Can you handle hard and fast thrusting in your ass?

Contributor: LovesToPlay LovesToPlay
When watching porn you will see this hugely hung guy thrusting in and out of a woman's ass so hard that you honestly cannot believe she isn't running for the hills! So i was wondering can anyone on EF take it like that? I sure can't, but I want to because I know it would feel great to my husband! We take it slow then he gets to pump just a little fast but as soon as i cum its over im screaming get out! I hate that about our anal sex life... I would love to be able to actually give it to him but, oh well its just to damn tight and he is too big i guess.
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61  (55%)
38  (34%)
12  (11%)
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Contributor: GingerAnn GingerAnn
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Contributor: Mwar Mwar
It depends on how much time you spend warming up and lubing in addition to sensitivity to pain and preferences. I have friends who tell me they can go pretty hard and fast, so different strokes, I guess.
Contributor: ScottA ScottA
Once I warm up I can take it as fast as my wife or I can give - provided that the lube is on sufficiently.

Slow and easy for the start please.
Contributor: Sinfully Sinfully
Yes but not just instantly. Gotta work up to it.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
Originally posted by Sinfully
Yes but not just instantly. Gotta work up to it.
Me too, and I can only take it for SHORT periods (like a minute or less.) It does feel good when I'm getting it though.
Contributor: funluvinmama funluvinmama
I can't do it at all. Hurts too bad, even with lots of lube.
Contributor: Entropy Entropy
Hard and fast is mind bending with him or her (with toys). Slow is so much more intimate, though. I guess it depends on my mood.
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
Slow slow slow.
Contributor: SparklyGlitter SparklyGlitter
never tried anal
Contributor: Beck Beck
Once all the juices are flowing nicely, yes. I beg for it.
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
He has start pretty gosh darn slow, add more lube, then work up to it.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Like every body else who loves this and is able to take it, we know the key is slow, gentle start, lots of lube and then gradually increasing the pace.

