Face sitting

Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
So I'm wondering how many of you have done face sitting to perform oral. It normally works best with the girl on top, but so long as you know what you're doing, the guy can be on top too.

Do you do it? Didn't like it? What are your thoughts on giving or receiving oral while sitting on someone's face?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
I'm female and..
Owl Identified , ~LaUr3n~ , Jul!a , Victoria , Carrie Ann , 00 , Hopeless Romantic , Lustful Dreams , Alicia , brokenangel , removedacnt , Sammi , MEL , *Ashley* , Blinker , P'Gell , Lady Venus , kck , PrettyKitty , Andromeda , Miss B Haven , Kim! , fatesrelease , buzzvibe , Maiden , sweet sally , PassionQT , Airen Wolf , ♥ Amanda ♥ , joja , HevansS , Splendwhore , Liz2 , Annemarie , AU , Rockin' , AVDisco , Femme Mystique , DixieDoo , liljeepr , Not here , Coralbell , SydVicious , NymphetamineKiss , Illusional , NightNight , onehotmomma , ZenaidaMacroura , sexysweetieshan , oohlookasquirrel , Rayne Millaray , Fun Lover , deltalima , Envy , LittleBoPeep , clp , Petula , Visciouslolita , petite-n-sweet , babybatmindie , Fanny , The Giveaway Diva , DeliciousSurprise , Naughty Student , LikeSunshineDust , Hannah Savage , smartbabi92 , Lavender*Moon , cherryredhead88 , Jesyra , OhMy! , FVWhitechapel , Liz , PurpleBerry , null , ToyingCouple , SexyySarah , Armsjlove , Madeira , RadRach , lamira , sausagelover , Jobthingy , mrs.mckrakn , Rhazya , Miss Morphine , Sebmissive , pinkzombie , Angel deSanguine , J's Alley , Taylor , kermi91 , CS2012 , Selective Sensualist , Love Buzz , lizzy408 , Fannybutts , StrawberryEve , ellejay , Redboxbaby , socceras , GeekWife , Lucidity , PussyGalore , darkkitty , darthkitt3n , PropertyOfPotter , RemusHalifax , RubenesqueAna , Miss Naughty Kitty , Beaners , Epicurean , Misfit Momma , Jenniae09 , PrettyChicka , Pixel , menotu , jzzrzz , sweet seduction , jpemmy , 7Miles , BadassFatass , fghjkl , Crystal1 , Chevylady37 , *HisMrs* , Squishy Girl , Sexymami69 , Lemur3 , V.T.T , C4ss , HoneyHoney , Kinkypixie , The Curious Couple , SexyStuff , Red Riding Hood , kittychilla , shelly8791 , Valentinka , lick123 , Sweet-Justice , AW00 , REDRUM , mystepmotherisafish , Joie de Cherresse , casey0402 , gladiola , cburger , meme11 , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , pookalicious , KnK , Miss Jenn , Curves , purplekidney , cuntofdoom , zeebot , Mommy2 , tigerkate , sexygoddess , MaryExy , mariedoll , SugarAndSpice , AussieSarah , AMGuidroz , froggiemoma , hspence , Willis2011 , idunshire , CoffeeCup , liilii080 , teeny <3 , Karen Affeldt , Retro , Inwitari , Bignuf , EnMH , K101 , C-Rae , missthing , kelaaa33wish , irishlove , lovemuscle n cookie , RedGoddess , Anjulie , CuteDee , meganthomas , Screen Door , Yessi , boobookittyfuk , heidi.carls , ThoughtsAblaze , virgomama616 , EJ , KinkBiLove , Diabolical Kitty , IslandGoddess , potstickers , Valyn , SiNn , theamazingjane , CreamySweet , shySEXXaddict , Lunacy Setting in , mcl272 , cheetahpita , caligaliber , wet mama , swf , Princess-Kayla ♥ , Waterfall , NavyDoll87 , ConnerJay , Cherrylane , Beck , TameTemptress , jenn g , badk1tty , ashxxx , unfulfilled , deveener , jedent , smashthepatriarchy , favoritemelody , biancajames , Eucaly , SweetSurprise , Sinfully , Daemonin , ToyLady , geliebt , Indigo Morada , SilverStitched , LAndJ , wrecklesswords , Masokisti , cocomo , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , 12345678 , Swish , Katelyn , Modern^Spank^Anthem , Highmaintenancegirl916 , Tara T , GonetoLovehoney , MissCandyland , SaraU29 , bayosgirl , wetone123 , Sohotdinosaur , sexystuffeve , MeliPixie , coconut1 , oneeyedoctopus , padmeamidala , spineyogurt , RosaLita , Graniteal , Kitka , aliceinthehole , leelee , SimpleTeaser , (k)InkyIvy , SparklyGlitter , Nazaress , Eliza , amplified to rock , Apirka , cjvr , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , 425shark , Caus , Various , LusciousLollypop , Sally Forth , gloomybear , Do emu , Kinkme , MamaDivine , blondie , underHim , samanthalynn , Azule , pootpootpoot , roskat , x203 , alayamae , kkross65 , RomanticGoth , Loriandhubby , lustylusty , LovesAPoet , Lulia , Love Obsessed , PleasurableThings , hall5885 , Chami , Mistress Sassy , dragonn , xilliannax , Geogeo , ciderspider , sweetpea12 , Terri69 , panthercat23 , Mwar , Ice1 , giggles26 , CamelliaGirl , Voilet , AK Bunny , skeeterlynn , MaeGal , LilLostLenore , Undecided , ChuChii , chelly411 , MrsHouseWife , legna , mdnght , Icecrystals12 , Molly Adams , hawaiian chick , mpfm , solitudinarian , darkwater , pyratess , SMichelle , JennSenn , SexyRayne , aluminummm , smasmasma , hmb12 , molly , heather-mooney , ghent529 , Girly Juice , mistressg , GirlOnGirl , moongirl , naturegirl , apryls , tami , ewwgrossdie , Martiniman , Archery , The Majikat , CaliGirl , Supervixen , Britt93 , TheirPet , KinkyNicki92 , SneakersAndPearls , Fluffy Snuggles , Beautiful-Disaster , doowop , Noelle , Chastity Darling , Lavendar , bettyboom , Melan!e , falalena , edeneve , pixi02 , mailroomorder , purpleflower1972 , Nymaya , chicmichiw , JADE76 , sweisb4100 , sophia430 , Adnerbmw , Nezzie13 , Isola
I'm male and..
ToyTimeTim , Sir , timinus , Kinky Skier , ghostmonkey22 , Boxers Over Briefs , LiftedUp , El-Jaro , Gary , trios , Jimbo Jones , Ciao. , ScottA , sandblastedskin , Gunsmoke , toyluvers78 , anelinvader , son of a gunderson , Kindred , Fun Lover , Yoda , TheCleansing , SeXXXcapades , OhMy! , yerkungfuisweak , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , Redpig , Keegski , JustYourAverageGuy , puffkix , Penguin , AoE , leatherlover , CollegeDude , Porfiriato , Kestrel , The Awesome Penguin , MattBryant , Josh aka FootMan , Crash , kk232362 , Free , slynch , Moein , vegan.guy , iota , Mr. & Mrs. Peg , GroovyBanana , EastCoast36 , extrafun , CD37 , Sex'и'Violence , cobiffle , newfoundlust , Daniel & Brittany , Spilock , jay28 , big b , stlouisxxx , CharlieBrown , Bonesdance , LostBoy988 , Lummox , Howells , averageguyextrodinarypleasure , Lucky21 , Istanbull , XzombehxbearzX , Jon S , TheHardOne , ScotchIrish , edwrench , DaddyG , Stagger13 , Mike Honcho , LowFreqFreak , fromazoo , Vancouver Guy , John E W , Jammin14580 , EnterTheFist , JewelsAndB , Doah , rom323 , <3BF , JackRaiden , bsgs , EdenJP , Eliyahu , ninja250 , leanright69 , AJvil , Stinkytofu10 , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , PandJ , smc3115 , woodsdragon , Entropy , Falsepast , PuddlePuppy , Caulfield , Nkev , dhig , elrique , CollegeFun2014 , Fawkes , reinkaos , neil i. , Trysexual , S&Gangel , giftdgecko , konicaguy , Bubba29 , joelb42 , Kat and Aaron(aaron) , Martiniman , ththpup , hhh , spiced , Fluffy Snuggles , shotjuan , hubbyandwife , 1001 Pleasures , Wrecked-Czech , Rokmai , Gdom , vittmsk , dancingduo , nimr , RonLee , FlashFuchsia , Jaybird
I've sat on somebody's face and enjoyed it
Owl Identified , ToyTimeTim , ~LaUr3n~ , Jul!a , timinus , Victoria , 00 , Hopeless Romantic , Lustful Dreams , Alicia , removedacnt , Sammi , MEL , *Ashley* , Blinker , P'Gell , Lady Venus , PrettyKitty , Andromeda , Miss B Haven , fatesrelease , buzzvibe , Maiden , sweet sally , PassionQT , joja , Jimbo Jones , Liz2 , AU , Rockin' , Femme Mystique , usmcwife99 , DixieDoo , Not here , labellavie14 , SydVicious , Illusional , Alegria , son of a gunderson , NightNight , onehotmomma , ZenaidaMacroura , oohlookasquirrel , GreenDaisy3 , Rayne Millaray , Fun Lover , LittleBoPeep , clp , Petula , Visciouslolita , petite-n-sweet , babybatmindie , Lime , Naughty Student , smartbabi92 , cherryredhead88 , Jesyra , KinkyShay , PurpleBerry , yerkungfuisweak , ToyingCouple , SexyySarah , Armsjlove , Madeira , RadRach , lamira , Penguin , Jobthingy , Miss Morphine , newbern2004 , Sebmissive , pinkzombie , Angel deSanguine , J's Alley , Love Buzz , lizzy408 , StrawberryEve , ellejay , Redboxbaby , socceras , Lucidity , PussyGalore , darkkitty , PropertyOfPotter , RubenesqueAna , Miss Naughty Kitty , Epicurean , Pixel , menotu , jzzrzz , sweet seduction , 7Miles , BadassFatass , fghjkl , Crystal1 , A Good Girl , Sexymami69 , V.T.T , C4ss , mama2007 , The Curious Couple , slynch , SexSay , Valentinka , lick123 , Sweet-Justice , AW00 , mystepmotherisafish , Joie de Cherresse , casey0402 , gladiola , cburger , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , GroovyBanana , KnK , Miss Jenn , bethd1708 , Curves , cuntofdoom , Mommy2 , mariedoll , AussieSarah , cnspots , hspence , jay28 , Willis2011 , idunshire , liilii080 , teeny <3 , Karen Affeldt , Retro , Inwitari , EnMH , K101 , C-Rae , kelaaa33wish , irishlove , lovemuscle n cookie , Anjulie , meganthomas , Yessi , heidi.carls , virgomama616 , EJ , Diabolical Kitty , Valyn , SiNn , Forever17 , XzombehxbearzX , theamazingjane , CreamySweet , shySEXXaddict , Lunacy Setting in , mcl272 , caligaliber , wet mama , Princess-Kayla ♥ , TheHardOne , NavyDoll87 , ConnerJay , Cherrylane , Beck , ashxxx , Mike Honcho , LowFreqFreak , deveener , smashthepatriarchy , favoritemelody , biancajames , Eucaly , SweetSurprise , Sinfully , Daemonin , geliebt , SilverStitched , LAndJ , wrecklesswords , JackRaiden , Masokisti , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , GonetoLovehoney , SaraU29 , wetone123 , sexystuffeve , RosaLita , Graniteal , Stinkytofu10 , nicholebinz , Kitka , leelee , Nazaress , amplified to rock , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , Kinkme , blondie , underHim , samanthalynn , Azule , roskat , kkross65 , RomanticGoth , Loriandhubby , lillmiss5054 , lustylusty , Lulia , PleasurableThings , hall5885 , Chami , dragonn , bella8933 , sweetpea12 , Terri69 , panthercat23 , Mwar , Voilet , AK Bunny , skeeterlynn , MaeGal , LilLostLenore , Undecided , ChuChii , Molly Adams , hawaiian chick , mpfm , darkwater , MissK680 , pyratess , SMichelle , SexyRayne , aluminummm , smasmasma , hmb12 , molly , ghent529 , Girly Juice , mistressg , GirlOnGirl , naturegirl , apryls , Martiniman , Archery , The Majikat , CaliGirl , Supervixen , Britt93 , Alyona , KinkyNicki92 , Fluffy Snuggles , hubbyandwife , Beautiful-Disaster , never shy , doowop , Noelle , 1001 Pleasures , Chastity Darling , Lavendar , bettyboom , Melan!e , purpleflower1972 , nimr , chicmichiw , sophia430 , Adnerbmw , Nezzie13
I've sat on somebody's face and didn't enjoy it
Carrie Ann , 00 , Kim! , Airen Wolf , ♥ Amanda ♥ , HevansS , Annemarie , Rockin' , AVDisco , liljeepr , Coralbell , Illusional , Alegria , deltalima , Fanny , Hannah Savage , Liz , null , J's Alley , Fannybutts , darthkitt3n , Beaners , Misfit Momma , Chevylady37 , pookalicious , Miss Jenn , purplekidney , AMGuidroz , froggiemoma , CoffeeCup , Retro , CuteDee , boobookittyfuk , Valyn , ConnerJay , jenn g , jedent , ToyLady , SilverStitched , oneeyedoctopus , aliceinthehole , (k)InkyIvy , Eliza , cjvr , Sally Forth , gloomybear , Do emu , MamaDivine , PleasurableThings , xilliannax , Geogeo , MrsHouseWife , gorgeous , solitudinarian , darkwater , aluminummm , Girly Juice , ewwgrossdie , doowop , LaCampesino , falalena , pixi02 , chicmichiw , sweisb4100 , Isola
I've had somebody sit on my face and enjoyed it
Owl Identified , ToyTimeTim , Jul!a , Sir , timinus , Kinky Skier , Carrie Ann , 00 , Hopeless Romantic , Lustful Dreams , Alicia , Sammi , MEL , Blinker , ghostmonkey22 , Lady Venus , LiftedUp , buzzvibe , Maiden , El-Jaro , sweet sally , PassionQT , Gary , Jimbo Jones , Ciao. , Sensual husband , ScottA , Liz2 , Annemarie , sandblastedskin , AU , Femme Mystique , usmcwife99 , Gunsmoke , toyluvers78 , anelinvader , Illusional , son of a gunderson , Kindred , NightNight , ZenaidaMacroura , oohlookasquirrel , jb787 , GreenDaisy3 , Rayne Millaray , Fun Lover , Yoda , Visciouslolita , TheCleansing , babybatmindie , cowboy , Lurr , SeXXXcapades , Jesyra , Liz , yerkungfuisweak , ToyingCouple , Madeira , RadRach , Redpig , JustYourAverageGuy , puffkix , Penguin , Jobthingy , leatherlover , Angel deSanguine , Hallmar82 , Love Buzz , CollegeDude , Porfiriato , PussyGalore , Loganomic , darkkitty , PropertyOfPotter , Vinroe , PrettyChicka , Pixel , BadassFatass , fghjkl , mikey , Orion , MattBryant , Josh aka FootMan , Lemur3 , V.T.T , slynch , DexterStratton , Mr.RightNow , iota , Sweet-Justice , Mr. & Mrs. Peg , GroovyBanana , Curves , EastCoast36 , CD37 , Sex'и'Violence , cobiffle , cuntofdoom , newfoundlust , Daniel & Brittany , AussieSarah , Spilock , jay28 , idunshire , mr conflicted , teeny <3 , stlouisxxx , Bignuf , Ibegoodone , C-Rae , CharlieBrown , Bonesdance , Anjulie , meganthomas , jg19 , meitman , fronz , Diabolical Kitty , Lucky21 , goofballmaster , SiNn , XzombehxbearzX , ScotchIrish , edwrench , NavyDoll87 , ejrbrndps , Beck , Mike Honcho , LowFreqFreak , Vancouver Guy , SweetSurprise , John