I was having a discussion with a few folk on squirting. I have never and I would like to but I don’t know how to do about it. They didn’t have too many tips. We were also discussing wether it was urine or something else. Any advice or info would be so appreciated
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Dear Lisset, I'm here for you. Never squirted before myself, but I definitely was close. I blame myself for being a control freak - that's a big block when one's trying to squirt because squirting is literally over the verge of self-control. You just have to LET GO - figuratively and literally speaking.
Originally posted by
Lisset Finnien
I was having a discussion with a few folk on squirting. I have never and I would like to but I don’t know how to do about it. They didn’t have too many tips. We were also discussing wether it was urine or something else. Any advice or info
I was having a discussion with a few folk on squirting. I have never and I would like to but I don’t know how to do about it. They didn’t have too many tips. We were also discussing wether it was urine or something else. Any advice or info would be so appreciated
As for some real tips - I got you. Here's a cool guide on how to teach yourself to squirt and even some useful sex toys in there!
Good luck!
Squirting is urine leaking out or streaming which ever the case may be. Personally, I'm not a fan and can't understand why someone would want to be peed on or make some pee/squirt.
Originally posted by
Lisset Finnien
I was having a discussion with a few folk on squirting. I have never and I would like to but I don’t know how to do about it. They didn’t have too many tips. We were also discussing wether it was urine or something else. Any advice or info
I was having a discussion with a few folk on squirting. I have never and I would like to but I don’t know how to do about it. They didn’t have too many tips. We were also discussing wether it was urine or something else. Any advice or info would be so appreciated
Dear Luna Reign, thank you for your input, but I have to disagree.
Originally posted by
Luna Reign
Squirting is urine leaking out or streaming which ever the case may be. Personally, I'm not a fan and can't understand why someone would want to be peed on or make some pee/squirt.
First of all, it's a frequent misunderstanding - many people mistake squirting for peeing because it comes from the same whole. Moreover, the classic porn has ruined the image of squirting, because the overwhelming majority of people who star in those movies do try to pass peeing as squirting. Actresses are known to drink loads of liquids just in order to achieve the wanted result.
However, that's cheating, and that's not squirting at all. Female ejaculant is produced by the Skene's glands - a little secretory organ located in the urethral canal, right at the spot where the G-spot rests on the other side, in the vaginal canal. This is why those who achieve squirting say persistent G-spot pressure helps a ton.
In any case, not all women are able to achieve squirting at all - there is no certain answer as to why is that, but the theory is that some women have more developed Skene's glands, hence the miraculous ability squirt.
I understand that you're not a fan of that sexual practice but we are a community of tolerant, welcoming, like-minded people. Each of us has their own kink
I agree with GingerAnn on this one. The porn videos don't really help because if you have ever seen a real woman squirt you will realize that most of the porn videos are fake. Some are real, some are fake but it's not urine. Here is a link that might help with that. Not Urine
Kink aside... reason aside too. I have to admit that the science is lacking on the why but what we do know is the what and how of female ejaculation.
Personally I think it is kinky as hell watching a woman loose her mind and cum like a fountain but I can also see how confusing it can be.
Anatomically men and women are made from the same stuff. The testicles are ovaries, the clit is the penile glands, etc. Somewhere along the evolutionary ladder our genetic ms beloved linking the waste disposal and reproduction system together.
Female ejaculate is inert seminal fluid launched by muscular contractions from the female urethra. Why nature allows this we don’t know but we think it is just left over male genetics.
Not all women (or even men) can ejaculate same as not everyone can orgasm. The key to figuring out if you can is to relax. Same as with men it is impossible to urinate without deliberate conscious effort whilst aroused. If you relax and let yourself go with some self exploration 2/3 of women can ejaculate. And a 1/3 of who can will be a gusher (2oz/60ml+ of fluid).
