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Ok i have done this to my wife a few times and i love the reaction get from her. while giving oral i make a nice seal lips to lips. then i blow hard placing air inside of her. yes it will make her queef(sp) but i don't mind cause its the same
Ok i have done this to my wife a few times and i love the reaction get from her. while giving oral i make a nice seal lips to lips. then i blow hard placing air inside of her. yes it will make her queef(sp) but i don't mind cause its the same smell. seeing her clinch and squirm trying not to let it all out at once drives me nuts. my wife has never said anything about it. im afraid to ask cause i love doing it and don't want give her a reason to tell me to stop. but if it bugged her wouldn't she say?
so here is the question. tried it? reactions? had it done to you?
There is some who say that blowing air into the vagina can lead to an air embolism, or an air bubble in one of the close lying blood vessels of the vaginal canal. Now, according to my doctor this is unproven and annecdotal. This came up because when I got pregnant the last time Sigel had heard of this problem and worried that oral sex could cause problems for me and the baby. My Doctor's words were to the effect that, normal oral sex or blowing a small amount of air into the vagina shouldn't cause permanent damage, if it did then we'd all be in trouble since the penis doesn't exactly suck out the air as it pushes inside. Over inflating the vaginal canal COULD cause damage but is done in routine proceedures by gynocologists and is generally safe.
What I took from that was don't try to blow her up like a balloon with hard pressure but gentle blowing or steady pressure shouldn't cause physical damage. It might cause emotional damage if she is truly embarassed and you don't have a D/s type relationship to freely explore her embarassment. It could leave her feeling like she is nasty, dirty and unsexy if she is unaware you are doing this purposefully. It might be fun for you to watch her discomfort but it could be potentially devastating to her self esteem unless you are open about the whole thing. Remember she can't read your mind either..she may be tying herself in knots emotionally trying to appear sexy to you while you are doing one of the the most unsexy things that can be done to a vaginal canal! If she knows you find it very arousing she will be able to relax and play with you without the negative emotions. Then you can up the excitement by telling her to hold it, or telling her to relax and laughing about the resulting sound.
I have had that done to me and the person doing it got a foot to the chin and tossed from my bed. I don't like the feeling of air being forced into my vagina and I'm not afraid to tell the person to stop.