<.< Okay, so I sometimes hear this bullshit statement that if you've taken it up the ass and not in the vagina the girl is still a virgin. I personally think this bullshit. Penetration is Penetration. Anal sex is also a form of sex. That's like saying since I'm gay I'll always be a virgin. -.-. Anyone else think the anal thing is just in excuse of sorts?
Doesn't Count My ASS!
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DEFINITELY! Uughh, just a reason for women to deny the fact that some of them are actual whores <_< tch.
Originally posted by
<.< Okay, so I sometimes hear this bullshit statement that if you've taken it up the ass and not in the vagina the girl is still a virgin. I personally think this bullshit. Penetration is Penetration. Anal sex is also a form of sex.
<.< Okay, so I sometimes hear this bullshit statement that if you've taken it up the ass and not in the vagina the girl is still a virgin. I personally think this bullshit. Penetration is Penetration. Anal sex is also a form of sex. That's like saying since I'm gay I'll always be a virgin. -.-. Anyone else think the anal thing is just in excuse of sorts?
Sex is sex is sex!
I agree. If it's sexual intercourse in any way, I think it counts.
Absolutely! There's a certain level of virginity, in that her hymen is still (probably) intact. But intercourse, whether it's anal, oral, or vaginal, is still intercourse, and any one of them to different degrees removes her virginity. I would daresay anal removes MORE than vaginal! It's much more intimate to allow someone to put their cock or dildo in your ass, it's more sensitive and tender and requires a higher level of trust than PIV or oral sex require. Those girls who say it doesn't count, at the risk of sounding judgmental, are whores. Penetration is penetration, sex is sex.
So glad to see people agreeing. The first time a girl told me this I wanted to slap that hoebag. It's lie, "...WHAAAAAAAAAAT~"
HAHAHA! @maryjane - i love that! I agree, penetration is penetration - no matter what hole - or how many times...
Originally posted by
DEFINITELY! Uughh, just a reason for women to deny the fact that some of them are actual whores <_< tch.
Sex is sex is sex!
Sex is sex is sex!
If you really feel the need to say that your vagina is a virgin - simply state that. Depending on the guy - the fact that your vagina hasnt been penetrated may be a turn on - or a turn off... simply put - tell the truth. LOL
Thats my theory.
"You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view."
Originally posted by
<.< Okay, so I sometimes hear this bullshit statement that if you've taken it up the ass and not in the vagina the girl is still a virgin. I personally think this bullshit. Penetration is Penetration. Anal sex is also a form of sex.
<.< Okay, so I sometimes hear this bullshit statement that if you've taken it up the ass and not in the vagina the girl is still a virgin. I personally think this bullshit. Penetration is Penetration. Anal sex is also a form of sex. That's like saying since I'm gay I'll always be a virgin. -.-. Anyone else think the anal thing is just in excuse of sorts?
I'm still suprised that in this day and age women who like sex are still being called "Whores". I thought society had matured past that label.
I think the name calling ("some of them are whores," "i wanted to slap that hoebag.") is really unnecessary and actually completely offensive.
Personally, I DON'T consider anal intercourse to be the kind of sex that means you've lost your virginity--and I REALLY resent the implication that I'm a "hoebag" because I believe that.
Personally, I DON'T consider anal intercourse to be the kind of sex that means you've lost your virginity--and I REALLY resent the implication that I'm a "hoebag" because I believe that.
I believe that "to each their own" if that is what someone wants to believe there is no harm in that and vice-versa. I would not go so far as to belittle someone or resort to name-calling because you have a different idea. I would think we are a bit more civilized than that.
I am undecided in the whole issue because I can see it from both points of view. I cannot/will not judge someone for their beliefs.
I am undecided in the whole issue because I can see it from both points of view. I cannot/will not judge someone for their beliefs.
Look, we've got a good thing going here. Don't. Blow. It.