E W , Daemonin , Jammin14580 , EnterTheFist , Indigo Morada , JewelsAndB , Doah , rom323 , <3BF , wrecklesswords , JackRaiden , Masokisti , 12345678 , Swish , bsgs , EdenJP , Eliyahu , ninja250 , MooRawr , sexystuffeve , leanright69 , AJvil , spineyogurt , Graniteal , Stinkytofu10 , leelee , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , Tork48309 , cjvr , PandJ , smc3115 , Caus , LusciousLollypop , woodsdragon , Sally Forth , Entropy , Kinkme , PuddlePuppy , underHim , Caulfield , Nkev , dhig , RomanticGoth , Loriandhubby , lillmiss5054 , elrique , CollegeFun2014 , Lulia , PB13 , Fawkes , panthercat23 , Life's Little Secrets , Mwar , reinkaos , neil i. , Trysexual , MaeGal , LilLostLenore , Icecrystals12 , Molly Adams , hawaiian chick , S&Gangel , giftdgecko , darkwater , konicaguy , Bubba29 , SMichelle , hmb12 , joelb42 , GirlOnGirl , apryls , ewwgrossdie , Martiniman , Archery , ththpup , hhh , spiced , Fluffy Snuggles , shotjuan , Noelle , 1001 Pleasures , Lavendar , Wrecked-Czech , vittmsk , Melan!e , purpleflower1972 , dancingduo , nimr , chicmichiw , RonLee , zipbro , sophia430 , Adnerbmw
I've had somebody sit on my face and didn't enjoy it
El-Jaro , Airen Wolf , Yoda , J's Alley , Squishy Girl , idunshire , boobookittyfuk , Lunacy Setting in , TheHardOne , ConnerJay , GonetoLovehoney , wetone123 , Kitka , Nazaress , Eliza , Apirka , RomanticGoth , Undecided , darkwater , aluminummm , smasmasma
I've never done it but want to try being on the top
brokenangel , twistedheartsx , NymphetamineKiss , The Giveaway Diva , DeliciousSurprise , OhMy! , FVWhitechapel , J's Alley , CS2012 , Selective Sensualist , Im'DLytFull , *HisMrs* , zracer , Xomandypantsxo , Free , HoneyHoney , Kinkypixie , SexyStuff , kittychilla , REDRUM , zeebot , SugarAndSpice , ily , KinkBiLove , IslandGoddess , cheetahpita , swf , Waterfall , unfulfilled , EnterTheFist , Indigo Morada , Katelyn , Tara T , Sohotdinosaur , coconut1 , Various , Love Obsessed , Mistress Sassy , ciderspider , CamelliaGirl , shielaray , legna , mdnght , Icecrystals12 , maxwe , JennSenn , heather-mooney , spiced , TransMarc , mailroomorder , FlashFuchsia
I've never done it but want to try being on the bottom
trios , LikeSunshineDust , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , Keegski , AoE , moomoo89 , Miss Morphine , bored350 , Avant-garde , Im'DLytFull , Kestrel , zracer , Crash , Free , mama2007 , extrafun , Lummox , averageguyextrodinarypleasure , oldhippy , fromazoo , Katelyn , Inoaff , Falsepast , CamelliaGirl , BlackCrescent , legna , mdnght , TheirPet , Rokmai , Gdom , xmanx , FlashFuchsia , Jaybird
I've never done it and have no desire to ever try it
kck , Splendwhore , sexysweetieshan , Envy , OhMy! , Shellz31 , Taylor , Jenniae09 , jpemmy , Moein , vegan.guy , Red Riding Hood , magicmac , grace , tigerkate , MaryExy , missthing , RedGoddess , Howells , ThoughtsAblaze , Jon S , beachluv51800 , TameTemptress , badk1tty , poetprincess , sweetiejo , pixxie87 , Highmaintenancegirl916 , kz916 , MissCandyland , bayosgirl , MeliPixie , padmeamidala , SparklyGlitter , jokerzwild , pootpootpoot , x203 , alayamae , LovesAPoet , Ice1 , moongirl , edeneve
Boy have I got a story for you!
