Do you shave your ass?

Contributor: Howells Howells
I'm curious if people shave their asses By shaving I mean any kind of hair removal method, but feel free to tell us if you use something exotic to remove hair from there.

You might like anal play but only given by you not to you. HERE I mean inserting stuff into YOU.

If you shave it and like anal, would you shave it anyway if you didn't do anal at the time?

Couldn't find this question on the forums so far. Dunno how so maybe I fail at searching. If you know of this thread please tell me.
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
I'm a MAN and:
ToyTimeTim , Virgulino , CharmCity , Mr. & Mrs. Peg , married with children , Lio , namelesschaos , Howells , Kindred , slynch , Jimbo Jones , cobiffle , CafeSabroso , Tidwtrguy , newfoundlust , Gunsmoke , leatherlover , ToyBoy , Reyes , ac0313 , Cedarlooman , Mika R. , jay28 , Atlantacpl70 , The Curious Couple , Bignuf , Istanbull , -BillD , MrWishyWashy , jj1228 , tkphoto6 , astrohoney , Boobs and Lubes , Rainbow Boy , The-Great-Blight , Stagger13 , LowFreqFreak , Hedolover , cmm , BlooJay , MR Chickhabit , Jammin14580 , John E W , Hallmar82 , callsignhusker , Raizer911 , Incendiaire , godweensatan , jokerzwild , Lacey Fennec , Big Dog , Undead , Brandonn , TheHardOne , dhig , scaredlittleboy , Brenard , Stinkytofu10 , DiamondKoala , Trepier , mmaa , LunaLuthor , HeartThrobby , Trysexual , ben12 , Zandrock , Llahsram , AF , butts , Robert Paulson , Why Not? , SecretKinksters , petar , Bubba29
I like anal play but I don't shave there.
CharmCity , Lio , slynch , newfoundlust , ToyBoy , sarki , -BillD , MR Chickhabit , Hallmar82 , Big Dog , dhig , Two Grand , mmaa , Llahsram
I like anal play and I shave there.
ToyTimeTim , Mr. & Mrs. Peg , namelesschaos , Howells , Kindred , Jimbo Jones , CafeSabroso , Tidwtrguy , zracer , Gunsmoke , leatherlover , Reyes , Cedarlooman , jay28 , Atlantacpl70 , The Curious Couple , Bignuf , Istanbull , Mr Dj , jj1228 , tkphoto6 , astrohoney , Rainbow Boy , The-Great-Blight , LowFreqFreak , Hedolover , cmm , BlooJay , Jammin14580 , John E W , callsignhusker , Incendiaire , Lacey Fennec , scaredlittleboy , Brenard , DiamondKoala , Subska , Trepier , Trysexual , ben12 , Zandrock , flyanddrive91 , AF , butts , Robert Paulson , Why Not? , SecretKinksters , petar , Bubba29
I don't like anal play but still I shave there.
cobiffle , eroticmutt , Raizer911 , jokerzwild , TheHardOne , Stinkytofu10
Don't like, don't shave.
Virgulino , mb , married with children , freda , Undead , HeartThrobby
I'm a WOMAN and:
