
Do you always perform oral before having intercourse?? I do because if not, I get sore and I prefer no lube so that is another reason.
Oral sex
I want to make my partner feel good, but I dislike oral because it hurts the back of my throat and makes me gag a little. Are there any toys that I...
Amount of Semen
I've had an ambiguous relationship with the whole spit/swallow/other issue, and so I tended to not do oral on a guy to completion. Due to being out of
Putting some sugar on your vajayjay?
Okay I heard that if women put sugar down there during oral it makes it taste good for their partner. Lol. Has anyone did this before? I always just..
LADIES: Can you orgasm here or there, can you orgasm anywhere?
I have this weird thing.... I can't have an orgasm if I have to hold myself up. For example: In the 69 position, he has to be on top, because I just
Do you always perform oral before having intercourse?? I do because if not, I get sore and I prefer no lube so that is another reason.
Oral sex
I want to make my partner feel good, but I dislike oral because it hurts the back of my throat and makes me gag a little. Are there any toys that I...
It was good - she was clean, the hair was manageable (hands help), it was my idea, and she loved it.
i hated it. like most teens, i was stuid ignorant and unexpirience. i was forced...
It was a pretty good experience. He showed me what to do and didnt force me to do it or anything. I didnt expect a certain taste, so I wasnt unhappy about it.
It was good and I had a lot of fun, except for the sore tongue the next day. Had no idea how it would taste but really did not care. Neither one of us had any idea what we were doing. haha We had a lot if fun learning though!
I was curious and did it (boyfriend in HS). That's when I found out I had a shallow gag reflex. Could never finish.
The first time I did it was around my 1-year anniversary with my first boyfriend. I had no idea what I was doing, but he really enjoyed it, and I didn't mind it at all. I don't remember my thoughts on the taste, but lets just say it didn't stop me!
My first time was with my boyfriend, and i hated it. the taste didn't bother me it was the size of him. I was like how am i going to manage to get that in my mouth...i ended up gaging out but got better in time
I guess in my experience I (a) didn't have anything going into my mouth (I think that would be a big negative, so I don't bug or encourage my wife about giving me a BJ, even though they feel good) and (b) it was a long-term relationship with someone I really cared about (my wife) and who definitely wasn't forcing me. Both seem to be pluse based on some of the other posts.
I was 16, I liked it, a lot actually lol. And apparently according to him and the boyfriend after him I was a natural...yay..no sports abilities, only mildly musically inclined but could give great head..that's apparently how my talents worked out LOL.
It was my choice, he had given me oral first, a week or so before that, and it ended up being on prom night when he slept over my house (man my parents were naive..) that I gave him my first blow job. I don't remember hair being an issue, I probably just held the base of the shaft with my hand which blocked the hair. Actually my first time giving was much better than my first time receiving. It wasn't until two boyfriends after him that I actually had enjoyable oral sex!
It was my choice, he had given me oral first, a week or so before that, and it ended up being on prom night when he slept over my house (man my parents were naive..) that I gave him my first blow job. I don't remember hair being an issue, I probably just held the base of the shaft with my hand which blocked the hair. Actually my first time giving was much better than my first time receiving. It wasn't until two boyfriends after him that I actually had enjoyable oral sex!
I was not really grossed out. The guy shaved even at the age of 16. I didn't want hi to know if was my first time, so I just pretended like I knew what I was doing and found that it was easy. Apparently I was a natural haha.
Originally posted by
Was it a good experience? Were you turned of my the hair? Did you expect the taste to be different? Were you persuaded to do it or was it your idea?
I don't remember who's idea it was. I do remember that he didn't taste amazing, but it wasn't the worst.
i hated it. now i love it. it's gotta be with the right person.
Sorry to hear that sweetie, thanks for sharing. Hugs.
Originally posted by
i hated it. like most teens, i was stuid ignorant and unexpirience. i was forced...
Thank you all for sharing your stories
My first time giving was also her first time receiving it. It was good, very good!
20 years old. Fine taste. A tad too much hair. My idea.

Freshman year, under a pool table in dorm lounge late at night. I have no idea why did it there, but damn it was hot. Aside from a few hairs caught in my mouth I loved it, and still love it to this day. I love how when she has her thighs clamped around your head that all five senses are totally engulfed in the process
It was aweful, but isn't your first time supposed to be, haha? I wouldn't let him look at me. I was 18, he was 20. But as the saying goes, practice makes perfect. As for the hair, nope, it didn't bother me at all.
Wonderful. It was my idea, and we both enjoyed it. Then he returned the favor. Jack was a great boyfriend. He also had blue hair, haha, and mine was green at the time. We were earth colors!
