#EdenUpdate - Changes in the update 216

Contributor: Neuron Geek Neuron Geek
Today we have released the following changes:

Product Page
- Product page design was updated for most of the products.
- The main product image was increased in size.
- Additional images were added at the bottom of the page
- All sections including Reviews and Forum are open now.
- "Facebook Like Button", "Twitter", "Yahoo Buzz" and "Email to a friend" links were added.

EdenPoints Program
- Now we add points for two new actions: "Place an order" and "Add a video".
- "Place an order" adds 5% of the product subtotal converted to points by current exchange rate.
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Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro

I like the new product pages. They are a lot more involved and informative.
Contributor: kck kck
NG, the new product page design is gorgeous!!! Thanks
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
I love the new pages. SO pretty and modern! Only thing I don't like was actually mentioned by someone else and that is that there is no indication if the reviews are verified or not - and this is the only way for contributors to know if they browse for review products.
Contributor: kck kck
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
I love the new pages. SO pretty and modern! Only thing I don't like was actually mentioned by someone else and that is that there is no indication if the reviews are verified or not - and this is the only way for contributors to know if they ... more
Good point! That's very important.
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
Cool ideas!

I wrote this in another thread but I wanted to copy and paste it here as well.

"I hate to say this because I can tell that a lot of work went into doing all of that. But I find the new product pages much more confusing and overwhelming. Mostly because you have to scroll really far down the page to even see that there are reviews. When I first started coming to EF it was specifically because of the reviews. And still to this day, the most important factor in my purchase decisions is the reviews."

I hope that is helpful feedback.
Contributor: Kayla Kayla
I totally want to say that I must be of differing opinion. The product pages now look really crowded and too much content at once. But that's just me I suppose.

I do like the new "Place an Order" points feature. That's totally rockin'.
Contributor: *Ashley* *Ashley*
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
I love the new pages. SO pretty and modern! Only thing I don't like was actually mentioned by someone else and that is that there is no indication if the reviews are verified or not - and this is the only way for contributors to know if they ... more
I also love it and agree with everything you said.
Maybe just a bit of tweaking.
Contributor: TitsMcScandal TitsMcScandal
I like the placing an order points! I think that's a great addition to the points program.

I am going to have to agree with MistressKay on the product page update. I can tell a lot went into them, and they look nice, but when really looking for things, like specs, and having to travel all the way down the page, I just personally dislike it. The reason I shop here so often is because all the specs and reviews were right there on the left, easy peasy. Now it isn't. It is more confusing honestly.
Contributor: seaofneptune seaofneptune
Originally posted by Kayla
I totally want to say that I must be of differing opinion. The product pages now look really crowded and too much content at once. But that's just me I suppose.

I do like the new "Place an Order" points feature. That's totally rockin'.
I agree with you Kay, I think it's a little crowded as well. It's kind of weird to click on the product pages and see huge images come up.

I like the modernized aspect, but I'm not sure if I feel 100% about it.
Contributor: MuffysPinguLove MuffysPinguLove
I love the place an order points! So awesome

I'm also gonna have to agree with MistressKay on the product page. It looks nice, but it's kind of busy.
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
Do you guys think it's confusing because we're "used" to the old way? Or that brand new shoppers would also find it confusing?
Contributor: Kayla Kayla
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
Do you guys think it's confusing because we're "used" to the old way? Or that brand new shoppers would also find it confusing?
I think brand new shoppers will find it very overwhelming. In fact, the product pages are now actually longer pages than the main page of EF itself. I think that most new shoppers are going to find that they feel overwhelmed by all of the information presented and have no idea where to look first.

If you've never purchased before, having all of this just sitting there makes you wonder the important parts are. As a newbie who's never shopped EF, I feel like you're going to have either one of two reactions. You're going to think "This is badass!" and attempt to read through stuff, or you're going to think that this makes everything look way too complicated and won't want to purchase anything. Plus, I feel like the focus isn't on the reviews anymore which is what EF is known for.