eggiweg , Mistress Kitten , MaryExy , amandaco2011 , Coralbell , ToyGurl , Dyma , Shellz31 , ZenaidaMacroura , Nando , sixfootsex , Naughty Student , Kdlips , UnknownGirl , M121212 , sexygoddess , chidoll , kelaaa33wish , AMGuidroz , AgnesTrevejo , padmeamidala , daniel and frances , Mary-Anne-Xun , liilii080 , LittleBoPeep , Joie de Cherresse , alliegator , Persephone Nightmare , zeebot , cujo467 , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , uu , darthkitt3n , sassyNsensual , meganthomas , Tori Rebel , sbon , tokensgirl , Lady Venus , Liz2 , butterflygirlxo , LilyLust , magicmac , xrockergirlx , Miss Anonymous , Airen Wolf , null , Ms. Spice , joja , Retro , Love Bites , bayosgirl , Vanessa Weiss , Adriana Ravenlust , aliceinthehole , anonymouse58 , Waterfall , sexyintexas , Bonanza Jellybean , ily , Beck , potstickers , K101 , Cherrylane , ThoughtsAblaze , FemmeFlo , domsub1993 , SexyTabby , Red Vinyl Kitty , jenn g , TameTemptress , eroticmutt , cburger , spnkegrl , Tessa Taboo , Squeaky , deveener , Breas , Daemonin , Anjulie , Highmaintenancegirl916 , dbm6907 , CamelliaGirl , Nazaress , Woman China , oneeyedoctopus , All His , pootpootpoot , Loriandhubby , prettynpink , Vanille , RTC , SecretToyLover2 , Zombirella , wildorchid , underHim , TheirPet , Undecided , hhh , ohsnaprawr , Scrawberry78 , RedKyuubi , Isola , Robespierrethecat , xilliannax , CaseyDeuce , libbyv , Katelyn , SecretKinksters , Pink Lily , ginnyluvspotter , tortilla , BrittaniMaree , captainsgirl , nikki0668
I like anal but I don't shave there.
UnknownGirl , sexygoddess , chidoll , Brianna91 , AgnesTrevejo , daniel and frances , zeebot , cujo467 , Liz2 , Airen Wolf , bayosgirl , Vanessa Weiss , aliceinthehole , Waterfall , sexyintexas , Bonanza Jellybean , potstickers , domsub1993 , SexyTabby , Red Vinyl Kitty , cburger , spnkegrl , Tessa Taboo , Anjulie , CamelliaGirl , TheirPet , RedKyuubi , libbyv
I like anal and I shave there.
Coralbell , Dyma , Shellz31 , ZenaidaMacroura , sixfootsex , Naughty Student , M121212 , padmeamidala , liilii080 , CuteDee , Joie de Cherresse , Persephone Nightmare , uu , sassyNsensual , meganthomas , tokensgirl , xrockergirlx , null , Mika R. , Ms. Spice , Love Bites , Vanessa Weiss , Adriana Ravenlust , anonymouse58 , Beck , Cherrylane , Mr Dj , FemmeFlo , jenn g , Squeaky , deveener , Highmaintenancegirl916 , Woman China , oneeyedoctopus , All His , godweensatan , scaredlittleboy , RTC , SecretToyLover2 , underHim , hhh , ohsnaprawr , Scrawberry78 , CaseyDeuce , Katelyn , SecretKinksters , BrittaniMaree , captainsgirl
I don't like anal but still I shave there.
Mistress Kitten , ToyGurl , Mary-Anne-Xun , Cream in the Cupcake , Tori Rebel , Lady Venus , butterflygirlxo , joja , Adriana Ravenlust , ily , TameTemptress , Daemonin , dbm6907 , Nazaress , pootpootpoot , Loriandhubby , prettynpink , Undecided , Isola , xilliannax
Don't like anal, and I don't shave my ass.
eggiweg , Nando , kelaaa33wish , AMGuidroz , LittleBoPeep , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , darthkitt3n , sbon , ThoughtsAblaze , Breas , Vanille , Zombirella , Robespierrethecat , Mrs.Tee , Pink Lily , ginnyluvspotter , nikki0668
Elusive other.
MaryExy , amandaco2011 , alliegator , ac0313 , Retro , mmike , K101 , eroticmutt , wildorchid , tortilla
Total votes: 387 (201 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: MaryExy MaryExy
Shaving what part of the butt? Cheeks or in the crack area?

