When giving oral sex is it with the understand your partner will return the favor? When receiving oral sex is it with the understanding you will return the favor to your partner?
Featured by EdenFantasys
Giving to receive or receiving to give?

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When I give oral sex, it is expected that my partner will /not/ return the favor. I don't like receiving it, and if my partner attempted to reciprocate, that would be a turn off.
Originally posted by
When giving oral sex is it with the understand your partner will return the favor? When receiving oral sex is it with the understanding you will return the favor to your partner?
My partner doesn't really enjoy giving oral sex, and is so-so on receiving it. So if I'm giving it to her I have no expectations about reciprocation, and on the rare occasions she's giving it to me it's totally appreciated but not always reciprocated (depends on her mood). I'm quite enthusiastic about giving oral, and like receiving it occasionally but not always.
Although we often give a blowjob to each other without the other returning the favor, I usually feel left out if it is not returned within a day or two. For that reason, I think 69 is the best way to go.
i love to give, but won't complain if i recieve
I very much enjoy. I don't care on way or another if I get any in return.
I like to give and recieve usually oral is just forplay so who ever gives does not recieve that night unless it is a 69 but we both give and recieve. We do not have any agreement or understanding we both just like oral
Each of us ALWAYS returns the favor.
he doesn't have to return the favor but he does
she does not have to if she does not want to. I just enjoy making her feel good.
I give and receive without any expectations. She tends to want to give more than I do, so it works out
I generally feel bad about giving just because I'm so bad at it, but as I've improved I've come to face it as I do all sexy things - I love to give, no strings attached! Seeing his reaction is more than enough.
There's never something so mercenary as a tacit agreement that if I 'scratch your back'... but I'd certainly appreciate it if the favor was returned. Even better, can we do it at the same time?
Originally posted by
When giving oral sex is it with the understand your partner will return the favor? When receiving oral sex is it with the understanding you will return the favor to your partner?
I don't expect it in return. If they want to, then sure...if not, that is cool, too.
While I will give with absolutely no expectation that it be returned then I make it very clear with partners that may become long term that I do enjoy receiving, and actually have more intense orgasms from oral than from manual stimulation and that if they are unwilling to go down on girls in general then it is a deal breaker.
I never do things with the expectations of getting anything in return. My mom's always told me that is doing things for the wrong reason. You're supposed to do them because you either want to or because you should -- not in the case of sex or oral because you should never do it only because you "should." But anyways, I don't do it just to get it in return.
Originally posted by
When giving oral sex is it with the understand your partner will return the favor? When receiving oral sex is it with the understanding you will return the favor to your partner?
She almost always gives me oral, I often give her oral too but not as much. Neither of us require the other to reciprocate though.
we don't make each other do this if we do then we do it if not that is fine but usually I give and he receives a lot more
i give cause he loves it, but won't hold him to returning...i won't complain if he does though
Originally posted by
When giving oral sex is it with the understand your partner will return the favor? When receiving oral sex is it with the understanding you will return the favor to your partner?
No one has to return if we don't want to.
When I give it, he always reciprocates without prompting.
I give to give.. I don't expect anything in return.

I love giving my wife oral, and I don't expect it in return. I rather masturbate while giving her oral, this way the timing is right and we can come together.
Amen to that.
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I never do things with the expectations of getting anything in return. My mom's always told me that is doing things for the wrong reason. You're supposed to do them because you either want to or because you should -- not in the case of sex or
I never do things with the expectations of getting anything in return. My mom's always told me that is doing things for the wrong reason. You're supposed to do them because you either want to or because you should -- not in the case of sex or oral because you should never do it only because you "should." But anyways, I don't do it just to get it in return.
I give because I love to give great satisfaction to my wife. If she feels like reciprocating, then sweet, otherwise, I'm still sure we will have lots of fun.
he doesn't seem to enjoy receiving oral. in fact, he's never asked for it. ooohhh, however, he certainly enjoys giving me oral.
Me too
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I love giving my wife oral, and I don't expect it in return. I rather masturbate while giving her oral, this way the timing is right and we can come together.
I love giving and receiving! But just because I give doesn't mean I receive every time
In my particular situation I do it occasionally trying to get her to "return the favor" but since it's been about 4 months since she's gone down on me I'll probably just wait until she does again.
I dont mind giving oral at all. I actually like giving it. BUT I don't really like having oral done onto me- am I the only girl who doesn't like it?
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