Originally posted by
<.< Okay, so I sometimes hear this bullshit statement that if you've taken it up the ass and not in the vagina the girl is still a virgin. I personally think this bullshit. Penetration is Penetration. Anal sex is also a form of sex.
<.< Okay, so I sometimes hear this bullshit statement that if you've taken it up the ass and not in the vagina the girl is still a virgin. I personally think this bullshit. Penetration is Penetration. Anal sex is also a form of sex. That's like saying since I'm gay I'll always be a virgin. -.-. Anyone else think the anal thing is just in excuse of sorts?
Also, I agree that it is offensive.
Originally posted by
I think the name calling ("some of them are whores," "i wanted to slap that hoebag.") is really unnecessary and actually completely offensive.
Personally, I DON'T consider anal intercourse to be the kind of sex ... more
Personally, I DON'T consider anal intercourse to be the kind of sex ... more
I think the name calling ("some of them are whores," "i wanted to slap that hoebag.") is really unnecessary and actually completely offensive.
Personally, I DON'T consider anal intercourse to be the kind of sex that means you've lost your virginity--and I REALLY resent the implication that I'm a "hoebag" because I believe that. less
Personally, I DON'T consider anal intercourse to be the kind of sex that means you've lost your virginity--and I REALLY resent the implication that I'm a "hoebag" because I believe that. less
Originally posted by
I believe that "to each their own" if that is what someone wants to believe there is no harm in that and vice-versa. I would not go so far as to belittle someone or resort to name-calling because you have a different idea. I would think we
I believe that "to each their own" if that is what someone wants to believe there is no harm in that and vice-versa. I would not go so far as to belittle someone or resort to name-calling because you have a different idea. I would think we are a bit more civilized than that.
I am undecided in the whole issue because I can see it from both points of view. I cannot/will not judge someone for their beliefs. less
I am undecided in the whole issue because I can see it from both points of view. I cannot/will not judge someone for their beliefs. less
I agree with your statements.
Way too many of us have the "I've got to be right, no matter the cost" attitude.
Life is too damn short to argue with someone over such trivialities.
Some years ago, out in California a fellow made a statement that many ridiculed. But Rodney King may have been the wisest of us when he asked "Can we get along?"
I also have to agree that this is offensive.
Originally posted by
That Guy
Also, I agree that it is offensive.
As far as the virgin conversation is concerned, in my OPINION, penetration is penetration. But virginity is in the eye of the beholder. If one thinks that they are a virgin until THEY have vaginal intercourse, it's their decision. They aren't putting their beliefs off on you. If they are, and tell you you are also a virgin and you don't see it that way, there is nothing in this world that says you have to agree. And may even state so. But no one deserves to be called names for how they feel on the inside.

seriously? the dictionary definition of "virgin" is defined as never having been penetrated by a man. guess what; girl; your ass done been penetrated. hard. actually met a girl like that in college who would only have anal. I gladly did it. she didnt even want lube. dirty girl.
My mind is actually blown by the judgmental responses in this thread.
Originally posted by
seriously? the dictionary definition of "virgin" is defined as never having been penetrated by a man. guess what; girl; your ass done been penetrated. hard. actually met a girl like that in college who would only have anal. I gladly did it.
seriously? the dictionary definition of "virgin" is defined as never having been penetrated by a man. guess what; girl; your ass done been penetrated. hard. actually met a girl like that in college who would only have anal. I gladly did it. she didnt even want lube. dirty girl.
In response to the "dictionary definition of virgin" I'm offering up this:
vir·gin noun \'v?r-j?n\
Definition of VIRGIN
1a : an unmarried woman devoted to religion
b capitalized : virgo
2a : an absolutely chaste young woman
b : an unmarried girl or woman
3 capitalized : virgin mary
4a : a person who has not had sexual intercourse
b : a person who is inexperienced in a usually specified sphere of activity
5: a female animal that has never copulated
Okay, so it's an absolutely chaste young woman (but what about men?!) or someone who's not had sexual intercourse.
