NEW Contributor Program - PERSONAL SHOPPER (preliminary feedback needed)

Contributor: Gary Gary
Hello everyone,

We are working on putting together a new program that will allow you - the contributors - to directly assist our customers in their selection of products (via chat client). Participants will be compensated for their participation. Right now we are calling this program 'Personal Shopper'.

What would be a great help to us is to get some basic feedback from you regarding your interest and availability in this program.

Thank you for taking the time to offer your feedback!
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Would you be interested in participating in this program?
Nissa Nissa , Beck , Choolz , Lucky21 , Just Tigger , Tasty Latina , Nora , js250 , mindwiped , Miss Anonymous , Screaming Violet , Love Buzz , BeautifulDarkness , Diabolical Kitty
- Yes
indiglo , Pixel , kadytheredpanda , Naughty Student , darthkitt3n , Mr. & Mrs. Peg , JessCee , Elaira , mandiegk , Taylor , Selective Sensualist , Ivy Wilde , Ghost , Coralbell , sasweetheart89 , Owl Identified , Peggi , ZenaidaMacroura , Breas , Sunshineamine , K101 , ToyGurl , aliceinthehole , Annemarie , Redboxbaby , M121212 , Linga , ~LaUr3n~ , Nissa Nissa , Antipova , Valentinka , Kindred , DeliciousSurprise , unfulfilled , Tori Rebel , Ryuson , Shellz31 , Silverdrop , Beck , Liz2 , Jul!a , LadyDarknezz , Tuesday , P'Gell , LaLaLouise , Ansley , Angelica , Kkay , ToyTimeTim , EdenJP , True Pleasures , allehcat , MR Chickhabit , PassionQT , Yaoi Pervette (deleted) , cheetahpita , Airen Wolf , Shadowfall , Choolz , ellejay , FaerieLove , Kayla , Illumin8 , bdvnt , Nothere , padmeamidala , Beaners , Lucky21 , ToyBoy , 0 , Upskirt , KnK , Destri , married with children , Crystal1 , Adriana Ravenlust , BBW Talks Toys , bluekaren , shySEXXaddict , wrecklesswords , Just Tigger , Tasty Latina , LikeSunshineDust , Waterfall , null , Love Perpetua , Kynky Kytty , dhig , Dusk , Sir , Howells , Darling Jen , MeliPixie , Nora , AndroAngel , Jobthingy , js250 , Illusional , Ciao. , NaughtyNikkie , Rainbow Boy , Lucidity , TameTemptress , AngelvMaynard , Eeyor89 , mindwiped , Alan & Michele , Jo lala , Valyn , Miss B Haven , Miss Anonymous , sexyintexas , Kake aka PoeticErotica , Ser Pounce-a-lot , Screaming Violet , Love Buzz , Emma (Girl With Fire) , BeautifulDarkness , Vegan Silk , VictoriaRose , Diabolical Kitty , mama2007 , DaddyG , whiskers22
- No
Gunsmoke , Ms. Spice , Jon S , domsub1993
Would you be willing to use an avatar of your real face?
Nissa Nissa , Beck , pinkcupcakes , PassionQT , Choolz , Lucky21 , bluekaren , Just Tigger , Tasty Latina , Nora , Screaming Violet , Love Buzz , BeautifulDarkness , Diabolical Kitty
- Yes .
Pixel , kadytheredpanda , darthkitt3n , JessCee , Elaira , Ghost , Coralbell , sasweetheart89 , Peggi , ZenaidaMacroura , Breas , Sunshineamine , K101 , aliceinthehole , M121212 , ~LaUr3n~ , Valentinka , DeliciousSurprise , Tori Rebel , Shellz31 , Beck , Jul!a , LaLaLouise , Angelica , EdenJP , True Pleasures , allehcat , MR Chickhabit , Airen Wolf , Shadowfall , Choolz , ellejay , Kayla , Beaners , 0 , Destri , shySEXXaddict , Just Tigger , Tasty Latina , Dusk , MeliPixie , Nora , Jobthingy , Illusional , Ciao. , NaughtyNikkie , AngelvMaynard , Eeyor89 , Alan & Michele , Miss B Haven , sexyintexas , Kake aka PoeticErotica , Screaming Violet , Love Buzz , Emma (Girl With Fire) , Diabolical Kitty , mama2007 , DaddyG
- No .
indiglo , Naughty Student , Ms. Spice , Mr. & Mrs. Peg , mandiegk , Taylor , Selective Sensualist , Ivy Wilde , Owl Identified , ToyGurl , Annemarie , Redboxbaby , Nissa Nissa , Antipova , Kindred , unfulfilled , Ryuson , Silverdrop , Liz2 , LadyDarknezz , Tuesday , P'Gell , Ansley , Kkay , ToyTimeTim , pinkcupcakes , PassionQT , domsub1993 , Yaoi Pervette (deleted) , cheetahpita , Illumin8 , bdvnt , Nothere , padmeamidala , Lucky21 , ToyBoy , married with children , Crystal1 , Adriana Ravenlust , wrecklesswords , LikeSunshineDust , Waterfall , null , Love Perpetua , Kynky Kytty , Sir , Howells , Darling Jen , AndroAngel , js250 , Rainbow Boy , Lucidity , TameTemptress , mindwiped , Alan & Michele , Valyn , Ser Pounce-a-lot , BeautifulDarkness , Vegan Silk , VictoriaRose , whiskers22
