I remember humping a teddy bear in my bed as a toddler, like two years old I'd say, hahaha. My parents walked by and stifled laughter, I remember that. Oops, probably messed me up--wait, no, that was the Catholic schooling
I continued humping pillows and things for years. I would do it until it stopped feeling good and felt almost painful and my legs were shaky--that was an orgasm I think!
I actually didn't know how to masturbate any other way until I was 18 and a guy who knew what he was doing (actually a 22 year old 6'6" submissive Catholic virgin who put his Bible out of the room when he masturbated! I wasn't into it because I'm mostly a sub too, and because he had some serious issues with sex) went down on me. I mimicked that by myself manually the next night and it blew my mind. I was hooked and also hooked on oral after having too many people not know what they were doing at all.