So, let's define 'chaste' and 'sexual intercourse, too.
Chaste is defined as, "Innocent of unlawful sexual intercourse," "celibate" or "pure in thought or act."
Now, in many states, sodomy (oral AND anal sex both count for this one) is illegal. So, a virgin is someone who's never had anal sex. Moving on...
Sexual intercourse: heterosexual intercourse involving penetration of the vagina by the penis: coitus.
So, a 'virgin' is someone who is 'innocent of unlawful sexual intercourse' who has not had 'heterosexual intercourse involving PIV sex.'
And the implication that someone not wanting lube (even for anal) is 'dirty' is really insulting to people who, that's right, DON'T WANT LUBE.
O.o sorry you found that term offensive. I didn't mean to offend. The term 'hoebag' has always been a more friendly teasing word. Anyway, I don't understand this. It goes in therefore doesn't that mean you've clearly been penetrated? Does this mean since I'm gay I'll always be a 'virgin'? Only curious.
Originally posted by
I think the name calling ("some of them are whores," "i wanted to slap that hoebag.") is really unnecessary and actually completely offensive.
Personally, I DON'T consider anal intercourse to be the kind of sex ... more
Personally, I DON'T consider anal intercourse to be the kind of sex ... more
I think the name calling ("some of them are whores," "i wanted to slap that hoebag.") is really unnecessary and actually completely offensive.
Personally, I DON'T consider anal intercourse to be the kind of sex that means you've lost your virginity--and I REALLY resent the implication that I'm a "hoebag" because I believe that. less
Personally, I DON'T consider anal intercourse to be the kind of sex that means you've lost your virginity--and I REALLY resent the implication that I'm a "hoebag" because I believe that. less
...wow, didn't think so many people would get offended by such a small thing ^^;
Just an opinion. Male intercourse can be anal too...it is going in. I mean, you can not be a virgin anymore, and still be a vaginal virgin. Just like if you haven't done it anally your an anal virgin. If you've done one or the other don't pretend to be completely innocent or pretend it doesn't count. That's all I'm saying. But to each their own.
Just an opinion. Male intercourse can be anal too...it is going in. I mean, you can not be a virgin anymore, and still be a vaginal virgin. Just like if you haven't done it anally your an anal virgin. If you've done one or the other don't pretend to be completely innocent or pretend it doesn't count. That's all I'm saying. But to each their own.
I think that virginity is self-defined, nobody can decide when you have or have not lost your virginity.
Originally posted by
O.o sorry you found that term offensive. I didn't mean to offend. The term 'hoebag' has always been a more friendly teasing word. Anyway, I don't understand this. It goes in therefore doesn't that mean you've clearly been
O.o sorry you found that term offensive. I didn't mean to offend. The term 'hoebag' has always been a more friendly teasing word. Anyway, I don't understand this. It goes in therefore doesn't that mean you've clearly been penetrated? Does this mean since I'm gay I'll always be a 'virgin'? Only curious.
If we're just using the definition of penetration as our litmus paper, wouldn't anyone who's been penetrated by a sex toy has lost their virginity? Or a tampon, or a finger, for that matter?
I agree with you!
I agree with everything you've said here. I'm kind of surprised by all the "whore" talk. To me, virginity is subjective. I gave oral sex before I had vaginal sex, and at that point I still considered myself a virgin. I'm not sure what I would have thought if I'd had anal sex before vaginal, but if I wanted to consider myself a virgin still, so be it. It's not really anyone else's business.
Originally posted by
I think that virginity is self-defined, nobody can decide when you have or have not lost your virginity.
If we're just using the definition of penetration as our litmus paper, wouldn't anyone who's been penetrated by a sex toy ... more
If we're just using the definition of penetration as our litmus paper, wouldn't anyone who's been penetrated by a sex toy ... more
I think that virginity is self-defined, nobody can decide when you have or have not lost your virginity.