Upskirt , Darling Jen
Would you be available between the following hours (In EST)?
Nissa Nissa , Beck , Choolz , Lucky21 , Just Tigger , Tasty Latina , Nora , Screaming Violet , Love Buzz , BeautifulDarkness , Diabolical Kitty
- 12am to 6am
Mr. & Mrs. Peg , Elaira , Breas , K101 , ~LaUr3n~ , Valentinka , DeliciousSurprise , Shellz31 , EdenJP , cheetahpita , Airen Wolf , bdvnt , Crystal1 , Tasty Latina , null , Love Perpetua , AndroAngel , Illusional , NaughtyNikkie , Rainbow Boy , TameTemptress , Miss B Haven , Miss Anonymous , Kake aka PoeticErotica , Ser Pounce-a-lot , Screaming Violet , VictoriaRose
- 6am to 12pm
Elaira , Taylor , Breas , Sunshineamine , ToyGurl , Redboxbaby , ~LaUr3n~ , Nissa Nissa , Antipova , Valentinka , Kindred , DeliciousSurprise , unfulfilled , Tori Rebel , Shellz31 , Silverdrop , Beck , Liz2 , P'Gell , Ansley , Kkay , EdenJP , MR Chickhabit , PassionQT , cheetahpita , Airen Wolf , Choolz , ellejay , Kayla , padmeamidala , Lucky21 , Just Tigger , Tasty Latina , Illusional , Ciao. , NaughtyNikkie , Eeyor89 , Miss B Haven , Miss Anonymous , sexyintexas , Kake aka PoeticErotica , BeautifulDarkness , Diabolical Kitty , DaddyG
- 12pm to 6pm
indiglo , Pixel , kadytheredpanda , JessCee , Elaira , Coralbell , sasweetheart89 , Breas , ToyGurl , Annemarie , Linga , ~LaUr3n~ , Antipova , Valentinka , Kindred , DeliciousSurprise , Tori Rebel , Liz2 , Jul!a , Ansley , Angelica , Kkay , ToyTimeTim , EdenJP , PassionQT , cheetahpita , Airen Wolf , ellejay , Kayla , Nothere , Beaners , Lucky21 , 0 , Destri , BBW Talks Toys , wrecklesswords , Just Tigger , Tasty Latina , LikeSunshineDust , Howells , MeliPixie , Nora , js250 , Ciao. , NaughtyNikkie , Rainbow Boy , Lucidity , AngelvMaynard , Eeyor89 , Valyn , Miss B Haven , Miss Anonymous , Kake aka PoeticErotica , Emma (Girl With Fire) , BeautifulDarkness , VictoriaRose , Diabolical Kitty , mama2007 , DaddyG
- 6pm to 12pm
indiglo , Pixel , kadytheredpanda , Mr. & Mrs. Peg , JessCee , Elaira , Ghost , Coralbell , sasweetheart89 , Breas , K101 , aliceinthehole , Annemarie , Redboxbaby , ~LaUr3n~ , Nissa Nissa , Antipova , Kindred , DeliciousSurprise , Tori Rebel , Ryuson , Jul!a , LadyDarknezz , Tuesday , Kkay , EdenJP , True Pleasures , allehcat , MR Chickhabit , Yaoi Pervette (deleted) , cheetahpita , Airen Wolf , Shadowfall , ellejay , Kayla , Illumin8 , Nothere , Beaners , ToyBoy , 0 , Upskirt , Destri , Crystal1 , Adriana Ravenlust , bluekaren , shySEXXaddict , wrecklesswords , Tasty Latina , LikeSunshineDust , Waterfall , null , Dusk , Sir , MeliPixie , Nora , Ciao. , NaughtyNikkie , Rainbow Boy , TameTemptress , AngelvMaynard , Eeyor89 , Alan & Michele , Valyn , Miss B Haven , Miss Anonymous , Kake aka PoeticErotica , Love Buzz , Vegan Silk , VictoriaRose , Diabolical Kitty , DaddyG , whiskers22
Naughty Student , Ms. Spice , darthkitt3n , mandiegk , Selective Sensualist , Ivy Wilde , Owl Identified , Peggi , Sunshineamine , aliceinthehole , M121212 , ~LaUr3n~ , Antipova , DeliciousSurprise , Tuesday , LaLaLouise , domsub1993 , bdvnt , Upskirt , KnK , Just Tigger , Tasty Latina , Kynky Kytty , Darling Jen , Jobthingy , js250 , Illusional , Ciao. , Valyn , Kake aka PoeticErotica , Vegan Silk , Diabolical Kitty
Would you be willing to cover a time of shift of...
~LaUr3n~ , Nissa Nissa , Beck , Choolz , Just Tigger , Tasty Latina , Nora , js250 , mindwiped , sexyintexas , Screaming Violet , Love Buzz , BeautifulDarkness , Diabolical Kitty
- 1 Hour