As a frequent visitor, I'm a little confused as to why we are including the discussion on the main page too. There is rarely a discussion about most of the products on the site. There are rarely comments on most of the product either. At the bottom, the text reads "Thank you for Visiting the (Toy name) page." Is that really needed? I mean, I'm sure they feel...umm...thanked enough by visiting? I'm just really confused as to some of the features that were included. I feel like the line of banners "Rechargable", "Save 50% off toys" etc. should be down at the very bottom of the page too. It seems jaunting in the middle of the page. As a reviewer, I also feel like the "Don't Forget" - added accessories - portion is now much less useful. Without the pictures with the accessories, my eyes glaze right over it. As a reviewer, I feel like there is too much content on the page for any one thing to seem important enough to stop and read. Plus there's a lot of unused space in places where something like "Read Discussions" link could be posted to free up the page length. Plus, I bet that isn't real dial-up friendly. (Who uses dial-up anymore though?)

On the plus-side, I will say that I love the little "pictures" off to the side for the color choices of each toy. THAT rocks.
Contributor: Rockin' Rockin'
I'm going to think about the design itself before I give feedback on it, but one thing I can say now with certainty is this:

If only the "pros" are posted in the review section, and a toy isn't that great, I think it would look weird to have "Strong motor, vibration patterns, comes with its own storage" next to a two-star rating of a toy that the reviewer thought was awful. If I'm a customer, I might think, "Well, the person gave it two stars but look at that good stuff they still came up with!" I feel like the pros often aren't what most reviewers would consider their summary. (I realize I'm out on a limb speaking for more than just myself with that statement)

However, if EF wants a one line quote for the product page in the future, I'm totally game for that.
Contributor: Kayla Kayla
Originally posted by Rockin'
I'm going to think about the design itself before I give feedback on it, but one thing I can say now with certainty is this:

If only the "pros" are posted in the review section, and a toy isn't that great, I think it would ... more
I agree. Why write a summary if all we're going to display is the pros? Yeah, it's totally neat to see just the short, succinct "pros" of the toy, but sometimes struggling for pros can be difficult, and this makes me much more likely to want to put "Nothing" as a pro to avoid misleading new buyers who will see the pros and think it's a good toy if it isn't.
Contributor: gone77 gone77
I definitely need some time to think about the pros and cons to these pages. There's a lot to take in, and thanks to the great feedback in this thread so far, there's a lot of food for thought.

One thing that was pointed out to me and that seems like a bad idea, is that the product number is well down the page.
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
Originally posted by Kayla
I agree. Why write a summary if all we're going to display is the pros? Yeah, it's totally neat to see just the short, succinct "pros" of the toy, but sometimes struggling for pros can be difficult, and this makes me much more ... more
I agree, I think that showing the summary and not the pros is more beneficial.
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
Do you guys think it's confusing because we're "used" to the old way? Or that brand new shoppers would also find it confusing?
I think that once I get used to it I'll be able to locate everything just fine. I would think the measurements would be up with the material info though, kind of makes it easier to browse quickly I think.

The only thing that I really don't like is the way that the reviews are all listed as just "review" and that the pros are shown instead of the summary. I even think having both the pros AND the summary would be ok.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
The product pages will take awhile to get used to. I'm not liking the loading time. They used to pop up instantly. And I don't like the amount of scrolling I have to do with all the blank white space. Before all the main info I wanted was all in the same place.

I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually, like every other update lol. They look interesting though!
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
I think that there are a lot of great new things on the pages. But I still think that the reviews should be more immediate, and discernible which ones are advanced reviews. I also agree with Lauren about there being a large amount of scrolling to do.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by removedacnt
I think that there are a lot of great new things on the pages. But I still think that the reviews should be more immediate, and discernible which ones are advanced reviews. I also agree with Lauren about there being a large amount of scrolling to ... more
I agree about the review thing. I also don't like that there are no avatars next to the names or their ratings.

What is up with the add your video button? That confuses me.

I like the large pictures and the addition of the color options shown as they are now.Oh and the 5% thing is awesome! I was going to suggest points for that. Thanks guys!

P.S. Here is an example of one with tons of extra white space and scrolling. Some are not as bad. link I think this has great potential. Just gotta work out the kinks
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
It's definitely going to take me a while to get used to the new product pages, although I do think that a new customer would also find them confusing. However, it probably wouldn't take a new customer as long to figure it out as it'll take me, lol
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Also I think that it would be better if the star rating/popularity/buzz /bee were higher.

