Moaning? Screaming? Shhh… No sound at all? How Loud are You During Sex?

Contributor: Lena Eden Lena Eden
We’ve all got used to screaming and moaning women in porn movies (even when there’s nothing special done to them, they still act like it, right?)

But I’m really curious, how many of us actually make noise in bed?!

As for me, moaning, talking dirty, and being quite loud makes sex hotter for both of us and speeds up my orgasm. Sadly, we can’t be absolutely free in our passion every single time because the neighbors may start hating us one day.

Whatever…... how about you, guys? For those who are loud, any funny stories related to your most vocal sex sessions?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
wrecklesswords , Sweet-Livy , Mallorys , hippie007
4  (12%)
Lena Eden , Lvstoplay , Vnessa , GingerMeggie , Bibba , Stellar , TheSlyFox , La Bachatera , TawnyTemptress , ValerieRayne , Veridian , RogueMiki , symbiasin , sexfairy , GingerAnn
15  (44%)
DancerKittyKat , OH&W, Lovebears , LoganSanguine , C&K0143 , AmethystQueen
5  (15%)
1  (3%)
RonLee , LovingIt , Gr8pumpkin , konicaguy , Soundside46
5  (15%)
MrClark , Conceptual , Daddy'sSexKitten , Gunsmoke
4  (12%)
Total votes: 34
Poll is open
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Contributor: GingerAnn GingerAnn
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Are you a screamer? And you partner?
I am a screamer, I am always being told to quiet. He is very quiet almost too quiet.

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Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
After 20 years of being quiet for the kids - it's great to be able to let loose a bit. Although we did make some noise throughout out the years - we tease each other that my son has brain damage for listening to his parents having sex for 18+ years!

My wife has definitely felt the most liberated. Luckily we have a single family residence - but in CA - we're still pretty close to the neighbors. Our master bath has a fan that vents to a neighbor's yard - so just before we 'get busy' she always tells me to close the door.

I love to hear her enjoying herself, it reminds me of a saying that goes something like this; "Making love is like playing an instrument. You know you're doing it right by what sounds are coming out."

Another one I like - "She calls me her linguist - because I am fluent in her moans!"

It's so odd, I come up with all the kink - but it's her that enjoys it the most! Now it's time for me to up my game and get loud (& dirty).
Contributor: DancerKittyKat DancerKittyKat
Since I live in a college dorm, I try to be quiet! The walls are thin and I can hear people on all sides of me (upstairs, downstairs, right, and left). However, when I Skype with my Daddy (Dom), we can get a bit loud! I've definitely moaned, "Daddyyyyyyyy!!!!!!" loudly.
Contributor: Sweet-Livy Sweet-Livy
Originally posted by DancerKittyKat
Since I live in a college dorm, I try to be quiet! The walls are thin and I can hear people on all sides of me (upstairs, downstairs, right, and left). However, when I Skype with my Daddy (Dom), we can get a bit loud! I've definitely moaned, ... more
Omgggg I love DD/LG so much!! I haven't told my s/o much about it and we aren't in that dynamic quite yet but soon I'll explain it to him when I see him!
Contributor: OH&W, Lovebears OH&W, Lovebears
I'm as tight lipped as can be during sex. However OH tells me I moan softly in my sleep.
Contributor: Vnessa Vnessa
It's usually when Im trying to be quiet that my orgasms end up being off the charts and I'm louder than normal. I do usually try to be more on the quiet end since we have a teen in the house though . Just doesn't always work out.
Contributor: GingerMeggie GingerMeggie
Originally posted by Lena Eden
We’ve all got used to screaming and moaning women in porn movies (even when there’s nothing special done to them, they still act like it, right?)

But I’m really curious, how many of us actually make noise in bed?!