indiglo , Pixel , kadytheredpanda , Naughty Student , darthkitt3n , Mr. & Mrs. Peg , JessCee , Elaira , mandiegk , Coralbell , sasweetheart89 , Owl Identified , Peggi , ZenaidaMacroura , Breas , Sunshineamine , aliceinthehole , Annemarie , Redboxbaby , M121212 , ~LaUr3n~ , Nissa Nissa , Antipova , Valentinka , Kindred , DeliciousSurprise , unfulfilled , Tori Rebel , Ryuson , Shellz31 , Silverdrop , Beck , Liz2 , Jul!a , Tuesday , P'Gell , Ansley , Angelica , Kkay , EdenJP , True Pleasures , MR Chickhabit , PassionQT , cheetahpita , Airen Wolf , Choolz , ellejay , Kayla , Illumin8 , Nothere , Beaners , Lucky21 , ToyBoy , 0 , KnK , Destri , married with children , Crystal1 , Adriana Ravenlust , bluekaren , shySEXXaddict , wrecklesswords , Just Tigger , Tasty Latina , LikeSunshineDust , Waterfall , null , Love Perpetua , Kynky Kytty , Dusk , MeliPixie , Nora , js250 , Ciao. , Rainbow Boy , Lucidity , TameTemptress , Eeyor89 , Alan & Michele , Valyn , Miss B Haven , Kake aka PoeticErotica , Ser Pounce-a-lot , Screaming Violet , Love Buzz , BeautifulDarkness , Vegan Silk , Diabolical Kitty , mama2007
- 2 Hours
indiglo , Pixel , kadytheredpanda , Naughty Student , darthkitt3n , Mr. & Mrs. Peg , JessCee , Elaira , mandiegk , Taylor , Ivy Wilde , Coralbell , sasweetheart89 , Owl Identified , Peggi , ZenaidaMacroura , Breas , Sunshineamine , aliceinthehole , Annemarie , Redboxbaby , M121212 , ~LaUr3n~ , Nissa Nissa , Antipova , Valentinka , Kindred , DeliciousSurprise , unfulfilled , Tori Rebel , Ryuson , Shellz31 , Beck , Jul!a , Tuesday , P'Gell , LaLaLouise , Ansley , Angelica , Kkay , ToyTimeTim , EdenJP , True Pleasures , MR Chickhabit , Yaoi Pervette (deleted) , cheetahpita , Airen Wolf , Shadowfall , Choolz , ellejay , Kayla , Illumin8 , bdvnt , Nothere , padmeamidala , Beaners , ToyBoy , 0 , Upskirt , KnK , Crystal1 , Adriana Ravenlust , bluekaren , wrecklesswords , Just Tigger , Tasty Latina , LikeSunshineDust , null , Love Perpetua , Kynky Kytty , Sir , Howells , Darling Jen , MeliPixie , Nora , AndroAngel , Jobthingy , js250 , Illusional , Ciao. , Rainbow Boy , Lucidity , AngelvMaynard , Eeyor89 , mindwiped , Alan & Michele , Valyn , Miss B Haven , Kake aka PoeticErotica , Ser Pounce-a-lot , Screaming Violet , Love Buzz , BeautifulDarkness , Vegan Silk , VictoriaRose , Diabolical Kitty , DaddyG , whiskers22
- 3 Hours
indiglo , Pixel , kadytheredpanda , Naughty Student , darthkitt3n , JessCee , Elaira , mandiegk , Ghost , Coralbell , sasweetheart89 , Owl Identified , Peggi , ZenaidaMacroura , Breas , ToyGurl , aliceinthehole , Redboxbaby , Linga , ~LaUr3n~ , DeliciousSurprise , unfulfilled , Tori Rebel , Jul!a , LadyDarknezz , Tuesday , P'Gell , Ansley , Kkay , EdenJP , True Pleasures , MR Chickhabit , Airen Wolf , Choolz , ellejay , Illumin8 , Nothere , ToyBoy , 0 , bluekaren , wrecklesswords , Tasty Latina , null , Love Perpetua , Sir , Darling Jen , MeliPixie , Nora , Illusional , Ciao. , Lucidity , Eeyor89 , Alan & Michele , Valyn , Miss Anonymous , Kake aka PoeticErotica , Ser Pounce-a-lot , Screaming Violet , Love Buzz , BeautifulDarkness , Diabolical Kitty
- 4 Hours
Pixel , JessCee , Elaira , Selective Sensualist , Owl Identified , Peggi , ZenaidaMacroura , Breas , K101 , aliceinthehole , Redboxbaby , Linga , ~LaUr3n~ , DeliciousSurprise , unfulfilled , Tori Rebel , Jul!a , Ansley , EdenJP , True Pleasures , allehcat , MR Chickhabit , Airen Wolf , Choolz , ellejay , wrecklesswords , Tasty Latina , MeliPixie , Nora , Eeyor89 , Alan & Michele , Valyn , Miss Anonymous , Kake aka PoeticErotica , Screaming Violet , Love Buzz , Emma (Girl With Fire) , BeautifulDarkness , Diabolical Kitty
Breas , K101 , aliceinthehole , Linga , ~LaUr3n~ , unfulfilled , domsub1993 , BBW Talks Toys , Tasty Latina , MeliPixie , Nora , js250 , NaughtyNikkie , Eeyor89 , Alan & Michele , Valyn , sexyintexas , Kake aka PoeticErotica
How many shifts would you be willing to cover each week?
Nissa Nissa , Beck , Choolz , Just Tigger , Tasty Latina , Screaming Violet , BeautifulDarkness , Diabolical Kitty