Not everybody likes it. If you don't, that's OK. Do what works for you, and practice increasing the pace slowly and gently at first, working up to the pace you and your partner like the best.
Contributor: SecretToyLover2 SecretToyLover2
Honestly, slow and easy for most of the time. I grin and bear it when he's about to orgasm and he speeds up. It hurts if he goes too quickly.
Contributor: ladychristie ladychristie
With my ex no way no how I wouldn't even let him near my ass he was too big and never properly warmed me up. But with J he properly prepares me and is of average size that I beg him to. It doesn't hurt and I really enjoy it. Use lots of lube and when you think you have enough use more.
Contributor: underHim underHim
As long as he starts slow and has enough lube I can take it as fast as he can give it.
Contributor: Trepier Trepier
As of right now slow is the only way that we can go. Maybe in the future we can go harder, but for right now playing it safe.
Contributor: C-Rae C-Rae
Slow for me.. Still gettin used to it
Contributor: Oliver Gray Oliver Gray
I'm still a beginner though, it takes patience.
Contributor: sexystuffeve sexystuffeve
Originally posted by LovesToPlay
When watching porn you will see this hugely hung guy thrusting in and out of a woman's ass so hard that you honestly cannot believe she isn't running for the hills! So i was wondering can anyone on EF take it like that? I sure can't, but ... more
Only if he goes in correctly. So long as he goes in with no pain, I can take whatever he wants to give me
Contributor: TameTemptress TameTemptress
Slow and easy for now, is what I prefer. I can take harder if he starts slow though.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by LovesToPlay
When watching porn you will see this hugely hung guy thrusting in and out of a woman's ass so hard that you honestly cannot believe she isn't running for the hills! So i was wondering can anyone on EF take it like that? I sure can't, but ... more
Once in a while I want him to go slightly fast...but not that pounding stuff you see in movies. Mostly I enjoy anal slow. We have found that the RIGHT LUBE and the RIGHT POSITION are key. Again, for the millionth time (sorry), we are different. I HATE doggy for anal. It hurts me and I am NOT into pain. I LOVE anal...but on my side, usually either SPOONING, or better yet, with my butt at the edge of the bed (me left side down) and him standing at the edge of the bed, or else MISSIONARY...again, best with him standing at side of bed, and my feet in his chest or over his shoulders. He can go DEEP, DEEP, and even thrust a fair bit, and it is VERY, VERY comfortable and WOW enjoyable for ME. I have had real, live ANAL orgasms that way, PLUS he can play with my vagina, clit, tits.. you name it...AND we can look each other in the eye!!!!! With nice THICK lube, I want to KEEP him in me, after I have cum, and he has cum, and let him get soft INSIDE me. It too, feels amazing.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by sexystuffeve
Only if he goes in correctly. So long as he goes in with no pain, I can take whatever he wants to give me
BINGO...that is the key. NO pain.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by ladychristie
With my ex no way no how I wouldn't even let him near my ass he was too big and never properly warmed me up. But with J he properly prepares me and is of average size that I beg him to. It doesn't hurt and I really enjoy it. Use lots of lube ... more
Well said.
Contributor: LovesToPlay LovesToPlay
Originally posted by LovesToPlay
When watching porn you will see this hugely hung guy thrusting in and out of a woman's ass so hard that you honestly cannot believe she isn't running for the hills! So i was wondering can anyone on EF take it like that? I sure can't, but ... more
i would like to change my vote to Yes i can take it as hard as he can give it!!!!! Im so FNNNNNN proud of myself!!! I found the right position and also found another position and it was AMAZING!!! I didnt even use a vibrator!! The only thing we are missing is the right lube the 2 we have are not thick enough so we have to keep replying over and over and over again and it burns a bit!! spooning and me on top was the best positions for us!! it took a long while but after we really got into the groove he could go as fast as he wanted!! i would love to do it again today but i feel like its to sore. Can anyone of yall do it back to back?
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by LovesToPlay
i would like to change my vote to Yes i can take it as hard as he can give it!!!!! Im so FNNNNNN proud of myself!!! I found the right position and also found another position and it was AMAZING!!! I didnt even use a vibrator!! The only thing we are ... more
I'm glad it's working. Try one of the thicker Sliquid lubes, "Dude Lube" (formerly Sliquid H2O Ride) or Sassy Booty Formula, Sliquid. These are nice and thick and provide "padding" and are very slick. We can go for sometimes 30 to 45+ minutes and not have to reapply. But, everyone is different. It doesn't burn, ever. At least not for me, and I'm very sensitive to a lot of lubes. (I still have to test the "Dude Lube" but we used Sliquid H2O Ride for years before they changed the formula a little bit.)

Back to back? No, we have never been able to do that. My Man is a good sized gentleman, but he isn't that long. How do you manage it back to back?

If you are sore the next day, you may need to work on finding a new lube and dialing it back a little until you adjust.
Contributor: sweetiejo sweetiejo
I'm still just into slow and easy for anal.
Contributor: ScottA ScottA
If you're going fast then position/angle is crucial - when the dildo doesn't go the right way it can be very uncomfortable. Slow is always safe, but if you want fast then don't be afraid to try every position you can come up with to see what works best.
Contributor: LovesToPlay LovesToPlay
Originally posted by P'Gell
I'm glad it's working. Try one of the thicker Sliquid lubes, "Dude Lube" (formerly Sliquid H2O Ride) or Sassy Booty Formula, Sliquid. These are nice and thick and provide "padding" and are very slick. We can go for ... more
I was just asking if anyone could? we have ID lube its got a blue top i cant remember what its called though? whats wrong with the formula now?
Contributor: momoxd11 momoxd11
Originally posted by LovesToPlay
When watching porn you will see this hugely hung guy thrusting in and out of a woman's ass so hard that you honestly cannot believe she isn't running for the hills! So i was wondering can anyone on EF take it like that? I sure can't, but ... more
once i get in to it speed doesnt matter

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