Owl Identified , ToyTimeTim , ~LaUr3n~ , Jul!a , Sir , Kinky Skier , Hopeless Romantic , MEL , Lady Venus , yerkungfuisweak , kermi91 , GeekWife , Miss Naughty Kitty , Squishy Girl , Sweet-Justice , Daniel & Brittany , XzombehxbearzX , arewehavingfun? , SweetSurprise , cjvr , PuddlePuppy , Nanuk , Mwar , Icecrystals12 , Noelle
joja , Naughty Student , Lavender*Moon , sexygoddess , Screen Door , potstickers , XzombehxbearzX , Modern^Spank^Anthem , SimpleTeaser , Nanuk , gorgeous , SneakersAndPearls
You're still asking questions?
Victoria , El-Jaro , Airen Wolf , Femme Mystique , Envy , clp , PurpleReign , karenskink , Penguin , Sebmissive , J's Alley , Fannybutts , UnknownGirl , Beaners , Pixel , casey0402 , Spilock , Inwitari , boobookittyfuk , Istanbull , XzombehxbearzX , arewehavingfun? , ConnerJay , Girly Girl , Beck , fromazoo , geliebt , oneeyedoctopus , cjvr , PuddlePuppy , RomanticGoth , mdnght , Icecrystals12 , JennSenn , Melan!e
Total votes: 1278 (576 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: GingerAnn GingerAnn
Constructive discussions on Oral sex enhancers:

Do you rim you're partner [males or females]
I rim my partner and if it's important my partner is a mtf transgender who does not plan on surgery. I think it's the same as eating out a pussy and..

What to do about that taste.
Normally it isn't too much of a problem, but sometimes I just can't handle the taste of vagina. Thoughts on a quick fix?

Best clitoral toy to mimic lips pressed against teeth on your clit?
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Vibes vs. Clitoral Hood
I don't know if I'd say I have a clit of steel - it's not hard for me to get off - but it seems I have a high vibration tolerance. When using a vibe..

How was your first time giving oral sex?
Was it a good experience? Were you turned of my the hair? Did you expect the taste to be different? Were you persuaded to do it or was it your idea?
Contributor: Owl Identified Owl Identified
Basically? If face-sitting is the question, my answer is YESYESYESYES. Every kind of face-sitting, every orifice, every position, I get way down and dirty when it comes to face-sitting. Giving or receiving, it's high up on my list of favorites.

tl;dr? YES PLEASE.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Owl Identified
Basically? If face-sitting is the question, my answer is YESYESYESYES. Every kind of face-sitting, every orifice, every position, I get way down and dirty when it comes to face-sitting. Giving or receiving, it's high up on my list of favorites. ... more
I'm with ya on this one too! Love it. Last few bfs have had a fetish about it and oral and they kinda go together. So much fun!