- 1 Shift
indiglo , Pixel , kadytheredpanda , Naughty Student , darthkitt3n , JessCee , Coralbell , sasweetheart89 , Owl Identified , Peggi , ZenaidaMacroura , Annemarie , Redboxbaby , M121212 , ~LaUr3n~ , Valentinka , Kindred , DeliciousSurprise , unfulfilled , Tori Rebel , Silverdrop , Beck , Jul!a , Tuesday , P'Gell , Kkay , EdenJP , True Pleasures , cheetahpita , Airen Wolf , Choolz , ellejay , Kayla , Illumin8 , Nothere , padmeamidala , Beaners , ToyBoy , KnK , married with children , Crystal1 , Adriana Ravenlust , Just Tigger , Tasty Latina , null , Love Perpetua , Kynky Kytty , Dusk , MeliPixie , Nora , Ciao. , Rainbow Boy , Eeyor89 , Valyn , Miss B Haven , Kake aka PoeticErotica , Ser Pounce-a-lot , Screaming Violet , Love Buzz , BeautifulDarkness , Vegan Silk , Diabolical Kitty
- 2 Shifts
indiglo , Pixel , kadytheredpanda , Naughty Student , darthkitt3n , Mr. & Mrs. Peg , JessCee , mandiegk , Taylor , Ghost , Coralbell , sasweetheart89 , Owl Identified , Peggi , ZenaidaMacroura , Sunshineamine , Annemarie , Redboxbaby , M121212 , Linga , ~LaUr3n~ , Valentinka , Kindred , DeliciousSurprise , unfulfilled , Tori Rebel , Ryuson , Beck , Liz2 , Jul!a , LadyDarknezz , Tuesday , P'Gell , LaLaLouise , Angelica , Kkay , EdenJP , True Pleasures , PassionQT , cheetahpita , Airen Wolf , Shadowfall , Choolz , ellejay , Kayla , Illumin8 , bdvnt , Nothere , Beaners , Lucky21 , ToyBoy , 0 , KnK , Adriana Ravenlust , bluekaren , shySEXXaddict , Tasty Latina , LikeSunshineDust , Waterfall , null , Love Perpetua , Kynky Kytty , Sir , Darling Jen , MeliPixie , Nora , AndroAngel , Jobthingy , Ciao. , Rainbow Boy , Eeyor89 , Valyn , Miss B Haven , Kake aka PoeticErotica , Ser Pounce-a-lot , Screaming Violet , Love Buzz , BeautifulDarkness , Diabolical Kitty , mama2007 , whiskers22
- 3 Shifts
indiglo , Pixel , kadytheredpanda , JessCee , Selective Sensualist , Ivy Wilde , Coralbell , Owl Identified , Peggi , ZenaidaMacroura , Annemarie , Redboxbaby , Linga , ~LaUr3n~ , Nissa Nissa , Antipova , Valentinka , DeliciousSurprise , unfulfilled , Tori Rebel , Beck , Jul!a , Tuesday , P'Gell , Kkay , EdenJP , True Pleasures , Airen Wolf , Choolz , ellejay , Kayla , Illumin8 , ToyBoy , Upskirt , Destri , Adriana Ravenlust , wrecklesswords , Tasty Latina , LikeSunshineDust , Love Perpetua , Darling Jen , MeliPixie , Nora , js250 , Illusional , Rainbow Boy , TameTemptress , AngelvMaynard , Eeyor89 , Valyn , Miss B Haven , sexyintexas , Kake aka PoeticErotica , Ser Pounce-a-lot , Screaming Violet , Love Buzz , BeautifulDarkness , VictoriaRose , Diabolical Kitty , DaddyG
- 4 Shifts
indiglo , Pixel , kadytheredpanda , JessCee , Elaira , Owl Identified , Peggi , ZenaidaMacroura , Breas , K101 , ToyGurl , aliceinthehole , ~LaUr3n~ , Valentinka , DeliciousSurprise , unfulfilled , Tori Rebel , Shellz31 , Beck , Ansley , Kkay , EdenJP , True Pleasures , allehcat , MR Chickhabit , Yaoi Pervette (deleted) , Airen Wolf , Choolz , ellejay , Illumin8 , Adriana Ravenlust , Just Tigger , Tasty Latina , Love Perpetua , Howells , Darling Jen , MeliPixie , Nora , Illusional , NaughtyNikkie , Lucidity , AngelvMaynard , Eeyor89 , Alan & Michele , Valyn , Miss Anonymous , Kake aka PoeticErotica , Screaming Violet , Love Buzz , Emma (Girl With Fire) , BeautifulDarkness , Diabolical Kitty
Total votes: 1104 (129 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Gary Gary
Please feel free to ask questions and make suggestions here too. A lot of the details are up in the air, and there might be another poll for refined feedback. Thanks again!!!
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
I would definitely be interested and available to help with something like this. I think it sounds like it could be a GREAT idea! I know when I first came here, I used one of the features (maybe expert help?) to help me find some things that would work for me. I could really see this being a big help to new comers.