Originally posted by
Was it a good experience? Were you turned of my the hair? Did you expect the taste to be different? Were you persuaded to do it or was it your idea?
In back seat of my Dad's car - it was a great experience for both of us - both had orgasms. A little hair between my teeth seemed like a small price to pay for a 16 year-old!
With 40 years more experience it's getting better all the time.
With 40 years more experience it's getting better all the time.
It was during my first inept sexual experience. After cumming in her way to fast, she asked me to perform oral on her. With some trepidation of tasting my own cum, I went down on her. The next thing to turn me off was the smell of piss. Then, when licking her the course hairs irritated my tongue. She stopped me after a few minutes saying I was not doing anything for her.
After that, I made it my mission to overcome my ineptness and discomfort and learn how to orally please a woman.
After that, I made it my mission to overcome my ineptness and discomfort and learn how to orally please a woman.
I had sex before I gave a blowjob or was intimate with a woman, but it was actually really great. I had these huge kissing tonsils at the time and apparently they gave me a little extra oomph.. I became a maestro in no time! :]
persuaded to do it. WAY too much hair. he was small. came fast. Yeah, NOT a good experience. Thankfully it's gotten MUCH better. I love it now!
It was a wonderful experience! We were young, we were parking in her car, and I decided to go down on her. I don't think she expected it, but I'm pretty sure she appreciated it. The hair didn't, and still doesn't bother me. It is part of her, afterall. Taste, well I didn't know what to expect, but I guess it didn't bother me all that much, and it is still one of the things I LOVE to do to her!
i was kinda told to do it. i didnt say no but wish i did (like a lot of other thing). i didnt like it. it was bad. and he told everybody. i used to be really stupid tho im not like that anymore and this was in high school
Hahahah, those sound like my talents too.
Originally posted by
I was 16, I liked it, a lot actually lol. And apparently according to him and the boyfriend after him I was a natural...yay..no sports abilities, only mildly musically inclined but could give great head..that's apparently how my talents worked
I was 16, I liked it, a lot actually lol. And apparently according to him and the boyfriend after him I was a natural...yay..no sports abilities, only mildly musically inclined but could give great head..that's apparently how my talents worked out LOL.
It was my choice, he had given me oral first, a week or so before that, and it ended up being on prom night when he slept over my house (man my parents were naive..) that I gave him my first blow job. I don't remember hair being an issue, I probably just held the base of the shaft with my hand which blocked the hair. Actually my first time giving was much better than my first time receiving. It wasn't until two boyfriends after him that I actually had enjoyable oral sex! less
It was my choice, he had given me oral first, a week or so before that, and it ended up being on prom night when he slept over my house (man my parents were naive..) that I gave him my first blow job. I don't remember hair being an issue, I probably just held the base of the shaft with my hand which blocked the hair. Actually my first time giving was much better than my first time receiving. It wasn't until two boyfriends after him that I actually had enjoyable oral sex! less
It was shortly before Thanksgiving dinner when I was 15. I was supposed to write down everything I ate, even gum, for Biology that week. I didn't put that one down.
The taste shocked me a little when he came but I still swallowed. I didn't really have any issues with anything. I just kind of guessed what to do and that has apparently worked well for me over the years from what I can tell and have heard from boyfriends.
My first oral experience on a man was pretty awesome. He had trained me slowly, long distance, through practicing on toys, to get my mouth used to sucking and accomodating wide widths. After 3-4 months of training I met with him, and with the help of his female slave basically taught me how to give head. I liked it because it wasn't so much about the act, but about teaching me how to do it. I wasn't intimidated or worried about pleasing him because I knew if I didn't it would be ok, I would be corrected, and do I would do it better.
My first oral experience on a woman, his female slave actually, wasn't so hot. I knew before hand that she didn't enjoy oral so that didn't get me all revved up and ready to "get in there" because I knew whatever I did, it wouldn't get her off. It was a dud experience all around, but I didn't let it get me down. I'll try anything twice, and thrice if I like it.
Yea.. that's right.. I said thrice.
My first oral experience on a woman, his female slave actually, wasn't so hot. I knew before hand that she didn't enjoy oral so that didn't get me all revved up and ready to "get in there" because I knew whatever I did, it wouldn't get her off. It was a dud experience all around, but I didn't let it get me down. I'll try anything twice, and thrice if I like it.
Yea.. that's right.. I said thrice.
My first time giving oral wasnt grand - I didnt really know what I was doing...lol.
Awesome. Though this particular instance wasn't on the first actual session, I was dishing out multiple orgasms in a single session a few months later. That was a major ego booster!