If we're just using the definition of penetration as our litmus paper, wouldn't anyone who's been penetrated by a sex toy has lost their virginity? Or a tampon, or a finger, for that matter? less
If we're just using the definition of penetration as our litmus paper, wouldn't anyone who's been penetrated by a sex toy has lost their virginity? Or a tampon, or a finger, for that matter? less
And yeah, I used tampons before I had sex. Didn't make me not a virgin. Plenty of people even think that the loss of the hymen means loss of virginity, but hymens can be lost in all sorts of ways- sports injuries, tampons, bike accidents, whatever. It's up to that person what they think of themselves.
This whole emphasis United States culture places on the idea of virginity is so foreign to me. I'm lesbian, I've never so much as kissed a man, but I've done things with women that would blow the minds of a great many straight-sex-having men.
Originally posted by
I agree with everything you've said here. I'm kind of surprised by all the "whore" talk. To me, virginity is subjective. I gave oral sex before I had vaginal sex, and at that point I still considered myself a virgin. I'm not
I agree with everything you've said here. I'm kind of surprised by all the "whore" talk. To me, virginity is subjective. I gave oral sex before I had vaginal sex, and at that point I still considered myself a virgin. I'm not sure what I would have thought if I'd had anal sex before vaginal, but if I wanted to consider myself a virgin still, so be it. It's not really anyone else's business.
And yeah, I used tampons before I had sex. Didn't make me not a virgin. Plenty of people even think that the loss of the hymen means loss of virginity, but hymens can be lost in all sorts of ways- sports injuries, tampons, bike accidents, whatever. It's up to that person what they think of themselves. less
And yeah, I used tampons before I had sex. Didn't make me not a virgin. Plenty of people even think that the loss of the hymen means loss of virginity, but hymens can be lost in all sorts of ways- sports injuries, tampons, bike accidents, whatever. It's up to that person what they think of themselves. less
Does that mean I'm still a virgin? I've been fucked, with fingers, with cocks, with tongues, but because that cock wasn't attached to a man, I'm a virgin? What does it matter, anyway? What difference does it make?
But the whole focus on virginity is a totally different subject entirely and I won't derail this thread further...
face/screen. It's only an opinion. I don't believe someone should say an intimate moment shouldn't matter because it's not 'normal' sex.
What a crock!
Originally posted by
<.< Okay, so I sometimes hear this bullshit statement that if you've taken it up the ass and not in the vagina the girl is still a virgin. I personally think this bullshit. Penetration is Penetration. Anal sex is also a form of sex.
<.< Okay, so I sometimes hear this bullshit statement that if you've taken it up the ass and not in the vagina the girl is still a virgin. I personally think this bullshit. Penetration is Penetration. Anal sex is also a form of sex. That's like saying since I'm gay I'll always be a virgin. -.-. Anyone else think the anal thing is just in excuse of sorts?
Look man, I'm going to repeat it because... well because I think it's funny.
Originally posted by
That Guy
Look, we've got a good thing going here. Don't. Blow. It.
There's a lot of dudes out there who would not get to try anal if their girlfriends didn't have some screwy virgin complex. I can't cure them of this complex, and neither can their boyfriends. So their boyfriends get buttsex and the girl gets to go on her merry, albeit arbitrary, way. Everybody wins.
OK, guys, looks like I need to step in here.
This has gotten out of hand. I can understand the difference in opinions when it comes to the definition of virginity. You have your textbook or dictionary definition, and then you have the various gray areas. As a virgin myself, I find virginity to be subjective. But beyond that, deviating into calling people whores or hoebags really does not fly here, even anecdotally. Please watch your choice of words when further posting on the thread, okay? Much appreciated.
This has gotten out of hand. I can understand the difference in opinions when it comes to the definition of virginity. You have your textbook or dictionary definition, and then you have the various gray areas. As a virgin myself, I find virginity to be subjective. But beyond that, deviating into calling people whores or hoebags really does not fly here, even anecdotally. Please watch your choice of words when further posting on the thread, okay? Much appreciated.
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