As for me, moaning, ... more
I am a woman. I get loudest when I masturbate. I don't think I get loud enough to bug neighbors though. Sometimes boyfriend is picking on me and we make some noise roughhousing aside from sex that my neighbors probably assume are sex related if they hear it at all. but most of the time I don't really care or worry about it. This week we are working on refinishing a small table, reassembling it and painting it on our kitchen floor on a huge drop cloth. There is a huge mess in there. Paint all over etc. The other day we were both working on parts of it and started having a paint fight that turned into getting spanked and then losing more clothes and then sex on the kitchen floor next to the project. we were pretty loud then just because we were on the floor. No neighbors complained. it was a good time.
Contributor: RonLee RonLee
Rather than scream or shout... before, during and after sex I talk to my partner. That's just me, however, occasionally I have been told: "just shut up and fuck me".
Contributor: TheSlyFox TheSlyFox
I can get pretty loud, but since I have a roommate, I try to stay quiet! lo1!
Contributor: hippie007 hippie007
we don't care where we are at it feels good and we love to fuck and we make a lot and I mean a lot of noise !
Contributor: Lena Eden Lena Eden
Originally posted by GingerMeggie
I am a woman. I get loudest when I masturbate. I don't think I get loud enough to bug neighbors though. Sometimes boyfriend is picking on me and we make some noise roughhousing aside from sex that my neighbors probably assume are sex related if ... more
Here is how you mix pleasure and housework
Contributor: Lena Eden Lena Eden
Originally posted by TheSlyFox
I can get pretty loud, but since I have a roommate, I try to stay quiet! lo1!
You def need to leave a piece of cake (or anything else that can make him/her happy) for your roommate one day!
Contributor: Lena Eden Lena Eden
Originally posted by hippie007
we don't care where we are at it feels good and we love to fuck and we make a lot and I mean a lot of noise !
How about the consequences??
Contributor: OH&W, Lovebears OH&W, Lovebears
Originally posted by Lena Eden
Here is how you mix pleasure and housework
Sounds like the two of you might enjoy body painting. Paint each other then Go out for a long walk in the park or shopping together. Just think about the sex you would have that evening.
Contributor: ValerieRayne ValerieRayne
I am a lot quieter now than I used to be - thanks kids... I don't care who hears when I'm in the moment and I've never had the cops called, but I imagine I wouldn't be ashamed over it.

It's a challenge for me to be quiet, especially during orgasms. When I'm by myself, it's easy as pie. But when I'm with The Boyfriend, almost every way to cover a mouth that you can think of, we have tried - anything to muffle my involuntary moans.

The kids have admitted to hearing us many times. My eldest daughter, when she was about 11, would lock herself in the bathroom every time she was awoken by us. Our 7-year-old was convinced that the sounds that we made during sex was what "being gay" was. We had an entire day where they were mad at us for how loud we were and when my Mom asked what was wrong, they almost chanted, "Mommy and Daddy were having sex!".

While it was horrifying to live through those experiences, I feel like we were able to have more open conversations with our kids about sex and pleasure. I apologized for my loudness and explained that sometimes you can get swept up in the moment. Now, we just try extra hard to get rid of them more often - hooray for babysitters!
Contributor: MrClark MrClark
My ex-gf was actually upset when we first started dating about how quiet I was when we had sex, as she couldn't get a sense on if I was enjoying anything during sex (bj, vaginal, etc...). After reflecting on this concern I noticed what she was talking about; however, also realized that it was due to years of masturbating and wanting to be as quiet as possible when enjoying some "me time"... But also became apparent that I needed to give feedback even if it was verbally vocalizing that felt good, etc.

Not sure the answer about that makes me a "true man" but I think you should communicate well with your partner regardless and failing to give them feedback or that you are enjoying sex with them means I'm failing at that.
Contributor: Gio Gio
I should be and horny, but not too loud. It adds to your sexual drive and it amplifies the emotion and ejaculation.
Contributor: GingerMeggie GingerMeggie
Originally posted by Lena Eden
Here is how you mix pleasure and housework
Lmao yeah sex and art go together nicely sometimes. mwahahaha its good to be an artist with a boyfriend that likes art.
Highschool was interesting. One year I conned a couple of my friends into staying after school to work on sets for a play with me. We were painting roll away walls for different backdrops. A teacher was in charge of the play and I thought he was gonna reem us because my friends and I were painting them outside while he worked inside. I smacked one friends ass with some paint so she grabbed my boob with some paint. then somehow we all wound up with paint handprints all over our butts etc. The teacher in charge was ex military and everyone was sort of scared of him and when he came out and caught us we all just knew we were in deep doo. Happy Naughty Painting time was over.
Contributor: MarkMark MarkMark
Seriously, my wife usually ends up face down screaming into a pillow.