Would there be requirements, such as you must have a certain rank to be able to participate in this? Or would it be open to anyone?
Contributor: Pixel Pixel
I'd definitely be interested in participating. Like Indiglo, I'd be interested in a bit more info re: rank requirements.
Contributor: kadytheredpanda kadytheredpanda
Oh, yes! I definitely would like to participate!

I would like to know the same info as Pixel and Indiglo, please.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Great idea - good luck!
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
I am going to be starting a new job soon so for the schedule I have really no clue, but I am super interested!
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
i won't be able to do it personally, but I can't wait to see how this pans out. this sounds like a great opportunity for Eden!
Contributor: Mr. & Mrs. Peg Mr. & Mrs. Peg
This sounds like a great idea. I'd be interested!
Contributor: JessCee JessCee
Originally posted by Pixel
I'd definitely be interested in participating. Like Indiglo, I'd be interested in a bit more info re: rank requirements.
I second these questions.

From the information provided this sounds like a great idea!
Contributor: Elaira Elaira
Count me in for all the time. I do this for a living at work and I'm on Eden while I'm there. It'd be second nature to me.
Contributor: Selective Sensualist Selective Sensualist
This sounds very interesting! I think this would be an excellent service to customers. Gary, you always come up with such innovative and awesome ideas!

I could work between a two-hour to a four-hour session on Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays (any hour on those days, though preferably not mornings). I might also be able to do an hour session in the evening on Mondays and Tuesdays or a two-hour evening session on Fridays.

