Anal or vaginal,which do guys prefer

Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
Why don't you talk to him about it and simply ask him if he prefers anal to vaginal sex? I don't know what sort of percentage you're getting now, but if you're unhappy about it, then tell him "I would like to have at least (50% / 70% / whatever you feel) vaginal sex." If you prefer vaginal to anal, tell him why.

This isn't an issue to be solved by an internet poll. It doesn't matter what the majority want, it matters what you and your husband want.

Good luck.
Contributor: Powder Powder
As stated above, Anal is more taboo and thus has more draw. Realistically, the design of the vagina is just superior to that of the anus.
Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
I prefer vaginal. But anal is alright sometimes.
Contributor: Istanbull Istanbull
Originally posted by ScottA
Both feel different. Perhaps your husband is interested in the novelty of anal, or perhaps something else, but I'd imagine that things will probably level out eventually.
Exactly. Let him have it as much as he wants so long as he takes care of your vag first. Make a rule like he has to make you cum three times before he can enter your tight behind. This way you are getting yours, and in doing so getting him so hot he'll be cumming in you after only a few thrust instead of going at your bum for an hour.
Contributor: SiNn SiNn
Originally posted by dbtracy
Sex is great with my husband but he always wants anal so I am worried that he isn't satisfied with vaginal sex any longer.
I lovee both but i relaly really like anal sex
Contributor: fabidefabi fabidefabi
Because anal is tighter it feels better, and its still a little taboo. But if it becomes a dirty situation, you stand there wishing you hadn't
Contributor: Sex'и'Violence Sex'и'Violence
Vaginal. But a little of both is great.
Contributor: moose1120 moose1120
We haven't been "fitting" together very well lately, but we line up really well for anal. I also like it after giving her a spanking...
Contributor: bdvnt bdvnt
I like both. Sometimes I'll be on a kick that I'll want one more than the other, but it balances out about even I think.
Contributor: Bigkc Bigkc
for me i like both, but it mostly depends on the mode we are in
Contributor: Istanbull Istanbull
I like both because I like filling all of her holes full of my cum. There are many who accuse us men of liking anal becuase it's degrading to women, it makes us feel dominant, and/or we're secretly wanting to receive anal(well that part may be true for some guys like me) but the real reason so many of us men love anal is because it ads to how much sex we can have with a woman. Vaginal sex is very intimate, oral is even more because not only are you adding feeling, but she's tasting you and for the women who swallow, shows you they want and love you enough to want to drink your love juices. Anal is even more intimate because it's a hole that is so tight and sensitive. It squeezes your cock in response to your thrusting and you can penetrate as deep as you want no matter how big you are and instead of hurting her, it gives her even more pleasure. And also where the anus is located, she can pull her legs in and she's fully exposed and open, letting your whole pelvic area slap against her labia. And when a woman is into it, nothing is sexier than watching her body writhe while your cock is up her ass, and the faces women make during anal when they are loving it is like no other.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by Istanbull
I like both because I like filling all of her holes full of my cum. There are many who accuse us men of liking anal becuase it's degrading to women, it makes us feel dominant, and/or we're secretly wanting to receive anal(well that part may ... more
Nicely stated
Contributor: teachmetouchme teachmetouchme
Originally posted by That Guy
Anal requires way too much prep, and I've always got to be more gentle. I like to mix it up, but if anal were better, we'd never bother paying for birth control.
Good answer.
Contributor: teachmetouchme teachmetouchme
Originally posted by WHITEMIKE
I prefer Vag to anal. Mainly because the vag is pre-lubed, and not prep is necessary. with anal, there is the prep work and added lube, and the discomfort (I get feelings of guilt when it is uncomfortable and not satisfying to my wife, so I really ... more
Another good answer.
Contributor: teachmetouchme teachmetouchme
Originally posted by Istanbull
I like both because I like filling all of her holes full of my cum. There are many who accuse us men of liking anal becuase it's degrading to women, it makes us feel dominant, and/or we're secretly wanting to receive anal(well that part may ... more
How do you know what faces the women are making if you are doing anal???
Contributor: teachmetouchme teachmetouchme
Well, here is my last post on this page but I may start another forum question: Well, here are a few comments/questions as this topic can go on and on and on.... Why does it sound like many men think it is our duty to fulfill all your sexual desires? Doesn't this sound like you are more interested in what your partner does for you sexually than being grateful (yes GRATEFUL) that we are sharing our life with you? The entire world seems to revolve around making a man's dick happy. You don't see all this stuff on TV about women being unhappy with the quality of their sex life. We either grin and bear it or take care of business ourselfs and don't complain--and if you men would read between the lines here on edenfantasy (check out all the vibrator reviews...) you will see that we actually do take care of business much better ourselves...and are woman enough to enjoy it without whining.

Thank you.
Contributor: aimtoplease aimtoplease
Originally posted by dbtracy
Sex is great with my husband but he always wants anal so I am worried that he isn't satisfied with vaginal sex any longer.
We love both but have vaginal more, just due to the ease
Contributor: switzerland switzerland
love vaginal, obv. we're just starting to try anal, and i'm starting to really like it... the second part of your question, i guess you need to ask yourself if you want anal as well? and definitely talk to him. he shouldn't be getting bored at all.
Contributor: John E W John E W
I like both when I can get anal
Contributor: MonsterMel MonsterMel
My man loves both! He always waits for me to ask for anal and never tries to convince me Im ready for it when im not.
Contributor: SexyStuff SexyStuff
DH would say vaginal
Contributor: bsgs bsgs
i love my wifes vagina, everything about it, fucking it, fingering it, licking it.....i also love her ass, and we're working up to the point where we have full on penetrating anal sex, but for right now we stick to me tongue fucking and fingering her ass
Contributor: Highmaintenancegirl916 Highmaintenancegirl916
On a lot of days. Just like anal.but others its both.
Contributor: Lucky21 Lucky21
Typically vaginal is my preference, but anal is all sorts of nice as well.
Contributor: Mr Dj Mr Dj
start w/ vaginal and cum in the ass.=)
Contributor: Mx.Nekora Mx.Nekora
Vaginal,then anal.
Contributor: spineyogurt spineyogurt
It feels naughtier so in some ways thats hotter
Contributor: richsam richsam
Originally posted by dbtracy
Sex is great with my husband but he always wants anal so I am worried that he isn't satisfied with vaginal sex any longer.
Contributor: purple579 purple579
Originally posted by dbtracy
Sex is great with my husband but he always wants anal so I am worried that he isn't satisfied with vaginal sex any longer.
My ex always begged me to do anal and I usually didn't let him. I later found out the girl he was cheating on me with let him do it all the time. So I guess he preferred that but I doubt most guys are as big of pigs as he was.
Contributor: asphyxia asphyxia
Originally posted by dbtracy
Sex is great with my husband but he always wants anal so I am worried that he isn't satisfied with vaginal sex any longer.
My hubby just weighed in and I was surprised to hear that he prefers blow jobs to either. He said he has more intense orgasms from oral. I'm glad I got that out of him! Now I know I should give him more bj's! Thanks for this poll! This was a great way to get my super-reserved man to express himself!