I think the tag thing is kind of cool, but with the fact that tags can't be edited on reviews older than 3 weeks, it is going to get cluttered with miss-spellings etc like they are on the profile pages. Cool idea though.

Alright...that's enough lol. Did I mention I hate change? haha true story. I hope those are good suggestions though. I feel that the older one was more user friendly. Sometimes less is more is all.
Contributor: YoungCouple YoungCouple
Lot's of scrolling which will take getting used to, I REALLY think it needs just four changes:

1. Reviews should be viewable without scrolling
2. Reviews should have a few more lines of text
3. The Reviewers Avatar should be visible and whether or not the review was verified
4. The different 'sections' should have some separation other than white space.

I am echoing a lot of others around here who say that the reviews were what got me centered on this site above all others. I am a new Advanced Reviewer. But before i reviewed, when i was buying products i would always recognize my favorite reviewers by name and Avatar. Mostly avatar, i'm a visual guy.
Contributor: Splendwhore Splendwhore
I'd have to agree that the Product page, while gorgeous, seems a bit cramped.

I love the new addition of receiving points for placing an order though! How awesome.
Contributor: Gary Gary
The new page design is amazing. Each page is like its own website.
Contributor: Sir Sir
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
Do you guys think it's confusing because we're "used" to the old way? Or that brand new shoppers would also find it confusing?
I think that brand new users would find it to be too much. I looked at it and my eyes were overwhelmed.

It used to be much easier to find the reviews, the videos, and everything else.

Aesthetically, it's beautiful, I will say that much. Looking at it from an artistic point of view, it's lovely. But, from a buyer's point of view, I cannot handle it. There is too much scrolling to find what I need, you know?

Now, the right sidebar where the products are, THAT change I like. That I find to be a good part of it.

I can give a more detailed evaluation, if that would help?
Contributor: Dame Saphir Dame Saphir
Everything's just so...big. All the text is screaming at me, and I feel like I have to scroll and search to find what I'm looking for. I agree with Sir: while it's beautiful, it's a little impractical
Contributor: Owl Identified Owl Identified
I have said before that I didn't think the old product pages were exactly user-friendly, but that was until I saw these new product pages. I understand that a lot of work went into them and I totally appreciate that and salute the web designers here at EF. However, like everyone else said; there is way too much going on. Anyway, all of the following in my own totally fallible opinion:

There is too much scrolling, too much clutter, and the reviews are difficult to identify and access. The resolution is unnecessarily large for a lot of it, and there is a lot of repeated information. On several pages, I noticed that there were two "Design/Shape/Size" sections and two summaries. The pictures are also a real pain for people with slow computers/internet. Previously people had the option to click on them and load them, but now all of them load when you go to a product's page automatically. Additionally, as Carrie Ann said, for reviewers and shoppers alike there's no easy way to tell if they are verified or not. Someone said they are like their own little websites, but I kind of think that's precisely the problem. A product page is like the blurb on the back of a book that makes you want to crack it open and read it in the aisle or skip ahead to another book. It should be concise, compact and easy to navigate. But theses "blurbs" are instead long, meandering and time-consuming to get through. For some websites, sometimes you want to slow the eye down when it moves from one point of information to the next, but a product page should not have visual speed-bumps on it. That's just not functional design. Instead of reading in the aisle, people are just going to drop the book and exit the store because it's too damn confusing.

I know that sounds super negative, but I really think this is some counter-intuitive design in a lot of ways and I don't feel that it's very user-friendly. Again, I totally appreciate the effort made by the designers, but the same problems seem to be a theme here for a lot of people.
Contributor: Owl Identified Owl Identified
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
I agree about the review thing. I also don't like that there are no avatars next to the names or their ratings.

What is up with the add your video button? That confuses me.

I like the large pictures and the addition of the color ... more
Great link, Lauren. This definitely exemplifies a lot of what it being discussed, including excess negative space, aggressive type, repeated information, and lengthy loading time.