I can't think of a less...graphic...way to say that.
Contributor: Howells Howells
Originally posted by MaryExy
Shaving what part of the butt? Cheeks or in the crack area?

I can't think of a less...graphic...way to say that.
Around the hole. I find it good to shave for hygienic reasons.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Just the anus area, no puled hairs there for me.
Contributor: Mistress Kitten Mistress Kitten
I hate hair on the ass.
Contributor: MaryExy MaryExy
I haven't tried anal and when I do try it it won't be happening very often (LDR). But I always shave that area.
Contributor: amandaco2011 amandaco2011
Yeah I haven't tried and I don't see much reason to. I don't have any hair there.
Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
It's a really tricky and touchy topic, one that many don't want to talk about. But at the women's health and planned parenthood center, we get girls and guys asking about this all the time. Anyone who says they don't have hair on their asses are just liars. There is hair even if you can't see it!

Some girls have a little more hair than others. I always shaved it because I heard my older stepsister talking about her shaving hers - so I thought it was the thing to do from the start. What girls don't know (and guys) is that once you shave it, the hair often grows more. I don't know if this is scientifically proven, but it has happened to me. I actually got most of mine lasered off. I say that if a guy wants your ass so badly, he can deal wth your normal bodily hair. It's protective, and there for a reason.

If you have a major ass hair problem, I say trim it until you can talk to a professional about your options. Lasering is a great option, but if you get pregnant it will grow right back. There is also a product called butt bleach that will bleach the hair, making it less noticeable. Shaving isn't horrible for you, it's just a little dangerous to your bum.
Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
Originally posted by ToyGurl
It's a really tricky and touchy topic, one that many don't want to talk about. But at the women's health and planned parenthood center, we get girls and guys asking about this all the time. Anyone who says they don't have hair on ... more
Lmao I voted on the wrong choice... i meant other!
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
I don't really have a lot of hair there. I do a quick once-over when I'm shaving the general region, but I've never focuses specifically on the ass because I've never felt the need.
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
I love anal and I Emjoi everywhere down south!
But I'd still do it even if I didn't like anal - I hate hair on me! Smooth feels sooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo good.
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
I enjoy anal play, in fact I don't get much of it but really enjoy it when it does happen. Either way I use an epilating machine, I do my bikini area and finish with the little hairs near my Ahole.

And I totally agree with Shellz31 about the smoothness factor.
Contributor: Kdlips Kdlips
dont have to have no hair there
Contributor: UnknownGirl UnknownGirl
I don't have hair on my ass.
Contributor: Mr. & Mrs. Peg Mr. & Mrs. Peg
I prefer a close clipping to shaving after getting a nasty rash from the heat.
Contributor: M121212 M121212
I don't do the cheeks, just around the anus.
Contributor: sexygoddess sexygoddess
Nope. lol
Contributor: Howells Howells
Well I agree that shaving makes it look like it's growing back more, but biologically that's not true. Here is how it works: The folllicle either "knows" how much should it grow or grows for a specific time and eventually it'll stop growing and rest until the hair gets out. Then it starts over. If you shave you disrupt the system and cut the hairs where they are still fresh and the end is thick too. Somehow I don't have this problem back there, I only have to shave like once a month and haven't noticed any significant more aggressive regrowth. I don't need to be super smooth there all the time, but when I start to feel it, it's bad and I have to get rid of it
Contributor: Brianna91 Brianna91
I have light complexion and blonde hair so don't have much hair back there to worry about anyway. Up front I trim only, I'm not a shaver or waxer, so even if I had darker hair I still probably wouldn't shave it.
Contributor: daniel and frances daniel and frances
Originally posted by Howells
I'm curious if people shave their asses By shaving I mean any kind of hair removal method, but feel free to tell us if you use something exotic to remove hair from there.

You might like anal play but only given by you not to you. HERE I ... more
SOunds painful...
Contributor: Howells Howells
Originally posted by daniel and frances
SOunds painful...
If someone would wax it, yeah xD But shaving, no pain at all, and it's just enough.
Contributor: cobiffle cobiffle
i shave it all
Contributor: salaciousrex salaciousrex
When I'm shaving my vag I usually get right around my anus while I'm down there. Not my cheeks or anything though.

I don't do anal play as often as I'd like (or as often as I'm going to as soon as I get my toys in the mail!) but I like to keep things nice and smooth
Contributor: liilii080 liilii080
I shave everything. I don't want my partner being greeted by the hairy bung hole. It's just not as flattering as I think a shaved one is.
Contributor: CuteDee CuteDee
I like to shave everything... Sometimes I get my bf involved since its kind of hard to totally get your whole bum... He likes it cuz he knows whats gonna cum once we get out of the shower!
Contributor: alliegator alliegator
I'll shave around the hole to keep form snagging hairs.
Contributor: Tidwtrguy Tidwtrguy
Shaving is great but stubble growing back is never any fun.
Contributor: zeebot zeebot
Not a fan of shaving.
Contributor: uu uu
I love shaving.
Contributor: Cream in the Cupcake Cream in the Cupcake
I dont like anal but I shave my entire genital region. I dont shave the cheeks tho. I like feeling smooth and my man touches my butt a lot so I prefer it smooth just like the vag. I do like shaving tho.