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
The wife's back was getting tired giving me oral while I was on my back so I told her to switch and basically sat/more like lay'd on her face. Worked so good that she finally (after 19 years) was able to make me cum from oral alone. Was also the only time I came on her face. I didn't try just the O was like a nuclear bomb going off and it just happened. No really.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
My fiance loves giving me oral and he loves doing it in all sorts of different positions. So I've sat on his face in all sorts of weird positions, even standing. Standing was interesting because I kept putting my head thru the ceiling tiles at the place we were living at the time, lol.

I love it because I can control how much pressure he uses, or he can get controlling and hold me in place. He loves it because I move around and make him work for it and don't just literally sit on his face like a few of his exes used to do, lol
Contributor: Sir Sir
My partner has sat on my face quite a few times. She's liked it a lot. I have not sat on her face, but I've thrusted into her mouth when she was laying down. So, sort of have, but really haven't? Either way, I love it. I'm very easy to please.
Contributor: Kinky Skier Kinky Skier
my wife and i love face sitting, but whats even better, and probably still in the same category is when i sit on the floor with my back against the wall, and she stands in front of me, butt in my face and bends over, and tilts back, same thing, more confy. perfect.
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
Originally posted by Owl Identified
Basically? If face-sitting is the question, my answer is YESYESYESYES. Every kind of face-sitting, every orifice, every position, I get way down and dirty when it comes to face-sitting. Giving or receiving, it's high up on my list of favorites. ... more
Great answer!
Contributor: Hopeless Romantic Hopeless Romantic
Originally posted by Jul!a
So I'm wondering how many of you have done face sitting to perform oral. It normally works best with the girl on top, but so long as you know what you're doing, the guy can be on top too.

Do you do it? Didn't like it? What are ... more
I have to say I love it!!! My husband & I do it all the time & seems when we do it to each other together at the same time, irregaurdless of who's on top or bottom, its amazing & turns me on sooooo much I can get off over & over again. When we do this things get really heated!
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
I like it but I tend to hold back a bit because I'm a major squirter, especially when my body is in a vertical position, and I don't want to drown him. lol
Contributor: *Ashley* *Ashley*
69 I like being on top
Contributor: AussieSarah AussieSarah
Originally posted by Owl Identified
Basically? If face-sitting is the question, my answer is YESYESYESYES. Every kind of face-sitting, every orifice, every position, I get way down and dirty when it comes to face-sitting. Giving or receiving, it's high up on my list of favorites. ... more
Brilliant answer....I like the way you think
I love sitting on my partners face, you have so much control and i love to kind of bounce on him to get the extra sensation and make him work a bit harder as well
Ive also sat on another girls face as well while i was sucking his cock. It was good but hard to concentrate on both at the same time (she was also thristing with a plug/playing around with her fingers around my ass as well)
Contributor: LiftedUp LiftedUp
I LOOOOOVE it when my wife will sit on my face. I practically beg her for it sometimes! It's so hot with her on top of me, smothering me with her sex. And there I am... frantically licking, sucking, and prodding for everything I can get out of her, as she gets more and more worked up until she can't help but grind my face. MMMMMMMM.

On the other hand, I'm a bit of a submissive, so the thought of me sitting on my wife's face isn't too appealing to me. I will gladly accept oral from her, and certainly 69 with her... but I just can't picture me sitting on her face to do it.
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
Originally posted by Owl Identified
Basically? If face-sitting is the question, my answer is YESYESYESYES. Every kind of face-sitting, every orifice, every position, I get way down and dirty when it comes to face-sitting. Giving or receiving, it's high up on my list of favorites. ... more
Same here. But I do enjoy it more when my g/f sits on my face. Doesn't do much for me when my b/f does it but he seems to enjoy it and I luv to see his reaction. Me sitting on his face...awesome.. Face sitting is almost always part of our play.
Contributor: Maiden Maiden
Originally posted by removedacnt
I like it but I tend to hold back a bit because I'm a major squirter, especially when my body is in a vertical position, and I don't want to drown him. lol
Seconded! Also I am heavy and don't want to hurt him.
