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Usually it's once for me, but the other morning we were so in sync I practically lost count how many times I orgasmed! That's never happened before and I thank the gods I didn't "noodle out" on him like I often do when I orgasm. ^^;;
It is nice to see that a few couples have stumbled on what is often described as bullshit to some. Massive multiples are easy to achieve for most women if their lover has the right technique - not a big dick - just the right touch.
I stumbled on a fabulous technique a few years before my wife died. I have shared it on a few sites. The link I'll add at the end is from Literotica.com. There is a very mature crowd over there. Very polite and helpful and from what I can see (newbie here) this room seems to be about the same. Few idiots and they're ignored and eventually go elsewhere.
The problem that so many couples have achieving multiples is thinking O's only come from stimulation to the clit. Once orgasm is reached as many have already posted, the clit becomes so sensitive that even looking at it is too intense for some.
The G SPOT on the other hand is designed for rough work. It also is wired into the orgasm center of the brain and most women, once they know the feeling ( the first G-Gasm) can go from a cold start to first (of many) massive orgasms in around TWO minutes. It doesn't work for every woman the first time and the older a woman is the easier it seems to be but well worth the "research" for younger ones too. It truly is mind blowing. It increases HER sexuality, self esteem and self confidence and I don't have to explain how good a guy feels when he can give his lover ALL the G-Gasms she can endure ... and more.
Here's the TECHNIQUE. I hope you enjoy it.