Note that the average human urinary bladder contains about 2vups of urine max. We usually void when we are only half full etc. There is a distinct difference between urine and ejaculate.
Personally I think it is kinky as hell watching a woman loose her mind and cum like a fountain but I can also see how confusing it can be.
Anatomically men and women are made from the same stuff. The testicles are ovaries, the clit is the penile glands, etc. Somewhere along the evolutionary ladder our genetic ms beloved linking the waste disposal and reproduction system together.
Female ejaculate is inert seminal fluid launched by muscular contractions from the female urethra. Why nature allows this we don’t know but we think it is just left over male genetics.
Not all women (or even men) can ejaculate same as not everyone can orgasm. The key to figuring out if you can is to relax. Same as with men it is impossible to urinate without deliberate conscious effort whilst aroused. If you relax and let yourself go with some self exploration 2/3 of women can ejaculate. And a 1/3 of who can will be a gusher (2oz/60ml+ of fluid).
Note that the average human urinary bladder contains about 2vups of urine max. We usually void when we are only half full etc. There is a distinct difference between urine and ejaculate.
My wife is an avid squirter, where I am not. She does it often enough that I sometimes miss it when she DOESN'T squirt. I've only done it once, so it's true that some women are more capable of this. Wife is more able to have orgasms from penetration, where mine are more clitoral. Don't know if that makes a difference but figured I'd add that in here. If I'm trying to get wife to squirt, I'll build her up slowly. By the time I'm between her legs, I'm two fingers deep and using my mouth on her clit. Use upward pressure with your fingers or toy. Experiment and have fun.
Hi! I am able to squirt, but it takes a good bit of effort and work on my part. I am only able to do it when masturbating. I alternate between gspot and clitoral stimulation for a good while, thirty minutes or more usually. I can feel myself building up to a squirty orgasm, which for me feels a bit different than a regular orgasm. As I feel myself building up to a squirt, I really focus on my gspot and add a little clit stim with my other hand or another vibe here and there. I can feel when I am about to squirt and remove the toy to really let the liquid out. Truthfully, it is more of a gush for me and less of a fountain squirt. But once I get that going I can usually squirt 2 or 3 times in a row. The orgasms are pretty intense, and the sensation feels very different from peeing. It isn’t urine. It is clear and does not have a smell of urine, or the taste of it for that matter.
Originally posted by
Lisset Finnien
I was having a discussion with a few folk on squirting. I have never and I would like to but I don’t know how to do about it. They didn’t have too many tips. We were also discussing wether it was urine or something else. Any advice or info
I was having a discussion with a few folk on squirting. I have never and I would like to but I don’t know how to do about it. They didn’t have too many tips. We were also discussing wether it was urine or something else. Any advice or info would be so appreciated
Is there a big difference between usual (clitoral or vaginal) orgasm and squirting orgasm? How is it feel like? All my efforts on squirting haven't succeeded yet, and I'm starting to think maybe I am one of those women who are not able to squirt
My wife's experience is very much as Holly Hox describes it - a bit of difficulty getting started, but it can be fairly copious once things get going.
Originally posted by
Is there a big difference between usual (clitoral or vaginal) orgasm and squirting orgasm? How is it feel like? All my efforts on squirting haven't succeeded yet, and I'm starting to think maybe I am one of those women who are not able to
Is there a big difference between usual (clitoral or vaginal) orgasm and squirting orgasm? How is it feel like? All my efforts on squirting haven't succeeded yet, and I'm starting to think maybe I am one of those women who are not able to squirt
I think trying to gush can be self defeating - because to gush, you have to totally 'let go'.
I wouldn't give up - my wife didn't actually start to gush regularly until in her 40s.
My final thought is that it can be a little like g-spot orgasms - they baffle and frustrate many women, but once you crack the code, it gets easier to repeat going forward.
Relax and enjoy - maybe that first gush will come when you've had 1-too-many and just let loose of all the stress holding you back - just a thought