I like it when he straddles my face too, gives me great access to his balls, taint, and ass as well!
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
There's a song about this.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Originally posted by El-Jaro
There's a song about this.
Leave it to Monty Python. I sure miss that show.
Contributor: PassionQT PassionQT
I prefer to do the sitting, rather than being sat upon. I enjoy seeing a glistening, cum-covered chin and a smiling face below.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by LiftedUp
I LOOOOOVE it when my wife will sit on my face. I practically beg her for it sometimes! It's so hot with her on top of me, smothering me with her sex. And there I am... frantically licking, sucking, and prodding for everything I can get out of ... more
My life partner finds what you describe exciting, in theory, but in practice he's not too enamoured. He would do it for me if it was something I desired. Sigel would love for me to do this more often but I have trouble balancing. We are still working out the logistics of this cause it lends itself to all sorts of group activities.
Contributor: joja joja
I do enjoy sitting on my boyfriend's face, but I can't come that way. I overwhelmingly prefer sitting in a chair or laying on my back. We do it occasionally, but mostly because he loves it.
Contributor: LiftedUp LiftedUp
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
My life partner finds what you describe exciting, in theory, but in practice he's not too enamoured. He would do it for me if it was something I desired. Sigel would love for me to do this more often but I have trouble balancing. We are still ... more
If it's something that you enjoy, and you are prohibited at times because of balancing, you could look into a "queening stool" or chair. We have never used one because my wife does just fine balancing up there, but we've looked at them for fun, and it might suit your needs. They're basically a padded seat with a hole in the bottom, and a sling or perch for the licker's head underneath, that places it in perfect alignment with the lickee's body. They range anywhere from hardwood construction with padded leather, to metal frames with a toilet seat on them (which doesn't particularly appeal to us). It would actually be pretty easy and inexpensive to make one yourself too, if you or any of your partners are proficient with a basic set of powertools.
Contributor: Rockin' Rockin'
Originally posted by LiftedUp
If it's something that you enjoy, and you are prohibited at times because of balancing, you could look into a "queening stool" or chair. We have never used one because my wife does just fine balancing up there, but we've looked at ... more
That sounds really neat! I have a problem with kneeling over my partner b/c of my knee issue, but a little chair might be a good solution for me. I'll look into it. Thanks! ^_^
Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
My husband doesnt reallt care for it, I do.

Luckily our "friend" loves to do it so me an her have fun with it all the time.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by Owl Identified
Basically? If face-sitting is the question, my answer is YESYESYESYES. Every kind of face-sitting, every orifice, every position, I get way down and dirty when it comes to face-sitting. Giving or receiving, it's high up on my list of favorites. ... more
I'm in total agreement - I just wish I could get my wife to do it more often - and be more active. It's more fun when she rotates and grinds her hips!
Contributor: Coralbell Coralbell
I tried it once and we couldn't seem to get positioned properly... maybe we'll have to try it again
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I love to sit on him. but can't usually come this way, (I'm balancing etc, but it is exciting.)

He just can't sit on my face. He outweighs me by about 80 lbs, He'd crush me! But, we do like to have me give him oral, while I am lying on my back and he's kind of kneeling over me. Such a Dom activity for him. I LOVE it! Although, we've often done Double French (a nicer word for 69) with him on top, and it was wonderful! All that lovely flesh and not able to move........(drifts away......)
Contributor: NymphetamineKiss NymphetamineKiss
I have never done it... but i'd want to try some time, definitely! It sounds very hot <3
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Originally posted by P'Gell
I love to sit on him. but can't usually come this way, (I'm balancing etc, but it is exciting.)

He just can't sit on my face. He outweighs me by about 80 lbs, He'd crush me! But, we do like to have me give him oral, while I am ... more
Double French, I love it.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
I've sat on my boyfriend's face.. but.. I'm always worried about my weight. He's done the same to me.. and I loved it.. I love giving him oral that way.