I love making suggestions for toy purchases. I frequently make suggestions to my local brick-and-mortar store about items they should carry, and the employees pass along my suggestions to their buyer, who takes my advice! They have stocked the store with specific brands and toys and lubes that I've recommended. They have gone from being a store that stocks lower-end toys to a store that is definitely more upscale and filled with high-quality products.

I love helping people make purchasing decisions, so I'd definitely love showing customers around this site to point out and suggest different toys, lubes, and/or lingerie.
Contributor: Ivy Wilde Ivy Wilde
Sounds like an interesting idea. I'd be willing to help, but my participation would depend a lot on how my sleep disorder was behaving... among other things.
Contributor: Coralbell Coralbell
Sounds awesome! I love recommending products to people. I do it a lot on the forums, so it would be great to have a dedicated program. When I first joined Carrie Ann did the Expert Help, and she recommended my very first toy to me.

I'm not sure what my schedule will be like in the future, so it was a bit difficult to fill out the poll.
Contributor: Owl Identified Owl Identified
Very cool idea I'd definitely be interested in seeing how this develops. The potential is there for this to be a great project and I'd be interested in participating if it comes to fruition. I'm also here as a resource if feedback, suggestions, etc are needed during the development phase.

Good luck!

Edit: Agreeing with Coralbell; I couldn't fill out the times of availability because that may change depending on when this program were to begin.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
I would definitely be up for this idea! As for the times I'd be available I didn't select anything specific because it may vary, but for the most part, I'd be available at any requested times.
Contributor: Breas Breas
Wow, that is really neat! I'd love to participate if given the chance!
Contributor: Sunshineamine Sunshineamine
That is a really cool idea. I would totally be interested in something like this.
Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
Very interesting. I'll have to think about it before answering (and be awake enough to do the time zone conversions.)
Contributor: K101 K101
That is right up my alley! I'd LOVE to participate for as long of time as I was needed Sounds like an awesome idea!
Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
I'm your gal if you need someone for the job! I'd love to help! That sounds like so much fun!
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
This would be perfect! I work at a computer from 4.30 pm EST to 3 EST Monday thru Thursday and have internet at work, am only constantly. I occasionally answer the phone and that is the entirety of my job. From the hours of like 7 - 3am the frequency of a phone call drops dramatically from about 6 an hour to about 3 an hour. So I have so much downtime! I'd love to help out. Just let me know.
Contributor: Redboxbaby Redboxbaby
This is great. I look forward to learning more. I am free Sunday, Monday and Wednesday mornings AKST. I would love to help if you could use me.
Contributor: M121212 M121212
I would be into participating in this program on a drop-in/casual kind of basis. For instance if there were a sign in page where I could check if more people were needed for live assistance and log on or not as the case may be.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
I do this already I LOVE giving advice on product selection and feel great when I help others make a great choice. YES, ABSOLUTELY. This is a great idea! I am on here so much anyways that it would be amazing to get compensated for sex toy knowledge. I can't wait to get started!
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
Originally posted by M121212
I would be into participating in this program on a drop-in/casual kind of basis. For instance if there were a sign in page where I could check if more people were needed for live assistance and log on or not as the case may be.
I really like this idea. Due to my rather weird work schedule, I would be able to 'drop in' for many hours per week, but I would have a hard time making a hard commitment to a time slot a week or two in advance.
Contributor: Valentinka Valentinka
That looks like a totally great idea and I would be really excited to participate! I'm currently a student once again and unemployed (some rare freelance doesn't count), so I have plenty of free time. Also I'm living in a different time zone (EST+7), which also might be convenient.
Contributor: Valentinka Valentinka
I thought that maybe there should also be a division according to fields of expertise? For instance, the customers could choose the type of product they need to be consulted about and would be connected with one of the contributors who feel more confident in that field
I'm sorry if that's been told somewhere already, I'm late for class and can't read all thread
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
This would be a wonderful idea. I like what Valentinka suggested maybe divide it according to people's personal strengths in certain areas. I know a lot of people are diverse on here, but some people specialize in certain products more than others. I'd love to do lingerie since I've always been a fanatic.
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
Originally posted by Valentinka
I thought that maybe there should also be a division according to fields of expertise? For instance, the customers could choose the type of product they need to be consulted about and would be connected with one of the contributors who feel more ... more
Seconded! I know a lot about vibrators but nothing about anal toys!
Also, I would be curious about rank/experience requirements!