I can squirt and squirt a lot to the point of soaking the sheets. It’s certainly not urinating as I know the difference. I’ve perfected the art by my husband first performing oral then I use a vibrator (positioned upward to hit the g spot) along with manual stimulation of the clit. You need to squeeze your pelvic floor muscles (like pooping) to form a strong stream. I can also squirt by rubbing my clit with a vibrator. Again, pushing the pelvic muscles “outward.” Probably TMI but I’ve inspected and smelled a soaked towel after the deed. It’s not really urine per se but a lightly tinted fluid that has a distinct odor. Don’t know how to explain otherwise. My husband claims it doesn’t come from the urethra but my vaginal opening.
Originally posted by
Lisset Finnien
I was having a discussion with a few folk on squirting. I have never and I would like to but I don’t know how to do about it. They didn’t have too many tips. We were also discussing wether it was urine or something else. Any advice or info
I was having a discussion with a few folk on squirting. I have never and I would like to but I don’t know how to do about it. They didn’t have too many tips. We were also discussing wether it was urine or something else. Any advice or info would be so appreciated
I have a similar experience as the ones shared above, but I gush more than squirt. It's definitely from G-spot and clitoral stimulation. My husband stimulates my G-spot by pushing upward (pretty firmly) with a vibrator or a glass G-spot dildo while either he or I also use a vibrator (usually a pretty strong bullet) on my clit. The mixture of the 2 makes me orgasm differently than I can with just clitoral stimulation and he says that the fluid that comes out is from my vagina (sometimes clear or a bit cloudy, but not urine). Plus, I always urinate and empty my bladder before and afterward. I didn't intend on having a gushing orgasm the first time. It just happened one day so now I know how it feels and how to get there. But with me, the G-spot has to be involved.
True, stress is the biggest killer.
Originally posted by
My wife's experience is very much as Holly Hox describes it - a bit of difficulty getting started, but it can be fairly copious once things get going.
I think trying to gush can be self defeating - because to gush, you have to totally ... more
I think trying to gush can be self defeating - because to gush, you have to totally ... more
My wife's experience is very much as Holly Hox describes it - a bit of difficulty getting started, but it can be fairly copious once things get going.
I think trying to gush can be self defeating - because to gush, you have to totally 'let go'.
I wouldn't give up - my wife didn't actually start to gush regularly until in her 40s.
My final thought is that it can be a little like g-spot orgasms - they baffle and frustrate many women, but once you crack the code, it gets easier to repeat going forward.
Relax and enjoy - maybe that first gush will come when you've had 1-too-many and just let loose of all the stress holding you back - just a thought less
I think trying to gush can be self defeating - because to gush, you have to totally 'let go'.
I wouldn't give up - my wife didn't actually start to gush regularly until in her 40s.
My final thought is that it can be a little like g-spot orgasms - they baffle and frustrate many women, but once you crack the code, it gets easier to repeat going forward.
Relax and enjoy - maybe that first gush will come when you've had 1-too-many and just let loose of all the stress holding you back - just a thought less
I remember a rather voluptuous beauty, total zen, hippy yoga kinda girl who when in the mood would explode like a water bottle rocket. She said it never happened when she was lent up or stressed.
Agreed - a combination of g-spot and clitoral stimulation are key for my wife.
Originally posted by
Perspicace mais érotique
I have a similar experience as the ones shared above, but I gush more than squirt. It's definitely from G-spot and clitoral stimulation. My husband stimulates my G-spot by pushing upward (pretty firmly) with a vibrator or a glass G-spot dildo
I have a similar experience as the ones shared above, but I gush more than squirt. It's definitely from G-spot and clitoral stimulation. My husband stimulates my G-spot by pushing upward (pretty firmly) with a vibrator or a glass G-spot dildo while either he or I also use a vibrator (usually a pretty strong bullet) on my clit. The mixture of the 2 makes me orgasm differently than I can with just clitoral stimulation and he says that the fluid that comes out is from my vagina (sometimes clear or a bit cloudy, but not urine). Plus, I always urinate and empty my bladder before and afterward. I didn't intend on having a gushing orgasm the first time. It just happened one day so now I know how it feels and how to get there. But with me, the G-spot has to be involved.
However, she has recently added something new to repertoire...
When she is really aroused, her lower labia engorges - almost to the point of an 'erection'. (if you look an picture of the clitoris there are extensions down each side lying within the labia - they are called the crus-clitoris)
Using light pressure with a strong vibrator on her engorged lips - she can now gush - quite a lot
BTW - she has her vibe on her clitoral glans - while I take care of things farther south.
I got my wife to squirt a week ago for the first time. It’s was crazy. She has been getting real wet but finally had the big squirt. We use a vibrator and a clit stimulator.

