Do you see things when you orgasm?

Contributor: sexxxkitten sexxxkitten
Hasn't happened to me before.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
Not that I can remember.
Contributor: Nirelan Nirelan
nothing like this ever happens to me, but i do have like heart palps! its scary but then i think, if im going to die, during sex is a good time!
Contributor: Nirelan Nirelan
Originally posted by SmutGeek
For me its mostly colors (think those screens on the Windows Media Player that explode a variety of colors as the music is going). I've always been curious if it was a form of synesthesia (misfiring of the electricity in the brain causing senses ... more
Those are good explanations! How cool would it be if it were auras?!
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by PDXlady
Usually when I orgasm random images pop in to my head. They usually aren't sexual and the stronger the orgasm the more vivid the image. I've been curious for a while about whether or not this happens to anyone else.
Yes sometimes.
Contributor: theavocadopit theavocadopit
Originally posted by PDXlady
Usually when I orgasm random images pop in to my head. They usually aren't sexual and the stronger the orgasm the more vivid the image. I've been curious for a while about whether or not this happens to anyone else.
Contributor: NarcissisticLust NarcissisticLust
Originally posted by PDXlady
Usually when I orgasm random images pop in to my head. They usually aren't sexual and the stronger the orgasm the more vivid the image. I've been curious for a while about whether or not this happens to anyone else.
I've heard of this, but I've never hallucinated when orgasming.
Contributor: Greenleaf Greenleaf
Hasn't happened to me, but it sounds interesting!
Contributor: sweetpea12 sweetpea12
Originally posted by PDXlady
Usually when I orgasm random images pop in to my head. They usually aren't sexual and the stronger the orgasm the more vivid the image. I've been curious for a while about whether or not this happens to anyone else.
No I don't' really have any visions, I wish I did though
Contributor: Arch600 Arch600
Hasn't happened to me or my wife (that I know of). Sounds fun though!
Contributor: shcoo shcoo
Yes! I can only remember two times, though. Once I saw trees, and the other I saw a baby lamb with pink and neon green liquid all around it. No clue where that came from, but would be a great idea for a painting, haha.
Contributor: sexystuffeve sexystuffeve
Originally posted by PDXlady
Usually when I orgasm random images pop in to my head. They usually aren't sexual and the stronger the orgasm the more vivid the image. I've been curious for a while about whether or not this happens to anyone else.
Nope, all I see is my man when I orgasm.
Contributor: Ilovelingerie Ilovelingerie
Originally posted by PDXlady
Usually when I orgasm random images pop in to my head. They usually aren't sexual and the stronger the orgasm the more vivid the image. I've been curious for a while about whether or not this happens to anyone else.
I’m only every thinking about my fiancé when I orgasm, or what he’s doing to me…. But that’s basically the same thing, so the answer would be no.
Contributor: Sinfully Sinfully
Interesting, but no this has never happened to me before.
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by PDXlady
Usually when I orgasm random images pop in to my head. They usually aren't sexual and the stronger the orgasm the more vivid the image. I've been curious for a while about whether or not this happens to anyone else.
Only stars!
Contributor: MaeGal MaeGal
If I have a really good orgasm, a get a royal blue color popped into my head.
Contributor: amazon amazon
My brain goes crazy when I orgasm!
Contributor: theavocadopit theavocadopit
Originally posted by PDXlady
Usually when I orgasm random images pop in to my head. They usually aren't sexual and the stronger the orgasm the more vivid the image. I've been curious for a while about whether or not this happens to anyone else.
I do kind of loose my hearing for a bit sometimes!
Contributor: Sundae Sparkles Sundae Sparkles
Originally posted by roskat
Never clear images, but occasionally little light spots. I guess you could call them "stars" that come from being slightly light headed.
yeah Ive experienced this (stars) and colors before but never images
Contributor: Anne Anne
This has happened to me once. I was going to a concert and when me and my... I guess friends with benefits, went to the hotel room, I had this intense orgasm and while I was in the middle of it, I pictured this area of skin that had a scab on it. The scab just exploded, and instead of blood oozing out, it was a rainbow and unicorns and beavers laughing. It was a trip, i will say.
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
This doesn't happen to me.
Contributor: marshmallow marshmallow
Contributor: mistressg mistressg
This has happened to me a few times. Literally saw stars.
Contributor: Falsepast Falsepast
Hasn't happened to me
Contributor: ksparkles16 ksparkles16
no, that's interesting though.
Contributor: xMila xMila
Never happened to me.
Contributor: beautifulbombshellVI beautifulbombshellVI
I've heard of it, but it's never happened to me. For me, everything is just goes black for a sec
Contributor: JackRaiden JackRaiden
Well, we are pretty high, so I guess seeing things is not out of the question. I seem to remember more of a black/blank. Which reminds me that I'm totally jealous of you gal's orgasms...
Contributor: Modern^Spank^Anthem Modern^Spank^Anthem
flashes of light sometimes
Contributor: CadmiumKitty CadmiumKitty

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