We've tried everything - simply can't keep her quiet!
Contributor: LovingIt LovingIt
Originally posted by MarkMark
Seriously, my wife usually ends up face down screaming into a pillow.

We've tried everything - simply can't keep her quiet!
Same deal here. With adolescents in the house, it's easy to get self-conscious about such things.
Contributor: Gr8pumpkin Gr8pumpkin
Originally posted by Lena Eden
We’ve all got used to screaming and moaning women in porn movies (even when there’s nothing special done to them, they still act like it, right?)

But I’m really curious, how many of us actually make noise in bed?!

As for me, moaning, ... more
Ok, so I am a guy and sometimes get loud, not like call the cops loud, but vocal enough I do worry sometimes the neighbors will hear us, especially in summer when the windows are all open. My wife can get loud too, not all the time, but on occasion she will make more than a a bit of noise, which I love. Some of the best orgasms though are when we are traveling or visiting friends, and we need to bite our lips to not alert them to the fact we are getting funky. I remember a particular weekend when we were first together and traveling. We had crazy hot sex on two consecutive nights, and on the last morning I went off to bring back coffee for us, ran into the neighbors and they gave me a sly, knowing look that was un- mistakeable, jealous sots, three kids in tow, not having much fun in THAT room !
Contributor: Daddy'sSexKitten Daddy'sSexKitten
Originally posted by Lena Eden
We’ve all got used to screaming and moaning women in porn movies (even when there’s nothing special done to them, they still act like it, right?)

But I’m really curious, how many of us actually make noise in bed?!

As for me, moaning, ... more
I accidentally hit the wrong one while hitting vote on my cell, whoopssss. I'm definitely a female and while I do like to get fairly loud while having sex, I am almost silent while climaxing. I live in an apartment complex with a roommate so I try to keep it down, but my partner says most of the time I get a little to loud without realizing it.
Contributor: OH&W, Lovebears OH&W, Lovebears
Originally posted by Daddy'sSexKitten
I accidentally hit the wrong one while hitting vote on my cell, whoopssss. I'm definitely a female and while I do like to get fairly loud while having sex, I am almost silent while climaxing. I live in an apartment complex with a roommate so I ... more
Oh, so happy you cleared this up.
When I saw that, my jaw dropped and said " whaaat?
Contributor: OH&W, Lovebears OH&W, Lovebears
We always had to be quiet and didn't like it. When we looked for new places to move to,always picked something with privacy. Although we're both quiet, sometimes, you just have to let it out.

And with our latest addition, have no choice. Never has any toy has this happened before.
So far it's 3 for 3. We named it "The TB Boss" . Maybe in the future may rename it the " Moaner"
Contributor: Lena Eden Lena Eden
Originally posted by OH&W, Lovebears
We always had to be quiet and didn't like it. When we looked for new places to move to,always picked something with privacy. Although we're both quiet, sometimes, you just have to let it out.

And with our latest addition, have no ... more
What is it?? The Vixen Creations Lone Star or the Womanizer?
Contributor: OH&W, Lovebears OH&W, Lovebears
Originally posted by Lena Eden
What is it?? The Vixen Creations Lone Star or the Womanizer?
Well, I can tell you the Womanizer gives low gasps, low subtle moans and quiet aahs.

And the other doesn't let you keep quiet. Kinda forces it out of ya
Contributor: AmethystQueen AmethystQueen
I could get very loud, but I always feel it's not polite to those around us. Get us out in the country somewhere and WHOOOO!
Contributor: sexfairy sexfairy
It depends on the context of course. I like to express pleasure but can be very quiet when needed. My partner sounds is what turns me on the most
Contributor: GingerAnn GingerAnn
Thin walls, nosey neighbors - nearly not enough privacy for us. But when our next door neighbor - an old lady - makes her TV super loud - that's my time to shine