Why do guys like it so much when a girl squirts? Everything is getting wet, but the guy probably feels the happiest because he brought the girl to such a state. I often watch sex videos on camsvids and I see how easy it is for girls to squirt even while masturbating. I tried to repeat their technique, but I failed. Perhaps this is a feature of my body.

I only squirted from one person...

Hi Lisset,
Originally posted by
Lisset Finnien
I was having a discussion with a few folk on squirting. I have never and I would like to but I don’t know how to do about it. They didn’t have too many tips. We were also discussing wether it was urine or something else. Any advice or info
I was having a discussion with a few folk on squirting. I have never and I would like to but I don’t know how to do about it. They didn’t have too many tips. We were also discussing wether it was urine or something else. Any advice or info would be so appreciated
I hope this feed is still active and you are still reading it! I am getting close to 60 years old and when I was young I was a squirter. After having my children, for many years I stopped. I was still having an organism but no fluids actually came out. I started learning about kegel exercises, and started doing them, when I started squirting again. The first time it happened my husband thought I was peeing and said something that stopped me. For years, I never squirted again and he was very sorry for his reaction and tried hard to get me to start again. Years later, we divorced and I found myself squirting again, but being single those kegel exercises became a regular part of my life. Anyway, the point is there are several things that are important. You have to be totally relaxed, have a few glasses of wine to help. Next, Kegal exercise, use your fingers to feel yourself squeezing the right muscles, there are also aides for this, the web has all kinds of advice on these. Finally, exploring your own sexual pleasure will help, and then with your partner may help. I hope this helps and you are able to achieve these orgasims.
The first time I ever squirted was when my husband was using a toy on me (the satisfyer pro 2, btw lol). Since then I've continuously used that exact same toy but if I use it on myself, I cant squirt. If my husband has control and is using it on me, then I can. I think it's because when it starts to get really intense and you get to that edge, you instinctively stop because you think it's too much. But if someone else is in control, they obviously cant feel that it's too intense, and it pushes you off that cliff lol
Originally posted by
Lisset Finnien
I was having a discussion with a few folk on squirting. I have never and I would like to but I don’t know how to do about it. They didn’t have too many tips. We were also discussing wether it was urine or something else. Any advice or info
I was having a discussion with a few folk on squirting. I have never and I would like to but I don’t know how to do about it. They didn’t have too many tips. We were also discussing wether it was urine or something else. Any advice or info would be so appreciated
Good idea, I'll have to try that.
Originally posted by
The first time I ever squirted was when my husband was using a toy on me (the satisfyer pro 2, btw lol). Since then I've continuously used that exact same toy but if I use it on myself, I cant squirt. If my husband has control and is using it on
The first time I ever squirted was when my husband was using a toy on me (the satisfyer pro 2, btw lol). Since then I've continuously used that exact same toy but if I use it on myself, I cant squirt. If my husband has control and is using it on me, then I can. I think it's because when it starts to get really intense and you get to that edge, you instinctively stop because you think it's too much. But if someone else is in control, they obviously cant feel that it's too intense, and it pushes you off that cliff lol

I've never been to the point where I was wanting to experience squirting but I'm sure want to experience it and I would love to be able to pleasure myself with me squirting can you please help me get to the point

You can squirt in my mouth
Originally posted by
Lisset Finnien
I was having a discussion with a few folk on squirting. I have never and I would like to but I don’t know how to do about it. They didn’t have too many tips. We were also discussing wether it was urine or something else. Any advice or info
I was having a discussion with a few folk on squirting. I have never and I would like to but I don’t know how to do about it. They didn’t have too many tips. We were also discussing wether it was urine or something else. Any advice or info would be so appreciated

I would love that
Originally posted by
I can squirt and squirt a lot to the point of soaking the sheets. It’s certainly not urinating as I know the difference. I’ve perfected the art by my husband first performing oral then I use a vibrator (positioned upward to hit the g spot) along
I can squirt and squirt a lot to the point of soaking the sheets. It’s certainly not urinating as I know the difference. I’ve perfected the art by my husband first performing oral then I use a vibrator (positioned upward to hit the g spot) along with manual stimulation of the clit. You need to squeeze your pelvic floor muscles (like pooping) to form a strong stream. I can also squirt by rubbing my clit with a vibrator. Again, pushing the pelvic muscles “outward.” Probably TMI but I’ve inspected and smelled a soaked towel after the deed. It’s not really urine per se but a lightly tinted fluid that has a distinct odor. Don’t know how to explain otherwise. My husband claims it doesn’t come from the urethra but my vaginal opening.
It's piss. Ask those who say it's not if it's stored in your elbows.
Originally posted by
Lisset Finnien
I was having a discussion with a few folk on squirting. I have never and I would like to but I don’t know how to do about it. They didn’t have too many tips. We were also discussing wether it was urine or something else. Any advice or info
I was having a discussion with a few folk on squirting. I have never and I would like to but I don’t know how to do about it. They didn’t have too many tips. We were also discussing wether it was urine or something else. Any advice or info would be so appreciated
Since there's a bit of pleasure associated with pissing, it makes sense that it will add a bit to an orgasm. But, there's the clean up...
Get stimulated when you have to pee and you might achieve your goal. For me, not worth it.
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